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any hints for killing Lord Loyat in Crystal Ball?


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I'm at the end of the Crystal Ball quest; I've pretty much cleaned out the room and had the penultimate conversation with Load Loyat. My guy is spec'ed DPS.


With my healer, Elara Dorne, I can wear down Loyat, use a health pack, things look ok, and then two new shooters pop up and kill me and Dorne in a jiffy.


Any suggestions?

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dont forget about adrenalin rush and your 20min cooldown. cryo grenade and heal yourself. there are lots you can do, and no reason you shouldnt be able to kill him.


have you tried using a presence stim instead of an aim one?

Edited by NuJedi
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This wasn't an easy fight at all I recall. But, I did do the typical CC on the boss and burn the adds. The extra guys that jump in for me got sacrificed by LL quickly for a health boost. Also if you haven't already, turn off Elora's damaging abilities and only keep the healing ones and carbon stream and you can alternate your cryo with her carbon stream. Rather than dps during either of those abilities if you are low on health heal yourself. Use charged barrier liberally and time it with curtain of fire up so while he is running back in, hit full auto on him for the full effect. If you get low and he is lowish, CC him again and heal up fast and restart the fight. Also, you can use your cleanse on Elora if he mez's her which a lot of elites like to do at 50.


If you haven't done it yet, upgrade your gun barrel to the daily one at least. Also the 2man+ herioc nets you 3 comms plus an enhancement that is most likely an upgrade.

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Yeah the poster above is talking about Loyat's master, if I'm not mistaken. That's a different fight that comes a bit later.


Lord Loyat is a bit of the pain; she killed me two or three times before I realized I wasn't paying enough attention.


That channeled ability Agonized Scream is what calls the nearby enemies over. Just use your stun and concussive charge to prevent her from finishing the cast - it's a long cast so you shouldn't have a problem. She only had time to attempt the scream twice when I finally beat her, if I remember right. Just make sure you position yourself so concussive charge doesn't send her into another group, and you'll be fine.


Once you do that the fight is relatively easy.

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