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BH Merc Arsenal for PvE rocks! However i need help in PvP


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What is the best build / set-up for Merc Arsenal in PvP?


I have tried a few PvP games... but i seem to get owned a lot of the time! Mostly because i can't move around and attack. i must be doing something wrong because i loose most times if i go toe-to-toe with other types.


any help much appreciated


Boo Yaa!

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If you wanna move and deal damage at the same time try pyrotech. It has some nice internal/elemental damage as well which bypasses defenses. But if you want to play arsenal specced you must be a real predator and go for the higher grounds. Then do this:

- Tracer Missile x3

- Unload

- Heartseeker missile

- Tracer missile x2

- Rail shot


Use thermal sensor overrider, jet boost, rocket punch etc as you see fit, but in general try staying on a higher ground to avoid the annoying cleave and have better vision of the field.

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If you wanna move and deal damage at the same time try pyrotech. It has some nice internal/elemental damage as well which bypasses defenses. But if you want to play arsenal specced you must be a real predator and go for the higher grounds. Then do this:

- Tracer Missile x3

- Unload

- Heartseeker missile

- Tracer missile x2

- Rail shot


Use thermal sensor overrider, jet boost, rocket punch etc as you see fit, but in general try staying on a higher ground to avoid the annoying cleave and have better vision of the field.


Positioning is definitely the most important thing for arsenal mercs,


In huttball, positioning yourself on the upper platform is usually the best,

Civil War, on the edge of the outer turret platforms, or the upper platform in center

Void Star..... haha.... away from the door, by the pillar, and hope they dont LoS you


after that, it is just a matter of figuring out where to throw in rapid shot, unload, explosive dart, etc between your TM spam, railshot, and HSM

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I agree with LeEntropy's arsenal suggestions. In Huttball particularly, hanging out on the scaffolding is a Good Idea, and it's hilarious to have a bunch of people run at you, only to Jet Boost them off the side.


Also, don't be afraid to run away and lose line of sight, maybe pop a few heals.


Remember to use your shield and heal-over-time near the START of a duel, not when you're about to kick the bucket.


But more than anything, remember that the objectives are the most important thing in PVP. So you don't top kills in Huttball, so what? If you maneuver in tactically intelligent ways and run the ball in like a hero, you'll still get MVP votes. And wins, which are better for your commendation/valor totals than any medal. Hell, I actually ninja'd a node in Alderaan Civil War two days ago. Didn't get any kills doing it, but it was awesome.

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One misconception I believe about PvP warzones is that the warzones are not based solely around the medals that you get, yes they help a little, and look good on the stat recap sheet, but any player worth his own will know that anyone can farm medals, playing for obj and being a team player is much more important and will benefit your team much more and make you a much better player than farming one extra medal and leaving your team out to dry.
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Its hard to give advice without knowing what your specific problems are, here are some general tips



7/34/0 or 5/34/2 seem popular among lvl 50 arsenal mercs, the healing should be used either to support the hutball ball carrier or other rare instances like the regular healer is about to die/u can save them or they are dead and u need to fill in. heat will be a problem so you can't sustained heal, but u can fill in in a pinch.


It takes a lot of skill to win 1 v 1 with an arsenal merc, its not really what you were designed to do. In PVP matches you should be playing a support role, find a Maurader and attack his targets to kill them faster (in general the number 1 thing every bad pvp player can do to instantly get a lot better is stop fighting people 1 on 1, the group should all be targeting 1 player to kill them quickly, then move on as a group to the next etc.)


As soon as you spawn

-cast buff

-use stim (ideally one that is aim + something else)

-identify goal- in huttball find the ball and decide on a support role, in voidstar identify which side needs attack/defend, in Alderan id which turret needs help


When approaching a large group of people fighting start of by either

-id the person with lowest hit points on opposing team, attack, move on to next lowest etc.


-id the healer and attack



also make sure you are hitting your relics/adrenals in combat (esp pvp ones)-below 50 popping a relic and adrenal is the easiest way to gurantee your 2.5k hit and heal medals every game, which is like 100 valor and 10 coms or something, done over 100 pvp games- it adds up



-attack from the longest distance possible

-standard rotation of TM, TM, TM, unload/HSM, TM, TM, RS assumes someone has full health. If someone is within kill range if you open with unload just do it, no point stacking on someone soon to be dead


When attacking a solo individual

-if it is a ranged class go to town, you should be able to beat them

-if it is a mele class stun, rock them, as soon as they get close rocket punch or jet boost, retreat/repeat- do everything in ur power to keep away from them though. Making sure you upgrade your pistols is key- the difference between your base attack doing 300 damage and 600 damage is huge if you use it 100+ times a game. In fact i would recommend getting cent gear, saving all champ tokens for champ main/offhand guns, or buying some of the sicker purples and mods of the GTN with your abundant level 50 cash in the interrim


Some notes on death from above- god i love you. You were so good in PVE. But in pvp... you suck. Anyone who is not retarded just moves out of the way and I waste a ton of heat and precious precious time. The sit. has to be perfect for you to be worht anything (grouped in front of a door at voidstar) otherwise you are just a waste. Breaks my heart to say it, but its true.


