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I play this game for story, and now even that fails.


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No spoilers, not even vague hints at spoilers.


I am playing my smuggler, I get to a certain point in the story, and get a codex entry, which naturally, I read - because I like codex entries.


Which promptly ruins the entire story for me in about 2 sentences, instead of in a cutscene which would have been awesome.


Up until now I had laughed at people QQ'ing about this game's bugs, 99% of the bugs this games has aren't THAT bad, but this?


This just completely destroyed swtor for me.

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Its not the actual story, it's been pretty good so far.


Its the fact that a codex entry spoiled the story in 2 sentences instead of waiting to let me watch the cutscene.


Don't be a pansy, either post the two sentences (in spoiler tags) and explain why they ruin the story so a constructive discussion can ensue, or everyone will continue to consider you another troll bashing the game for no real reason.

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I know exactly what you mean about that codex entry. If it had popped up after the story phase it would have been perfect! As it was, the twist was revealed.


I think you're being a mite dramatic though when you say that it ruined the whole story. Yeah, it spoiled a big twist, but wasn't it fun getting there?


(Being a Smuggler a bit further along, the story still has places to go, so don't worry too much!)

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Is this the Nok'Drayen Codex entry? Is so then yeah, that was incredibly annoying.


Atleast it isn't like the consular story that is so basic you can work it out after the first planet and then four planets later your consular has a dramatic revelation.


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Don't be a pansy, either post the two sentences (in spoiler tags) and explain why they ruin the story so a constructive discussion can ensue, or everyone will continue to consider you another troll bashing the game for no real reason.


I find your decision to use "pansy" as your choice of insult amusing.


But anyway, yeah I should have made a spoiler tag so here it is.



Right before you return go back to nar shaddaa after completing alderaan and you are returning the carbonite man with risha, you get a codex entry telling you that it is in fact nok drayen in carbonite, and that risha is his daughter.


This all happens less than 10 seconds before you get to watch it in cutscene, instead of AFTER.


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I find your decision to use "pansy" as your choice of insult amusing.


But anyway, yeah I should have made a spoiler tag so here it is.



Right before you return go back to nar shaddaa after completing alderaan and you are returning the carbonite man with risha, you get a codex entry telling you that it is in fact nok drayen in carbonite, and that risha is his daughter.


This all happens less than 10 seconds before you get to watch it in cutscene, instead of AFTER.



Huh. Way past that now - guess its a good thing I don't normally read codex entry's.


Annoying? Sure. THAT big of deal as far as the Smuggler story-line goes? Nope. Sounds like it could be easily fixed via a bug report.

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