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Thursday Morning Wrath


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I'm not one to usually post comments, but since I have stumbled across this thread I have been giggling uncontrollably and refreshing like a madwoman hoping you have written more. Keep it up :)


I also keep having images of Big Wheel and Pogo Ball races, ahh the Pogo Ball, let the shenanigans ensue.

Edited by Kitar
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When I first started reading this, I thought it was stupid and poorly written.


By chapter three I was hooked. The storytelling got better and I wanted more and you need to write more right now or I'll write you off. Right.

Doesn't work like that around here, HOSTAGE. You don't comment, we don't write.


Oh **** the narrator is coming-


What are you doing?



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Doesn't work like that around here, HOSTAGE. You don't comment, we don't write.


Oh **** the narrator is coming-


What are you doing?




I envy you Wrath. I wish I had made my Wrath female so I could bang Quinn. I mean my Wrath could...

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we've been busy.


there's just some things going on right now with that ******e narrator, he keeps saying something about a job interview on some crappy planet called Pawtucket in a galaxy far, far away. I just tell him to drink, that solves my problems.


But all your problems all revolve around sending someone to the grocery store for another case of PBR.


Well yea, its pretty rough being the most important Sith Warrior in the galaxy, second only to the Emperor himself, I mean, if I lost my buzz, I don't know what I'd do.


Hey guys what's goin on in here- OOH! META TEXT!


I'm out.


Vette- Don't- Ah crap.

Hey Wrath, check this out-


Can't. doin Sith stuff. Call you later.





Anybody there?
















Let's begin it!


Bear and grin it!


Spin it!













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I die a little inside everytime I read your fic. And that's a GOOD thing. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


Keep it coming. We know you're busy with RL stuff, but we're hooked now!


Please don't make me write. I tend to love fictional babies and I have 8 characters, 5 of which are married. Just don't. lol

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One word, and I hit you again.





"I like her!" The Wrath shouted at the TV.


Quinn only grinned.


"Hey." The Wrath grinned back.


"What?" He asked innocently.


"You're grinning. You've got that mad glint in your eye. When you know something somebody else doesn't." The Wrath replied.


"No I don't." Quinn bluffed.


"You're not a very good liar." The Wrath explained, reaching her hand under the sheets. "And you're an even worse liar when you're this close."


"What aren't you telling me?" The Wrath asked.


"Nothing. I just think its funny that you like Ygritte." Quinn sweated.


"What's not to like about her? She's manipulative, fierce, sexually aggressive... I mean the only real thing wrong with her is that she's ginger." The Wrath observed.


"I think Jon Snow likes gingers." Quinn mumbled.


The Wrath moved her hand up Quinn's thigh. "What aren't you telling me? You know how much it turns me on when you do your evil genius thing."


"No, don't do that." Quinn squealed, referring to the part of him that was growing to meet her hand as it made its way up his thigh.


"Why not?" The Wrath whispered.


"You told me not to spoil it!" Quinn breathed.


Suddenly the Wrath's probing hand was back in her own personal space. "Christ. Its like I can't even watch this damn show with you."


"I told you, I have all the books..." Quinn protested.


"And I told you, I have the attention span of a 6 year old." The Wrath huffed.


"Actually, I told you that you have the attention span of a 6 year old." Quinn corrected.


"Well I didn't disagree with you. How deep does this crap go anyways?" The Wrath asked.




"How long until I catch up with you?" She explained.


"They're in the second season. Dance with Dragons is 959 pages by itself. Its going to take years for you to catch up if you don't read the books." Quinn replied.


"What? That's not fair! All the other girls on this show are total *****es! Cersei is a witch, Brienne is like the Incredible Hulk, Catelyn is a freakin' gilf, Sansa is a Disney Princess and Arya is only nine years old, but she's more ****** than half the cast together! The only other girl I actually like is Shae, and she's a harlot!" The Wrath moaned. "Am I gonna have to sit here for the next 3 years and watch you grin like an idiot every time the one woman on the show with a brain and a libido in the same skull comes on the screen?"


"You mean Dany?" Quinn asked.


"Dany hasn't been laid since Drogo. I meant Ygritte, The only girl in the seven kingdoms who acts like she's got something up her va-jay-jay instead of her ***!"


"Technically she's not in the seven kingdoms." Quinn corrected. "And I wouldn't worry about the 'next three years part.'"


"What?" The Wrath asked.


"You told me not to spoil it." Quinn insisted.


"What if I gave you a hummer?" The Wrath offered.


"If I spoiled Ygritte, you'd never give me a hummer ever again." Quinn retorted.


The Wrath sat for a second in quiet contemplation. "Man, 25 pages ago you had like zero boyfriend instinct. Now you're like Captain Boyfriend Supreme."


"I'm a quick reader. A lot can happen in 25 pages. Especially when George RR Martin is writing." Quinn insisted.


"I- What- Arrgh, forget it. Don't spoil it." The Wrath struggled.


"You know nothing, Jon Snow." Quinn patted her on the head.


The Wrath put on a sullen look. "Theon is a dick."


