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Nerf hate with no arenas


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Why all the single class hate when we have no 1v1?


Maybe if you're force lightning focused you aren't getting help from your team.


Maybe if you are being tracer missled you aren't hitting your interupt ..or team helping


It seems boundless the excuses in this game why folks are losing but never a reference to (team play).



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I try very hard not to complain about classes (except for when it came to mages, it was more than reasonable to complain about those nightmares) and try to learn how to beat them best I can. But in my opinion SWTOR balance is pretty good. Tracer missile is easily fixed with an interrupt and a well placed stun. And sorcs.... well I'm still learning. But I have also learned my class' roll, I'm a tank, not a stealthy, or healer, a tank, and it's my job to help people live (mainly my healers, and I definitely keep a close eye on them) and to control the enemy healers as best I can, so I don't come crying to the forums when I lose to a sorc, because good teamwork can counter these "OP" classes very well. No complaints here and honestly, I'm loving SWTOR PvP, but I will say Ilum needs a little work.


My 2 cents ;)

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I try very hard not to complain about classes (except for when it came to mages, it was more than reasonable to complain about those nightmares) and try to learn how to beat them best I can. But in my opinion SWTOR balance is pretty good. Tracer missile is easily fixed with an interrupt and a well placed stun. And sorcs.... well I'm still learning. But I have also learned my class' roll, I'm a tank, not a stealthy, or healer, a tank, and it's my job to help people live (mainly my healers, and I definitely keep a close eye on them) and to control the enemy healers as best I can, so I don't come crying to the forums when I lose to a sorc, because good teamwork can counter these "OP" classes very well. No complaints here and honestly, I'm loving SWTOR PvP, but I will say Ilum needs a little work.


My 2 cents ;)


Exactly, stop the 1v1 comparisons, work as a team and this game isn't that bad. Yes tell me about the 8 man sorc teams now...

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I usually, 1v1'd in duels on my rogue in WoW just to quicken my reactions to moves and learning how other classes to play, but when I lost, I lost (cept for mages lol). And honestly I never made 2200 rating, I only got to 2000 but I knew even in that game Teamwork > solo "OP" classes. And I worked damn hard to control the fights like my little rogue play style was supposed to do. Just like my Guardian tank here in swtor. Btw I love tanking in pvp.
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I usually, 1v1'd in duels on my rogue in WoW just to quicken my reactions to moves and learning how other classes to play, but when I lost, I lost (cept for mages lol). And honestly I never made 2200 rating, I only got to 2000 but I knew even in that game Teamwork > solo "OP" classes. And I worked damn hard to control the fights like my little rogue play style was supposed to do. Just like my Guardian tank here in swtor. Btw I love tanking in pvp.


I love to hear it. Some of us love this game and the pvp and stand by it despite it needing some tweeks. Good read, Strangiato

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The problem with your logic, is if you can't 1v1 a class how helpful can you really be to the team >.>


If you win a war zone not because of your "skills" or "X-personal factor" it means you are been carried. Specially as a melee class (as opposed to range that benefit from "teamplay" in using their teammates as meatshield.) if you can't kill something 1v1 means that something is better than you, and could be more helpful than you. (Whatever the reason: "Gear, personal "skills", or favorite among forums, OPness)


Now can't you see when someone tries to 1v1 you, he is trying to test himself directly against your worth, instead of some other arbitrary value. (I AM AWESOME CUS I GOT FORCE SPEED TO CAP TO BALL, doesn't make you worth anything, although it does make wins...)

Edited by Assaultrooper
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Because teamplay with pugs can be next to impossible, even more so if there is a lack of healers or tanks that can guard, because lets face it, here in swtor they have a place in wow theyre pretty useless except for carrying the flag. Not to mention the constant gear issue, combinations of enemy faction being generally better geared, your team being badly geared, an overbundance of 1 or 2 classes which leads to missing out on buffs.

The average pvp skill of people and so and so on. To have a more fun pvp experience for everyone we need a rated system as well, where people can play among people of their own lvl. As it stands now the disparity between skill/gear and what not in the regular warzones is so big, that at times you might run into situations that you have incomplete groups and the wz gets shutdown either leading to a loss or a win. If it's a win this is convenient for your pvp dailies/weekly (although very cheap and not satisfying to win) but otherwise very frustating.

Then there's server imbalances making quees annoying as well you can wait ages to get in and if you also keep losing in rows this makes it not fun.(granted I had fun and very gd medal wise lost games, but that doesn't last) With the other faction getting the pvp daily at lvl 50 3 times over and I still have my 1-3 wins left from another day something is wrong.

