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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf Fun its OP


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i am having too much fun its OP, seriously wth i take a step into warzone. fun

kill people fun

respawn fun

do objectives fun

get medals fun

help other players fun

too much fun its giving me health problems, so i ask for fun to be nerfed by over 9000%.

it messes up the class balance making everything balanced, i hate balance/equilibrium


on the serious note

besides the issues which will be eventually worked this game has fun pvp:)

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i am having too much fun its OP, seriously wth i take a step into warzone. fun

kill people fun

respawn fun

do objectives fun

get medals fun

help other players fun

too much fun its giving me health problems, so i ask for fun to be nerfed by over 9000%.

it messes up the class balance making everything balanced, i hate balance/equilibrium


on the serious note

besides the issues which will be eventually worked this game has fun pvp:)


Troll post, warzones are a grind, not fun.

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Troll post, warzones are a grind, not fun.


Troll post, that is your opinion, not fact.


Ask every single person that plays WarZones. I'll bet you my account that most have fun. Otherwise they wouldn't do it. After all what kind of fool continues doing something he doesn't enjoy? It's not like it's a job you need to pay your bills.

Edited by Acindo
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You guys actually like warzones? Instanced arena-style fighting with no real effect on the rest of the game? A part of the game you have to play to get more gear?


I guess I misjudged the crowd here. I was looking for the people that saw xx clan owned xx controllable point and said "What, xx owns that? F**k them xx sucks, we're taking it!" Warzones are a PvP minigame.

Edited by Absit
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You guys actually like warzones? Instanced arena-style fighting with no real effect on the rest of the game? A part of the game you have to play to get more gear?


I guess I misjudged the crowd here. I was looking for the people that saw xx clan owned xx controllable point and said "What, xx owns that? F**k them xx sucks, we're taking it!" Warzones are a PvP minigame.


So swg style zone capping (which sucked)

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Minigames can't be fun, you heard it hear first!

When you associate them, or rather, force them on a user to grind for gear - no, they're not fun for long.


So swg style zone capping (which sucked)

Never played it, what was it like?

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Remember when MMOs were all grind, no questing, no objectives. Just kill. kill, and kill again. Maybe do a dungeon with some bosses that were fairly simplistic...which resulted in corpse runs. Ahhh...darn the fun we're having now!


I love the warzones personally, especially Huttball. Color me crazy, but the Mighty Giradda is my personal lord and savior.

Edited by ulukinatme
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Remember when MMOs were all grind, no questing, no objectives. Just kill. kill, and kill again. Maybe do a dungeon with some bosses that were fairly simplistic...which resulted in corpse runs. Ahhh...darn the fun we're having now!


I love the warzones personally, especially Huttball. Color me crazy, but the Mighty Giradda is my personal lord and savior.


Huttball is awesome when you have a team that actually wants to win. It's a great minigame. Unfortunately it's relegated to being something most people hate but do because they need the comms for gear, or they want the xp to level - and even then a lot of people will Leave Warzone for Huttball. But I'd gladly trade my completely on rails storyline questing for a Korean grind if it meant meaningful PvP. I just expected more I guess from a Star Wars title. It's got war is the name!


And I know, I know, I can go back to whatever game I came from and I should silently leave without posting anything blah blah blah. Fact is though, what if devs are reading? What if they actually want some feedback? What if they want to improve the game in a way that won't really affect you, but may make other people keep playing?


This isn't even my thread!


Edit: Also, games I liked (played for years) never had corpse runs, when you died you went back to town, period.

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And I know, I know, I can go back to whatever game I came from and I should silently leave without posting anything blah blah blah. Fact is though, what if devs are reading? What if they actually want some feedback? What if they want to improve the game in a way that won't really affect you, but may make other people keep playing?



THe devs primary goal is to keep people playing which why they make "Pro-PvPers" rage so much.


Think on that one and think about who wants to kill the game.

Edited by ImURmaster
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You guys actually like warzones? Instanced arena-style fighting with no real effect on the rest of the game? A part of the game you have to play to get more gear?


I guess I misjudged the crowd here. I was looking for the people that saw xx clan owned xx controllable point and said "What, xx owns that? F**k them xx sucks, we're taking it!" Warzones are a PvP minigame.


