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1 point in cloak of carnage?


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Here is my build, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRd0GZdMbZh.1. While its not the traditional build in many ways, I want to focus on discussing cloack of carnages viability. When i've heard arguments against putting two points in cloak of carnage it was because other skills, like empowerment or enraged charge, are a better use of the points. But since cloak of carnage only procs once every three seconds and we are likely to get attacked at least twice in that time, the 50% from just one point is nearly as good as the 100% from two points. It seems like easy rage for just 1 point. I've never seen anyone else do this and I'm wondering why that is. Edited by Oxirix
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I think the reason most people don't take the talent is because in a group PvE scenario, you should never be the one getting hit. If you are, cloak of pain is just an "Oh Crap" button. All the talent would add here is increase your damage output even more, which you don't want to do anyway if you pulled aggro from your tank.


In a PvP scenario, there are just better talents out there, like the immobilize on deadly throw. Where this talent really shines though is solo leveling. I'm using it right now, although I plan to switch away from it when I'm done leveling.

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Simply put, it's overkill.


If you're talking PVP, I generally have a rage surplus while playing Annihilation. I usually don't even take Empowerment, and you have with your build.


In PVE, I find myself running short on global CDs playing Annihilation, but never a lack of rage. Plus you probably won't be taking enough predictable damage in PVE to make it worth while.

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I put the extra point in empowerment. I figure with so many dots ticking I'm bound to get some decent rage.


Why don't you have defensive roll? Man that talent rawks for voidstar, large scale pvp, and some pve encounters. No phantom either. You can literally walk through the fire in huttball with it, and that's the least of its uses

Edited by HBninjaX
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