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Datacron Codex not updated.


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I was going through and collecting all the datacrons (empire) . I noticed that the entry for Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup never showed up in my Codex. As far as i can tell this if for the +4 Endurance datacron on Ilum. I went back to check and sure enough i had already collected that datacron.


Anyone else having this problem you collect the datacron but the codex isn't updated. Please help i'm stuck at 66/67 datacrons. :(

Edited by andcbii
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If your level 50 it wont come up on the screen that its updated the codex, i think its tied into the fact at 50 you dont get xp anymore. They are added to your codex just as lore items are added to your codex but you dont get the screen flash anymore.
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If your level 50 it wont come up on the screen that its updated the codex, i think its tied into the fact at 50 you dont get xp anymore. They are added to your codex just as lore items are added to your codex but you dont get the screen flash anymore.


That's not the issue. If i go into my log it's not there. I've got most (60-65) of my datacrons at lvl 50 and that's the only one missing.

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And when you go into planets it saying the same thing is it.


Sorry not sure what you mean. I'll check the plant codex and get back to you... Here are some screen shots to help explain.


Datacron has already been activated



No codex entry.


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The codex is bugged and many entries are unobtainable depending on your class and other factors. I wouldn't waste time on the codex. Leave and come back when they decide to fix it.


Agreed, another example is the Agent's Ship and Red Blade respective Codex Entries don't always update for the Agent.


I really wish that they would make SOME comment on whether or not they are going to fix this and if so, if it will be in 1.2 or after 1.2

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