"Theon is small time. Also, don't you like his sister? She's pretty on the ball." Quinn probed.


"Eh, she's cool I guess. I'm still a little weirded out that she let her scumbag brother get a knuckle up her cooch. What the hell is it with this show and incest?"


Quinn sighed.




"You know nothing, Jon Snow." Quinn said.


"That is going to get annoying."


"You're going to here it more often. From Ygritte." Quinn explained.


"Do I really have to read the books that bad?" The Wrath asked.


Quinn grabbed her and rolled on top of her. The Wrath craned her neck upward to kiss him, but he veered to the side and put his lips to her ear.


"Winter is coming." He whispered. "For all you lazy HBO couch potatoes that are too busy to read. Things will happen this season. Things you won't expect. Things you won't enjoy. Mostly, things you will never see coming. The night is dark and full of terrors, and if you don't start reading soon, you will be very, very disappointed."


"Do me hard like when Stannis nailed the Red Witch on the map table, that was hot." The Wrath whispered back.



And then, you all heeded Quinn's warning.


Hey, little privacy here. I'm trying to get all freaked-up Westeros style.


Huh? I wasn't talking to you. And that's kind of weird.


Wait, you never watch me-


No. You know I never write it when you insert Tab A into Slot B. We've been over this.

Well I'm not gonna stop now.


I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to them. You can fade to black or cut to Havoc or whatever. I was addressing the readers.


What, you're gonna tell them to read the books too?


I am telling you, the Wrath, and I am telling you, the readers, right now, that if you watch Game of Thrones, you need to start reading the books, and you need to start reading the books yesterday. You are going to be so butt-hurt by the end of this season if you do not get caught up.


Whatever nerd. Can't read, busy getting laid.


You're a fictional character.


Who has freaky table-banging Game of Thrones sex with Malavai Quinn.

Winter is coming, Wrath. Winter is coming.

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<snip> btw, would there be a chance that the Wrath be caught DUI on her speeder or on her ship seeing that most of the time she's intoxicated? I think that would be fun...



Purely Awesome Implication.


This is my suggestion for the next mundane-things contest. "The Wrath gets a ticket".

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I am telling you, the Wrath, and I am telling you, the readers, right now, that if you watch Game of Thrones, you need to start reading the books, and you need to start reading the books yesterday. You are going to be so butt-hurt by the end of this season if you do not get caught up.


Quoted for truth! Get on it Wrath! :jawa_tongue:


-From a huge George RR Martin fan


EDIT: Just gonna put it out there - here are my top 3 favorite characters (listed in no particular order) that the Wrath should give more credit to (even if they don't have ridiculously active sex lives):

  • Arya
  • Dany
  • Tyrion

Edited by JAVAjedi
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Quoted for truth! Get on it Wrath! :jawa_tongue:


-From a huge George RR Martin fan


EDIT: Just gonna put it out there - here are my top 3 favorite characters (listed in no particular order) that the Wrath should give more credit to (even if they don't have ridiculously active sex lives):

  • Arya
  • Dany
  • Tyrion


"This is good to know. What other things are good to know?"

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You should definitely write an encounter between Wrath and her predecessor Scourge. That would be awesome.

Or maybe something with the Agent and Kaliyo? OOH, Scorpio!


I actually don't know anything about Scourge, because the jedi stories are terrible. I can sort of play consular just because I know that a consular can go into his cocoon and then one day blossom into a beautiful Jedi Shadow butterfly and be one of the best classes in the game, (especially since I already play 150 force battlemaster tankasin) but that's about the limit of my patience. If there was some kind of option at level ten to just let Yuon Par choke on her Sith Force Cancer and die, I would have taken it.


The story is pretty terrible and I have a hard time sympathizing with or making a connection with any of the characters. The fact that you have to spend all of chapter 1 running around curing Sith Force Cancer might be the most boring and unrewarding story ever. You might as well just reroll your consular twi'lek female, get a slave-bikini, and just pretend that chapter 1 of the consular story is about a plucky young call girl trying to make it in a big galaxy, like one of those sex worker memoirs you can pick up in bookstores all over south east asia. (By the way, don't buy those- Buy Girl Undressed instead, its one of the most powerful books ever and Ruth Fowler is a tremendous writer.)


Also there's a trandoshan following me around, so I painted him red and call him Charmander. He's annoying as hell, I don't know why Bioware thought it was a good idea to make a class-first companion with that annoying, guttural, trandoshan voice. He sounds like someone took Broonmark out to the curb and did an American History X on him.


If The Wrath is an indication to anyone, a word of advice- If you're thinking of rolling a Jedi Knight, DON'T. Roll a Sith Warrior instead. Darth Baras is actually an interesting mentor that turns into an interesting antagonist, your companions don't suck, and you get to be the only class in the game that actually has a moral decision that effects your companion's personality for the entire length of the game. The Jedi stories don't actually have consequences and there's nothing you do that isn't excused or whitewashed.

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-Ahem- that's just my opinion though, of course. Your mileage may vary. Anything to contribute, Wrath?


