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This whole "server" thing is so 90s


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People throwing out that silly 1.7 number need to break it down more, for instance




PvP Sever

PvE Server

Roleplaying Server







Russian (Or whatever other servers they have now)









This was doable and the game would have been better for it.


So if there is:

NA East PvP

NA East PvE

NA East PvP-RP

NA East PvE-RP

NA West PvP

NA West PvE

NA West PvP-RP

NA West PvE-RP

Euro English PvP

Euro English PvE

Euro English PvP-RP

Euro English PvE-RP

Euro French PvP

Euro French PvE

Euro French PvP-RP

Euro French PvE-RP

Euro German PvP

Euro German PvE

Euro German PvP-RP

Euro German PvE-RP

Euro Russian PvP

Euro Russian PvE

Euro Russian PvP-RP

Euro Russian PvE-RP




How the heck is that all supposed to work on one server?

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So if there is:

NA East PvP

NA East PvE

NA East PvP-RP

NA East PvE-RP

NA West PvP

NA West PvE

NA West PvP-RP

NA West PvE-RP

Euro English PvP

Euro English PvE

Euro English PvP-RP

Euro English PvE-RP

Euro French PvP

Euro French PvE

Euro French PvP-RP

Euro French PvE-RP

Euro German PvP

Euro German PvE

Euro German PvP-RP

Euro German PvE-RP

Euro Russian PvP

Euro Russian PvE

Euro Russian PvP-RP

Euro Russian PvE-RP




How the heck is that all supposed to work on one server?


I think that's part of the problem. Too many choices and sub-divisions. Simplify!

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So if there is:

NA East PvP

NA East PvE

NA East PvP-RP

NA East PvE-RP

NA West PvP

NA West PvE

NA West PvP-RP

NA West PvE-RP

Euro English PvP

Euro English PvE

Euro English PvP-RP

Euro English PvE-RP

Euro French PvP

Euro French PvE

Euro French PvP-RP

Euro French PvE-RP

Euro German PvP

Euro German PvE

Euro German PvP-RP

Euro German PvE-RP

Euro Russian PvP

Euro Russian PvE

Euro Russian PvP-RP

Euro Russian PvE-RP




How the heck is that all supposed to work on one server?


It wouldn't be.


Right now the servers a divided by 123 (NA) and 203 (Plus Euro).


What I was talking about is running Three Big Servers for US (PvE, PvP, RP) and One Big Server Per language in Europe.


The reason being, NA should have the most people, Euro has to be spilt because of the language issue.



So, to break it down using 1.7 Million as the threshold:


US PvE (600k)

US PvP (500k)

US RP (100K)


Euro English (300k)

Euro French (100k)

Euro German (100k)


*Numbers are not real

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I think BioWare would be wise to do this instead of server merges, just re-structure the server technology and make it this awesome new way of doing things.


I don't understand why this isn't the case already with new games, GW2 has a vastly superior server mechanic, you can change servers as you like pretty much, but you have a 'home' server that you always default to and such. The idea that we're sort of hard-wired onto set servers once we've selected them is massively out-dated, and I'm honestly a bit surprised BioWare didn't utilize more innovative server technology off the bat.

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The whole pick your server and play on that server only is so antiquated. Honestly, it's 2012, can't we have a server cluster running the game and new shards are made available depending on simultaneous population? Why can't I play with the rest of the world, the same game on the SAME server farm?


Currently, on most servers, the population of starter worlds (ord mantell, tython, korriban, and hutta) is around 50-100 players. At that amount, you're already constantly running into people, having to deal with kill stealing, spawn farming, so on and so forth.


Do you really want to try levelling a character when each world you play on has 500-1000 people?

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Currently, on most servers, the population of starter worlds (ord mantell, tython, korriban, and hutta) is around 50-100 players. At that amount, you're already constantly running into people, having to deal with kill stealing, spawn farming, so on and so forth.


Do you really want to try levelling a character when each world you play on has 500-1000 people?


First of all, I call ******** on that first part.


Second of all, you wouldn't have 500/1000 crammed into the one map. It would have to be instanced. At most, it would be like now, only instead of only having one zone capable of having an instance (Fleet) all planets would.

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