OMG i've ben interrupted

-in lvl 50 this is going to happen. A lot. Especially as you get better the other team will focus on you because of your skills at wrecking ****. You need to adapt- if you are fighting people who always interrupt your first TM then open with power shot so they waste it, don't wait for 3 stacks before moving on from TM if they interrupt cause there is a 6 second delay-FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T JUST STAND THERE HITTING TM BUTTON WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN INTERRUPTED.

-when fighting another merc- use this to your advantage, if you are fighting someone who goes TMx3, HSM/unload, TMx2 RS- you should own them. Your rotation should be stun, close distance, shoulder slam (if possible), rocket punch, HSM, then begin standard rotation having done between 2-5k damage to them already


Alderan tips

-patrol around the nodes/dont get close. Go up on the catwalks, the less people notice you the less they can interrupt your TM/attack you

-when defending a node stay farther away from it and start attacking people as they approach. If you have a mele friend get them to engage away from the node as well so you don't have to worry about people capping in the middle of a fray/you missing it

-dont run up to a node with 4 defenders by yourself, wait at the spawn for 10 seconds for some of your teammates (hopefully mele and healer) and engage as a group. THIS IS HUGE- every time i see people running 1 by 1 up to a group of defenders I want to scream



-you are a support class- there should be sorcs/powertechs on your team who are way better ball carriers. The job of a merc is to kill people going after the ball carrier, blast them off the catwalks with rocket boost (this is a huge skill, by far the best push) , knock opposing team carriers of catwalks with same/rocket punch.

-generally, start off set up on a catwalk in the middle. As people scramble for the ball pick off targets by engaging ones who are already being killed/help finish them.

-someone gets the ball- your team/their team whatever- run to the ball- don't jump off the catwalk and run through the middle- follow the path around towards the ball- while running use standard attack/HSM if opportunity presents itself- but you need to reposition where the action is to support

-if you are hopelessly far from the ball cause you died and just respawned- set up shop in the middle and help control it so your team can get next ball spawn

-if you are the only one there when the ball spawns grab it , but be looking to pass to a better ball carrier as soon as you can



-stay at the perimeter- for the love of god stop running in the middle of a big mele fight

-kill healers first- def. above lower HP characters on this map

-when someone is cappign the door you dont need a god damned tracer missile to stop them- use an instant- yes this requires you to use more than 1 button

-if someone on your team is capping, go to the side where the other team spawns, if any of them drop down stun, if a group drops down push the group to protect the person capping

-when running over the bridges push defenders/attackers off. This is more useful vs defenders because they have a respawn delay at the door

-you will never ever ever get to access the datacore- some sprinting sorc is goign to do it, deal with it-use those 20 seconds to rack up some damage /get medals

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-when fighting another merc- use this to your advantage, if you are fighting someone who goes TMx3, HSM/unload, TMx2 RS- you should own them. Your rotation should be stun, close distance, shoulder slam (if possible), rocket punch, HSM, then begin standard rotation having done between 2-5k damage to them already


When has this skill ever been usable on another player for you to mention it in a pvp thread? :eek:


Other than that kinda weird advice....nice post and good recomendations.


I would add that getting a keyboard/mouse or macro gamer is a must so you can string combos together really easy with just one button.

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Everyone has already covered the bulk of it, but a quick tip: With Jet Boost and the knockback effect on Rocket Punch from your skills, you can be very annoying to the other team in Huttball and the second section of Void Star. Always be looking for opportunities to knock people off the Void Star bridge, or into fire and acid traps. If you're on the risers on either side of Huttball, try to knock people down to the lowest level. You don't always have to kill people to take them out of a fight.
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Except shoulder slam is not usable in a PVP situation....so....?



I shoulder slam all the time after I stun people who are close or when I am running by someone and another player stuns them. Stun/shoulder slam/rocket punch/HSM/TM/push is great for mauraders who get close and don't understand the resolve system.
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double post


Thanks Scott,


Sorry for the late reply, however i lost my internet connection shortly after posting and have only just got it back this morning.


I can already see areas i can improve on!! so i,m looking forward to trying this out later on today!! looking forward to throwing some people around in hutball :D


Boo Yaa!!

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