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Any damage should break any CC! Balance the game Bioware


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Rather than making all CC break on damage, what they need to do is make damage taken while stunned increase your Resolve.


That prevents the stunlock deaths that are too frequent for a game that wasn't meant to have stunlock mechanics.


Anyone getting killed while stun locked (which really shouldn't happen if you use your trinket wisely and manage your resolve) is getting focused. Why do people seem to think that they can survive being attacked by 4 other people at once? It's ridiculous.

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Apparently like .001% or some such


And are you that good?


Really most clowns on the forums think they are PVP gods but in fact are no better then me.


I am realistic not a Ego Maniac claiming everyone is so much worse then I am.


That video is a rarity and people point to it like ALL SCRAPPER ARE LIKE THIS.


That is so far from the truth of the matter.


The hundreds of posts that show Sorcerer on top are proof of what is going on.


Explain why everyone is not rolling Scrapper to me please?

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My scoundrel friend that I pvp with was predicting a nerf before it even happened. When we first started pvping at 50 we used to laugh while we were playing Civil war. All he would do was go over there jump anyone (he really liked being able to kill jugs during the initial stun) and kill them. If there was more than 1 person then he would take his kill and run away killing more people while I dumped heals into him.


The OP/Scoundrel was designed to be a stealth class that needed to pick and choose targets not run around getting free kills all nimbly bimbly.


Exactly. It was too easy before. Now it actually requires a certain level of skill to be good.

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And are you that good?


Really most clowns on the forums think they are PVP gods but in fact are no better then me.


I am realistic not a Ego Maniac claiming everyone is so much worse then I am.


That video is a rarity and people point to it like ALL SCRAPPER ARE LIKE THIS.


That is so far from the truth of the matter.


The hundreds of posts that show Sorcerer on top are proof of what is going on.


Explain why everyone is not rolling Scrapper to me please?


1. you're an idiot. Sorc is on top because it has SUSTAINED and AOE damage. This damage is subpar in PvP when compared to burst. Topping damage doesn't mean anything. l2pvp


2. Plenty of people roll Scrapper (or its Op equivalent). And they're actually good. And maybe, just maybe, they prefer *gasp* different classes!


3. I probably am a much better PvPer than you and most of the QQers on here. Say I have a huge ego if you want, but I know my skill level. You're just straight up a scrub.


4. I don't need that video, I know several Scoundrels who do that regularly.

Edited by dschlan
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Anyone getting killed while stun locked (which really shouldn't happen if you use your trinket wisely and manage your resolve) is getting focused. Why do people seem to think that they can survive being attacked by 4 other people at once? It's ridiculous.
The assertion that one would always have their CC-break ability up so they can prevent 2 stuns in a row is foolish.


The ability is on a 2 minute timer. Unless you are an RDPS that flees the second you get targetted, you are going to be in enough fights and experience enough CC to not always have your CC-break when using it would save you.


I'd ask you to explain who exactly made the suggestion that a player should be able to be survive being attacked by 4 players at once? I certainly didn't make such a suggestion, so unless you are suggesting that yourself I don't see why you would even bring it up.

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The assertion that one would always have their CC-break ability up so they can prevent 2 stuns in a row is foolish.


The ability is on a 2 minute timer. Unless you are an RDPS that flees the minute you take a point of damage, you are going to be in enough fights and experience enough CC to not always have your CC-break when it would be useful.


I'd ask you to explain who exactly made the suggestion that a player should be able to be survive being attacked by 4 players at once? I certainly didn't make such a suggestion, so unless you are suggesting that I don't see why you would even bring it up.


The fact that people are talking about getting CCed and killed while CCed. Only time that ever happens is when you're getting focused. Also, eat 1st CC, use CC break on the 2nd CC. Full resolve. If people were really getting CCed as much as they cry about, they would have a constantly full resolve bar. In any game there's nothing you can do when you're the focus of the CC. WZs are a TEAM effort. If your team isn't peeling for you or taking the opportunity to kill people when they have no CC left, or your healer isn't cleansing, that's a different issue.

Edited by dschlan
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And are you that good?


Really most clowns on the forums think they are PVP gods but in fact are no better then me.


I am realistic not a Ego Maniac claiming everyone is so much worse then I am.


That video is a rarity and people point to it like ALL SCRAPPER ARE LIKE THIS.


That is so far from the truth of the matter.


The hundreds of posts that show Sorcerer on top are proof of what is going on.


Explain why everyone is not rolling Scrapper to me please?


First let me say this these "posts" showing that sorcs are tops are from people that don't understand the class mechanics. They look at sorcs doing 600k damage but don't take into consideration that they're playing void star. Or the fact that the 600k damage sorc lost the game.


Second as for not seeing more scrappers it's the same reason you don't see many hunters in WoW arenas but when you do they're all bloody amazing.


