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Battlewraith's Art


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I've been doing fanart for other games for several years. Now that I'm playing tor I thought I'd try some in the Star Wars theme.


I just have one pic of a twi'lek gunslinger at the moment. But hope to have more soon. Thanks for checking it out.



My gallery is here:


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Oooo, cool! I have a request that's been on my back-burner for a while now (and let me take this opportunity to say how good you are at this; no butter-up intended).


Might I introduce: Theus Dravr (Alias "Storm Ghost"). Jaded former imperial Patriot, rougue Operative for hire. Just don't expect him to take orders (well, at least). I would like him in this Jacket, sneaking into some crime-lord's palace.


You don't have to do him if you don't want to, but if you would I would soooooooo appreciate it. Thanks!


Shadow Quickpaw.

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