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ilum is making me nauseous


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I know this topic has been beaten to death by now, but damn!


I'm getting to the point that I feel sick when I enter Ilum. This is possibly THE WORST pvp zone I have ever seen. If it weren't for the BM bags I wouldn't even go. I might just stop like my friend did. He refuses to even enter the zone for the buff lol.


I can't express how painfully boring this place is. Even when there is something going on, it's just zerg vs zerg. There are no strategies involved. No skill. Just 2 mobs of players rushing at each other. Then you run back to the closest base and wait for the Valor timer to reset... yeah... If this isn't going on it's a race to see who get's the box first. REALLY?!


How BW thought this was a good idea is beyond me. To top it off I have only received 3 BM Commendations since Rank 60 (about 3 weeks ago). So, not only am I bored, my progress has pretty much come to a halt.


I knew this game wouldn't be a great PvP game from the start, but this? I really cannot wrap my head around how the hell someone thought this was gonna be halfway decent!


It's time to find a new Lead PvP Designer. Because, man... This guy is definitely not doing his job in the PvP department.


Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

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Actually it's much worse on my server. It's low pop so usually when I log in after work (what I would assume to be prime time) there are 7-8 imps in Ilum and 0 pubs. I spend 1-2 hours running around in circles competing with the other people to pick up 30 armaments.


Sometimes 1-2 pubs come in and leave after they get zerged. Sometimes the pub pre-made clan comes in and wipes all the imps and they leave and I leave too b/c there's no way for me to get an armament or a kill.


I've never seen zerg vs. zerg, even on the weekends...I only wish my server was like that so I could get the 30 kills quickly instead of playing grand prix Ilum for 2 hours trying to pick up armaments.

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I feel for you on that. It is nice when I can just get my quest done and leave immediately. However, even with the zerg going on, IMO it's still boring as hell.


WHen I said entering the zone makes me feel sick, I'm not joking. I dread going there for my dailies. I probably will stop going there even if it takes me longer to get my BM gear.

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You know what would potentially fix this? In-game voip within parties and op. They can even make the party/op list light up if someone is talking. If it was in-game VOIP instead of having to find 16-24 people get on vent/mumble/ts, there would be a lot more strategy involved, planning intricate attacks/defense and coordinating multiple groups.


Of course, I can't even think about how much bandwidth and overhead this would cause.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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