The class has a higher skill cap and people don't like to have to work for anything. So they all reroll FOTM (sorcs) but then they fail to realize that it's not any easier being a sorc.


FoTM classes and specs all look good and simple to play when in fact they're not. Lets take RMP and RLS two very strong arena comps in WoW. Sure they're free wins at low brackets due to the strong synergy between classes but once you get into the nitty gritty of arenas (anything above 2k) people quickly realize oh **** these guys are used to dealing with these comps and we actually have to learn how to play as a team.


Scoundrels and OPs were the FotM and sorcs/sages are quickly becoming them now. You see plenty of rerolls thinking that it will be a free win. Then they run into scoundrels/ops and sents/maras that actually know what they're doing and then BAM they'll switch classes again.

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First let me say this these "posts" showing that sorcs are tops are from people that don't understand the class mechanics. They look at sorcs doing 600k damage but don't take into consideration that they're playing void star. Or the fact that the 600k damage sorc lost the game.


Second as for not seeing more scrappers it's the same reason you don't see many hunters in WoW arenas but when you do they're all bloody amazing.


The class has a higher skill cap and people don't like to have to work for anything. So they all reroll FOTM (sorcs) but then they fail to realize that it's not any easier being a sorc.


FoTM classes and specs all look good and simple to play when in fact they're not. Lets take RMP and RLS two very strong arena comps in WoW. Sure they're free wins at low brackets due to the strong synergy between classes but once you get into the nitty gritty of arenas (anything above 2k) people quickly realize oh **** these guys are used to dealing with these comps and we actually have to learn how to play as a team.


Scoundrels and OPs were the FotM and sorcs/sages are quickly becoming them now. You see plenty of rerolls thinking that it will be a free win. Then they run into scoundrels/ops and sents/maras that actually know what they're doing and then BAM they'll switch classes again.

+1000000 internetz to this

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The assertion that one would always have their CC-break ability up so they can prevent 2 stuns in a row is foolish.


The ability is on a 2 minute timer. Unless you are an RDPS that flees the second you get targetted, you are going to be in enough fights and experience enough CC to not always have your CC-break when using it would save you.


I'd ask you to explain who exactly made the suggestion that a player should be able to be survive being attacked by 4 players at once? I certainly didn't make such a suggestion, so unless you are suggesting that yourself I don't see why you would even bring it up.


Here let me give you a little tip that I learned from arenas.


Eat the full duration of the first CC. If you trinket it then you've basically given the other team the chance to set you up in a full CC chain and go in for the kill.


Also when you trinket look at how much resolve you have if it's empty it's not worth it.

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The fact that people are talking about getting CCed and killed while CCed. Only time that ever happens is when you're getting focused. Also, eat 1st CC, use CC break on the 2nd CC. Full resolve. If people were really getting CCed as much as they cry about, they would have a constantly full resolve bar.
Eating the first CC then using CC break on the second only works once every 2 minutes. Full resolve lasts what... 10 seconds?


That leaves 1 minute 50 seconds where the player can be stunned twice and can't break out of it.


It doesn't require 4 players to take down a player who is trapped in 2 consecutive stuns with no CC-breaker up.

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Eating the first CC then using CC break on the second only works once every 2 minutes. Full resolve lasts what... 10 seconds?


That leaves 1 minute 50 seconds where the player can be stunned twice and can't break out of it.


It doesn't require 4 players to take down a player who is trapped in 2 consecutive stuns with no CC-breaker up.


Actually, it usually does take more than 1...unless the CCed person is bad (only exception is going up agaisnt an Op...which is made for exactly that, chain CC 1v1). CCs have cooldowns too you know (I know, hard to grasp for some) so there'll be times where you will have ZERO chance of being CCed. I rarely use my Trinket anyway as usually I can either win without it or it isn't worth it. I DID say SMART usage earlier. Maybe you missed that.


Again, TEAM GAME. Is it really that hard to understand?

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Actually, it usually does take more than 1...unless the CCed person is bad. CCs have cooldowns too you know (I know, hard to grasp for some) so there'll be times where you will have ZERO chance of being CCed. Again, TEAM GAME. Is it really that hard to understand?
I didn't say it only takes one. What I said is it doesn't take 4, which was the number you stated as the player being focused.


CC's have cooldowns, but apparently the part that is hard to grasp is that the cooldown on these CC's is less than the CC-break.



You are on Huttball ramps, carrying the ball.

A player stuns you, and you wait it out while receiving heals.

You continue forward and get stunned crossing the flame trap.

You are now at full Resolve.

You use your CC break ability to avoid dying in fire and throw the ball to a teammate sitting on goal line.

Your team scores while you get swarmed by enemy players coming out of their spawn.

You are defeated.


Now you're back on your side, and you've got no CC-breaker for about 1.5 minutes. Meanwhile, enemy stuns recycle in half your CC-breaker cooldown (or less, if they're specced down to 50s).


Not sure why that's so hard to understand.

