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Character transfer: We need it


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And we need it now. Free, paid, I don't care, as long as we get it ASAP.


A lot of servers are dead, as this thread is proof of: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108


And servers like mine are flooded with one specific nationality, making recruitment impossible and resulting in a server which feels dead:




So when can we expect to get character transfer?

Edited by Mrs_Murder
Removed the word "paid" as people seem to want everything handed to them.
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And we need it now.


A lot of servers are dead, as this thread is proof of: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108


And servers like mine are flooded with one specific nationality, making recruitment impossible and resulting in a server which feels dead:




So when can we expect to get paid character transfer?




How about FREE transfers instead? At least for the people that have been playing since day 1. I mean, it's not my fault that my heavy server (at the time) is now light.

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How about FREE transfers instead? At least for the people that have been playing since day 1. I mean, it's not my fault that my heavy server (at the time) is now light.



Ideally, yes. But I don't see any reasons for why BW would choose to give us free transfers. I think the majority would happily pay to get a new, decent, home. It's not BW's fault either that certain servers are the way they are. Ok well, actually -- in my server's case Bioware RECOMMENDED the server to Russians, leading to this point where multinational guilds are 99% incapable of recruiting and thus not being able to do 16 man content.

But I'd still be happy to pay.


I'm not going to be greedy and demand free transfers when even the idea of having transfers still hasn't been addressed by BW. If they are paid transfers maybe they'd be more willing to address this issue quickly.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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Can't see any reason why these days it would need to be a paid service. That said I wouldn't be overly surprised if it turned out to require a lot of work on their [bW] part to implement this and therefore they want to charge a fee. I mean, who else would tie their web/forum server into the same network as their game servers!
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Free. Free. Free.


Be realistic, please.



Bioware: Because you want free transfers. We're not running a charity. This will be at the bottom of our priority list until next year. Maybe then.

Scenario 2: Can we please have PAID transfers? We would glady pay to find new homes.

Bioware: Money, eh? We like money! TRANSFERS FOR EVERYONE!



I don't know where people got the idea of transfers being free, but don't forget Bioware is actually running a business. No point in being greedy for something that isn't even available yet!

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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Just because WoW charges doesn't mean SWTOR needs to charge. Look at Rift, they have never charged for the transfer and they don't limit you to do so either. The only rule is you can't change more than once per week per toon.


I say free is the best thing since charging to move a character, which has no strain on the system, just shows that you are either greedy or into microtransactions. Don't be another WoW, be better.

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Be realistic, please.



Bioware: Because you want free transfers. We're not running a charity.

Alternative 2: Can we please have PAID transfers? We would glady pay to find new homes.

Bioware: Money, eh? We like money!



I don't know where people got the idea of transfers being free, but don't forget Bioware is actually running a business. No point in being greedy for something that isn't even available yet!




At this point, I have about 7-8 characters that I'd like to transfer. I'm not paying 100-200 bucks to do so. They should at least give a set number of free transfers for "founders". Heck, it would make the whole "founder" thing actually worth something at that point.

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You guys do know that there are Q&A sessions every couple weeks right? This has been addressed, but for those that just prefer to come to the forums and *****, rather than read the information they are already giving us, here is a quote from one a few weeks back:


Shotgun-clavy: When are character transfers going to become available? And are server transfers a real possibility?


Daniel Erickson: Character transfers between servers are definitely going to be available in the future and we’ll announce details as soon as we have firm dates.

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Just because WoW charges doesn't mean SWTOR needs to charge. Look at Rift, they have never charged for the transfer and they don't limit you to do so either. The only rule is you can't change more than once per week per toon.


I say free is the best thing since charging to move a character, which has no strain on the system, just shows that you are either greedy or into microtransactions. Don't be another WoW, be better.


But we already know that EA is greedy and snorts microtransactions off of mass effect 3's ***

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How about FREE transfers instead? At least for the people that have been playing since day 1. I mean, it's not my fault that my heavy server (at the time) is now light.




FACT. Only heavy servers on day 1 are only light at off times, if you play at off times and are complaining then it boils down to your ignorance not the state of the game.

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I say free is the best thing since charging to move a character, which has no strain on the system, just shows that you are either greedy or into microtransactions. Don't be another WoW, be better.


And they ARE greedy. Holding off content until after subscriptions have run out...? Ideally EVERYTHING would be free. How about we start demanding that?


People who play on dead servers would be willing to pay a lot for the option to move. The ones who want free transfers must be playing on really awesome servers.


How about we start being realistic and actually give Bioware a reason for giving us transfers in the first place?

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Daniel Erickson: Character transfers between servers are definitely going to be available in the future and we’ll announce details as soon as we have firm dates.[/i][/color]


Of course they will be. But when is "in the future"? 6 months from now? Next year? I might as well start rerolling now if that's the case.


Ideally they'd release this along with 1.2. Ideally.

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Oh, I get it OP, you are one of those feet stamping fit throwing types. It is not enough to be told it is going to happen and we are working on it. NOW NOW NOW! I can hear you from here. Edited by Etapi
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And if you actually read my post, they are giving us transfers, and will let us know as soon as they have a firm date. Read the damn Q&A sessions they have been doing every couple weeks, there is a lot of information in them.

If you actually read my post.

Of course they will be. But when is "in the future"? 6 months from now? Next year? I might as well start rerolling now if that's the case.


Ideally they'd release this along with 1.2. Ideally.

That's like saying "Yes we will release new OPS in the future". "Yes we will release new armor in the future". Well of-bloody-course they will. It doesn't answer any of our questions. People are quitting because of this and frankly I don't blame them.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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You guys do know that there are Q&A sessions every couple weeks right? This has been addressed, but for those that just prefer to come to the forums and *****, rather than read the information they are already giving us, here is a quote from one a few weeks back:


Shotgun-clavy: When are character transfers going to become available? And are server transfers a real possibility?


Daniel Erickson: Character transfers between servers are definitely going to be available in the future and we’ll announce details as soon as we have firm dates.


We know they are coming.


I just say it shouldn't have a cost associated with it.


Didn't Rift do this?


Aren't our subscriptions enough?


If they were going to do away with the 'server' model and make server clusters instead, that would solve it I think. The only complication would be they would need to be rid of unique names for our characters. It kind of doesn't make sense anyway. How many people in the world are named Bob, Mary, Ken, Jane?


Just my 2 credits and I apologize for getting off topic a bit there.




Character xfers should be free. It's an automated process. Slap a month (or more) CD on it per character (maybe even an 8 character cap per month) and have minimum level requirements to use.

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