I played DAoC for 4 years... never in 4 years did i ever take a keep. I sat at emain, on my Infil and owned hibbies and mids for countless hours. because i though capping keeps was lame.

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warzones can be fun if some conditions are met:


- the teams are balanced (being facerolled is no fun, no matter the game, but facerolling gets very boring very fast as well)


- you are going with the right mindset; unfortunatelly the dailies change your mindset to the opposite; you should go there to experience fun, not to finish your daily


when you go there to finish your daily you think: ok, i need to finish that quest

but when that's done, you go there thinking: ok, let's have some fun




because of that i rarely do warzones on my main champion-gear character as the teams are very much not even and also thinking of those three wins that need to happen before i have fun is sometimes depressing



and instead i'm having fun in the warzones on my alt



my main has rank55 and i very much want to see him at rank60, but it's just more fun to warzone as my alt right now

Edited by FoxNemhauser
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PvP in Swtor is fun in general


but the cc/knockback must be tuned down...


i caught myself getting angry worster than fighting in arena team vs a cleave/shadowcleave at 2160 rating...and this is only a bg not rated yet





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Huttball is awesome when you have a team that actually wants to win. It's a great minigame. Unfortunately it's relegated to being something most people hate but do because they need the comms for gear, or they want the xp to level - and even then a lot of people will Leave Warzone for Huttball. But I'd gladly trade my completely on rails storyline questing for a Korean grind if it meant meaningful PvP. .


Most people I talk to don't play Huttball because they have to, they play Huttball because they enjoy it. I'd say 1 out of every 4 people are either sick of Huttball or just never enjoyed it.

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I can't comment on fun's opness because I've had only a few encounters with it since I reached level 50, just too busy grinding valor and gear.


So what exactly are you grinding this pvp gear for? Putting yourself through the untold horrors of warzones for what? To get gear to do world pvp? Doubt it. To achieve battlemaster so you can grind ever so slightly superior gear?


The people who say they are grinding wzs, really what are you trying to get for your grind? If you don't enjoy the 'grind' of warzones you won't enjoy anything that this 'grind' ultimately rewards you. Suggest you play another game.

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So what exactly are you grinding this pvp gear for? Putting yourself through the untold horrors of warzones for what? To get gear to do world pvp? Doubt it. To achieve battlemaster so you can grind ever so slightly superior gear?


The people who say they are grinding wzs, really what are you trying to get for your grind? If you don't enjoy the 'grind' of warzones you won't enjoy anything that this 'grind' ultimately rewards you. Suggest you play another game.

That's pretty much how it is. Carrot on a stick and all that.

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Personally, I have never really enjoyed pvp in previous mmos. I never really felt good enough to participate. Since TOR I have dived in headfirst and really enjoyed it so far. Now I am not 50 yet, just plodding along nicely. However, the argument I will make against the whole 'gear grind' moan, is that seeing as WZs are the only 'viable' PVP in this game (from what I have heard illum isn't all that, why else would you want the pvp gear.


I mean surely the purpose of the pvp gear at the moment is to perform better in warzones, which if you enjoy warzones, seems like a viable reward system for it. If you do not enjoy warzones then why do them? You have no other use for the pvp gear.


Unless you are purely wanting the gear to satisfy your e-peen, in which case no pvp mode will keep you happy.


If you want meaningful pvp, guild wars 2 seems to offer that. With their WvW battles with rewards for the winning side. I would say your best bet is to kick back and wait for that (I think you can still sign up for public beta).


However you will gain nothing by sitting here whining about a reward system which, as explained above, logically makes sense for its purpose in the game.


Just my 2 cents.

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So what exactly are you grinding this pvp gear for? Putting yourself through the untold horrors of warzones for what? To get gear to do world pvp? Doubt it. To achieve battlemaster so you can grind ever so slightly superior gear?


The people who say they are grinding wzs, really what are you trying to get for your grind? If you don't enjoy the 'grind' of warzones you won't enjoy anything that this 'grind' ultimately rewards you. Suggest you play another game.


We're part of a secret underground movement to promote world PvP, but first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.

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