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I didn't say it only takes one. What I said is it doesn't take 4, which was the number you stated as the player being focused.


CC's have cooldowns, but apparently the part that is hard to grasp is that the cooldown on these CC's is less than the CC-break.



You are on Huttball ramps, carrying the ball.

A player stuns you, and you wait it out while receiving heals.

You continue forward and get stunned crossing the flame trap.

You are now at full Resolve.

You use your CC break ability to avoid dying in fire and throw the ball to a teammate sitting on goal line.

Your team scores while you get swarmed by enemy players coming out of their spawn.

You are defeated.


Now you're back on your side, and you've got no CC-breaker for about 1.5 minutes. Meanwhile, enemy stuns recycle in half your CC-breaker cooldown (or less, if they're specced down to 50s).


Not sure why that's so hard to understand.


4 was an example. Focus fire is focus fire. You can't go 1v2 against competent players.


As for your situation...if you score and then die, it's irrelevant. But anyways, you still fail to grasp the team situation: PEELS. HEALS. CLEANSES. it's like you don't even understand what those are.


Yes the CD on CC break is long...BECAUSE IT ISNT A DUEL. If it was a short CD there would be NO point to CC. I guarantee no one on this forums gets CCed as much as they complain about. If you were truly getting CCed that much then they're ignoring the rest of your team, which is a benefit.


WoW has way more CC than this game, 2 minute CDs on trinkets. No one *****es about that. This game even gives you a resolve system.


You really don't need your CC breaker that often as most times it either: 1 is useless because you're getting focused or have no resolve or 2. you can win without it. I use it maybe twice per WZ and I do great in WZs.


PvP in this game isn't rocket science.

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Being stunned to death is such a frequent occurance in SWTOR PvP that it's becoming the least enjoyable aspect about it.



Occasionally people do actually like playing their own class instead of watching it die in a myriad of instant stuns.

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4 was an example. Focus fire is focus fire. You can't go 1v2 against competent players.


As for your situation...if you score and then die, it's irrelevant. But anyways, you still fail to grasp the team situation: PEELS. HEALS. CLEANSES. it's like you don't even understand what those are.


Not to mention avoiding the fire pits altogether. Let someone else cross them and pass to them. Either they use their stuns on him and you're fine, or they lost their chance to stun someone in fire.


Teamwork is hard.

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In 4 secs or whatever the cooldown its still not fair as there is nothing i can do about it. I can't stealth out, there is no way to break it but using unleash and its a 2 min cooldown. All i'm saying is you can have all the abilities you want but don't take away my right to fight, escape, or heal, at least give me a fighting chance. This is the main reason i die so much in warzones, and no i do not have a pocket healer.


I don't think it's fair that ( as a Shadow), wearing light armor, with nowhere near the survivability that a marauder has, I still hit for far less than Sents/Marauders do. But, I make do with what I have.

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No you dont understand. 99 damage reduction only last 5 seconds and takes half your health. People can still get to use their abilities and fight to the best of their knowledge aka run off or health themselves. When I'm under cc and taking damage, there is absolutely nothing i can do but Die, tell me how thats a fair fight? Reduce enemys accuracy doesnt last long and has a huge cooldown, inquistors always have a very nice group buff.


Which class do well when "under cc and taking damage"?

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AoE damage padding people to be on the top of the charts?


Unheard of.





You dont have a stealth?


Whats force camo again?



I find it hard to believe you are a BM..


No really..

So a group of people attack you..


You die like everyone else.


L2P instead of force leaping into a group of 4+ by yourself.


You don't know me and you don't know what your talking about. I hate trying to have honest discussion on this forum and all people can say is L2P. Dude i would own the **** out of you :cool:

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Seriously? No really, seriously? You are complaining that if you get stunned next to a group of enemies and they all attack you, you die? How is that "not fair"? EVERYONE has that problem. Do you know how many times I've been stunned and zerg'ed? It happens, deal with it. You take the stuns out of this game and you seriously weaken alot of other classes who rely on those stuns to survive. Take them out and all that you are left with is Mauraders and Sentinals battling it out deathmatch style under the cover of Alderraan's middle turret.


And before you think I'm just defending my class, think again. Immortal specced Jugg here.


Umm hey dude if all CC would break when being damaged NOBODY would have this problem. I wasnt talking about my class :confused:

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I don't think it's fair that ( as a Shadow), wearing light armor, with nowhere near the survivability that a marauder has, I still hit for far less than Sents/Marauders do. But, I make do with what I have.


You still get a chance to heal.. run off.. cloak..stun.. clip.. but here is the problem. When i'm under a cc that allows me to take damage without breaking. I can't do anything but wait to die, that is UNFAIR. I don't know how there is any way around people thinking its fair to just sit there and take huge amounts of damage without being able to do squat about it. Get rid of the cc not breaking with damage, problem solved.. for everyone.

Edited by Saereth_Darklighter
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