And yeah I'd like to say it's a L2p issue if that really was the case, but playing with the same people against the same people, this is just not the case. Everyone on my team + myself, do decent enough damage/healing/(protection seems to be mostly me and healing as well;/)

Yet still we lose more than we should and some of the points mentioned above could be part of the reason why, but yeah... If its across alot of servers like this, then even adding cross server wz's wouldn't solve anything but the quee times.

I've rambled enough. ./sigh

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The problem with your logic, is if you can't 1v1 a class how helpful can you really be to the team >.>


If you win a war zone not because of your "skills" or "X-personal factor" it means you are been carried. Specially as a melee class (as opposed to range that benefit from "teamplay" in using their teammates as meatshield.) if you can't kill something 1v1 means that something is better than you, and could be more helpful than you. (Whatever the reason: "Gear, personal "skills", or favorite among forums, OPness)


Now can't you see when someone tries to 1v1 you, he is trying to test himself directly against your worth, instead of some other arbitrary value. (I AM AWESOME CUS I GOT FORCE SPEED TO CAP TO BALL, doesn't make you worth anything, although it does make wins...)


How helpful can a tire be on a car. After all, you can't drive a tire to work can you?

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The problem with your logic, is if you can't 1v1 a class how helpful can you really be to the team >.>


If you win a war zone not because of your "skills" or "X-personal factor" it means you are been carried. Specially as a melee class (as opposed to range that benefit from "teamplay" in using their teammates as meatshield.) if you can't kill something 1v1 means that something is better than you, and could be more helpful than you. (Whatever the reason: "Gear, personal "skills", or favorite among forums, OPness)


Now can't you see when someone tries to 1v1 you, he is trying to test himself directly against your worth, instead of some other arbitrary value. (I AM AWESOME CUS I GOT FORCE SPEED TO CAP TO BALL, doesn't make you worth anything, although it does make wins...)


I work for that medal all game long sometimes I never get the 1v1 medal. hmmm much one on one maybe for you I've literally never experienced it, not to the level of it being game changing.

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The problem with your logic, is if you can't 1v1 a class how helpful can you really be to the team >.>


If you win a war zone not because of your "skills" or "X-personal factor" it means you are been carried. Specially as a melee class (as opposed to range that benefit from "teamplay" in using their teammates as meatshield.) if you can't kill something 1v1 means that something is better than you, and could be more helpful than you. (Whatever the reason: "Gear, personal "skills", or favorite among forums, OPness)


Now can't you see when someone tries to 1v1 you, he is trying to test himself directly against your worth, instead of some other arbitrary value. (I AM AWESOME CUS I GOT FORCE SPEED TO CAP TO BALL, doesn't make you worth anything, although it does make wins...)


Because working as a team to win is the whole idea behind pvp, even if you were to play as something as brainless as a deathmatch game, you'd still benefit the most from playing as a team. When I'm on my vanguard im literally the only one guarding and being top on protection list + having some decent dps while as a tank spec is, heck I even get on top of the boards because of the medals I get that way. Same way when I'm healing. I'm getting focused with both roles, it feels like I'm the one doing the carrying and yet still we lose. But for some reason I still see people handing out mvps to the top dpsers, whereas the healers if there were any(if I'm not healing) don't get any at all and they are already gimped medal wise unless they go out of there way to put out the dps.

With my vanguard I'm pretty much doing 2 roles at the same time, doing great prot and not too bad dps. With my healer I can only focus mostly on healing.

Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying myself immensely with these roles, but there's only so much you can do alone. Work together people for the love of god assist each other.


I work for that medal all game long sometimes I never get the 1v1 medal. hmmm much one on one maybe for you I've literally never experienced it, not to the level of it being game changing.


Getting the assasin medal can be pure luck, I got it twice through finding a lone imp low on hp or just killed a team m8, I happen to stumble upon him, kill him bam get assasin medal for a so called one on one fight. And the second time I got it, I also got a quick draw as well. Going out of your way for the assasin medal is pointless though, you could be having a great fight then all of a sudden an ally or enemy helps out, win or lose that fight neither of you will get the assasin medal. Maybe some point in the future we'll get an sanctuary spot where we can duel people from the other faction as well.

Like it was possible in wow dalaran.

Edited by Spero-Mcgee
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How helpful can a tire be on a car. After all, you can't drive a tire to work can you?


A tire is not a person nor does it have any relevance to a fight analogy. This for now its not a team game your team even in premades will still be a bunch of randoms. However this is a extremely social game so every 1v1 counts towards your reputation! (I've seen people simply run instead of facing me) as such a better allegory would be, imagine if ajax had to depend on his "team" to get kills or achilles or hector. Anyone can 3v1, anyone can get 3 SI positioned right and score the ball, not all however can beat 1v1.

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