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It really hit me.


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I'm actually a Jedi! It really hit me in the Black Sun docks, when I was dueling that gang leader (forget his name). When I drew my lightsaber and leapt into battle with the Jedi music playing in the background (the one playing in ROTJ on the Sail Barge during the fight). Oh, man. And then when that sergeant wants to give up and you give him a speech? Great! And then finally, when you find out *SPOILER*



Tarnis is a Sith Lord



And then you confront that Black Sun guy and draw your lightsaber and say "They're going to arrest you. I suggest you cooperate." I'm really a Jedi!

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It's even more fun if you've read the 3 prequel books and realize just who two of your companions really are.


Two? I read all three but I only remember one of them being in the books. I was really excited with I got HIM as my companion, but who is the other you are referring to? First companion?

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Two? I read all three but I only remember one of them being in the books. I was really excited with I got HIM as my companion, but who is the other you are referring to? First companion?



T7 is THE the T7, Ven Zallow's droid who helped the smuggler and Aryn on Coruscant and then left with her.


Edited by Caelrie
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Oh, yeah, I've read all three prequel books and I was so excited to learn that we get HIM as a companion. I can't wait to actually duel a Sith for the first time. Who is the first Sith you fight? That acolyte on the Esseles?


The first one you fight solo is

On the Ord Mantell orbital station after you leave Coruscant


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The first one you fight solo is

On the Ord Mantell orbital station after you leave Coruscant



Lord Tarnis for story line bosses, but there are sith apprentices in the Jedi Temple ruins.



The Esseles one may be the very first real sith anyone can fight.

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I'm actually a Jedi! It really hit me in the Black Sun docks, when I was dueling that gang leader (forget his name). When I drew my lightsaber and leapt into battle with the Jedi music playing in the background (the one playing in ROTJ on the Sail Barge during the fight). Oh, man. And then when that sergeant wants to give up and you give him a speech? Great! And then finally, when you find out *SPOILER*



Tarnis is a Sith Lord



And then you confront that Black Sun guy and draw your lightsaber and say "They're going to arrest you. I suggest you cooperate." I'm really a Jedi!


I can promise you that you will NOT feel anything like a Jedi once you hit lvl 50 and your running around with a backpack and a samurai helmet..

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I won't wear that. I'll mod my lower-level Jedi-looking robes, because I refuse to look like a samurai. PS, today I got my first hooded robe (the white heavy Gammorean something-or-other), and now I feel really Jedi-ish. If the hood was down it'd be even better and I can't wait for the hood up/down toggle. Anyway, if I get robes that are brown instead of white, then I'll be in happy-Jedi-land. The most armor I'll wear is like Ven Zallow wears in Decieved. I will not go anything heavier than that, and will just upgrade previous heavy robes. :D
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Well, NPC's are all AI, so they don't really count. If you want to duel a real Sith, it has to be someone playing as a Sith. :p


Oh, ha-ha-ha. You know what I meant.





I was surprised to find Tarnis in the ruins of the Jedi Temple, and as such was unprepared to fight him. After losing repeatedly, I decided to go back and do some of the sidequests I missed or skipped so that I could gain levels and hopefully new gear and abilities. It worked, as I now have a new Jedi robe (like the one the Jedi like Derrin Weller wear at the beginning, except with the hood up). Now I'm going to finish some sidequests and return to the Senate tower to my trainer, hopefully get some powers - and if I'm a high enough level and have enough Coruscant commendations, a new lightsaber.


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Oh, ha-ha-ha. You know what I meant.





I was surprised to find Tarnis in the ruins of the Jedi Temple, and as such was unprepared to fight him. After losing repeatedly, I decided to go back and do some of the sidequests I missed or skipped so that I could gain levels and hopefully new gear and abilities. It worked, as I now have a new Jedi robe (like the one the Jedi like Derrin Weller wear at the beginning, except with the hood up). Now I'm going to finish some sidequests and return to the Senate tower to my trainer, hopefully get some powers - and if I'm a high enough level and have enough Coruscant commendations, a new lightsaber.


Well, duel me and you'll know what I meant.

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