The only Jedi knights I've ever met that I talked to for more than 2 minutes without murdering them were those sex-weirdos at the Corellian temple and Jedi Chris.


And Jedi Chris dates Jaesa, so case closed.


What about you, Havoc? Any insight from being on the same team?

"Ancient weapons and hokey religions are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."

Edited by Doozzer
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I actually don't know anything about Scourge, because the jedi stories are terrible. I can sort of play consular just because I know that a consular can go into his cocoon and then one day blossom into a beautiful Jedi Shadow butterfly and be one of the best classes in the game, (especially since I already play 150 force battlemaster tankasin) but that's about the limit of my patience. If there was some kind of option at level ten to just let Yuon Par choke on her Sith Force Cancer and die, I would have taken it.


The story is pretty terrible and I have a hard time sympathizing with or making a connection with any of the characters. The fact that you have to spend all of chapter 1 running around curing Sith Force Cancer might be the most boring and unrewarding story ever. You might as well just reroll your consular twi'lek female, get a slave-bikini, and just pretend that chapter 1 of the consular story is about a plucky young call girl trying to make it in a big galaxy...


Also there's a trandoshan following me around, so I painted him red and call him Charmander. He's annoying as hell, I don't know why Bioware thought it was a good idea to make a class-first companion with that annoying, guttural, trandoshan voice. He sounds like someone took Broonmark out to the curb and did an American History X on him....


Oh the trandoshan, we call him Grimlock at home, only he's more irritating than Grimlock, that and I'll happily admit that I have my JC Shadow in a slave-bikini, it made it so much more fun.


Also yes, roll SW it's way more fun and we crazy SW have continuous discussions on the story and lore forums dissecting Quinn's personality.

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I actually don't know anything about Scourge, because the jedi stories are terrible. I can sort of play consular just because I know that a consular can go into his cocoon and then one day blossom into a beautiful Jedi Shadow butterfly and be one of the best classes in the game, (especially since I already play 150 force battlemaster tankasin) but that's about the limit of my patience. If there was some kind of option at level ten to just let Yuon Par choke on her Sith Force Cancer and die, I would have taken it.


The story is pretty terrible and I have a hard time sympathizing with or making a connection with any of the characters. The fact that you have to spend all of chapter 1 running around curing Sith Force Cancer might be the most boring and unrewarding story ever. You might as well just reroll your consular twi'lek female, get a slave-bikini, and just pretend that chapter 1 of the consular story is about a plucky young call girl trying to make it in a big galaxy, like one of those sex worker memoirs you can pick up in bookstores all over south east asia. (By the way, don't buy those- Buy Girl Undressed instead, its one of the most powerful books ever and Ruth Fowler is a tremendous writer.)


Also there's a trandoshan following me around, so I painted him red and call him Charmander. He's annoying as hell, I don't know why Bioware thought it was a good idea to make a class-first companion with that annoying, guttural, trandoshan voice. He sounds like someone took Broonmark out to the curb and did an American History X on him.


If The Wrath is an indication to anyone, a word of advice- If you're thinking of rolling a Jedi Knight, DON'T. Roll a Sith Warrior instead. Darth Baras is actually an interesting mentor that turns into an interesting antagonist, your companions don't suck, and you get to be the only class in the game that actually has a moral decision that effects your companion's personality for the entire length of the game. The Jedi stories don't actually have consequences and there's nothing you do that isn't excused or whitewashed.


So... Agent and Scorpio, then? I have a lv 50 Juggernaut, so I know the SW story is pretty awesome. :p

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I actually don't know anything about Scourge, because the jedi stories are terrible.


Oh well, such is life. It's your choice if you don't want to have them meet. It's still a good story either way.


I guess it's up to me to make a story about the 2 wraths. Maybe after doing a SW.

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Oh well, such is life. It's your choice if you don't want to have them meet. It's still a good story either way.


I guess it's up to me to make a story about the 2 wraths. Maybe after doing a SW.


Let me know when you do, cus I totally think it would just be an awkward staring contest, xD

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Thursday without the Wrath makes me sad :(

Hey Wrath!



Wanna do it?

Eh... I dunno.

Oh come on.


Does it mean that much to you?


More than anything.

More than Thundercats?


Better than Thundercats. Pizza Cats.


Okay... will somebody please cue that bird?


Oh yea!

Who do you call when you want some pepperoni?



Right on!

They're stamping out crime and you know that aint baloney!


There's Speedy Cerviche, he's the leader of the bunch!

A heck of a fighter, makes a heck of a lunch!

And little Polly Esther, whose never afraid

of going into battle when the bad guys invade!


Here's Guido Anchovies, a wild romantic rover. This cat gets down-down with a love hangover!




They're so bad, they've got more fur than any turtle ever had!


They're stronger than old cheese!


They're stronger than dirt!


Step on their tails...

Get off my tail!

And you're gonna get hurt!

Don't hurt me!



They're fighting crime!

All over town!






Better than sex.


What are you guys doing?


Bug out! its the fuzz!

its the five oh!

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