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Huttball question or move away from our goal line!


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Yesterday in Huttball there was a trooper (who was playing good generally) that got a ball from opposing player just slightly before our goal line and of course if I could I would tap him/her on the shoulder for it.


He got targeted and attacked immediately, but fortunately me and some other guys/gals from our team were close and killed that sad soul who thought he/she can get away with it.

Next I jump in the pit so we could move the ball away from our side and when I turn around after couple of steps, this trooper is still standing in front (few meters) of our goal line and just a step away from the pit. And standing and standing.

By that time our healer got there and of course started healing him/her because he/she (OK enough of this ... let's say it was a guy) really needed it.


In my frustration (yes I do get frustrated and at that time I usually say something stupid in ops chat which I quickly regret later but ...) i asked him if he is working for the other team. And his response was that he had only 2% of health and thus it wasn't sensible to move.

We didn't loose the ball that time because our healer was able to heal him in time. But we could have. All it would take was few players from the other team beating him taking the ball and just crossing our line after several steps.


Now ... my question. Isn't it more sensible to move the ball as further away from our goal line as fast as possible than it is to regroup in front of our goal line and then move?

I mean ... sometimes it's even smart to throw the ball in empty space so it starts from the middle.

And one other thing ... dying is essential part of the game so he could have passed the ball to someone else (even though troopers are best carriers) then die and return. After all it's a team play, so if you die a few times, who cares. You are not the only one to die. Try playing sent/mara :).


If I was wrong I apologise to the mentioned player and will try better next time:)

Edited by symke
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