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Can Vanguards PvE dps aswell as Commando?


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Speaking as our guild's main tank, I can say our assault spec vanguard does noticeably more DPS than our gunnery commando. How much of that is down to player skill or behavior, I don't know, but it's definitely very possible for vanguards to hold their own.


Commando Gunnery types are odd ducks. Because of the way Grav Round -> Demo Round works, singly they're not so effective, but become increasingly horrendous in twos, threes, or more. Us Assault Vanguards aren't synergistic the same way, even if individually we can pummel a target hard.

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The tactics-tree itself needs an overwork...this tree is just useless, only the lower talents (T1-2) are woth something, the rest is complete and utter crap....no synergy, a kinetikbased low dmg dot, a better ionpulse as the toptier-talent....ammo-cost-reducing buffs, when you got the skilledcell...this tree is just broken at his current state.


Which is kinda funny, because Gunnery works like butter for Commandos, and that's their "Tactics" tree, while their Assault is comparably awkward.


Tier 3 Tactics talents make me want to strangle a kitten when trying a PvE hybrid build.

Edited by va_wanderer
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assault for commando is far away from being awkward.


Comparatively. It's not bad, but the Gunnery rotations for a Commando are much, much smoother. (And no, I don't mean just grav round spam, that's Bad Commando DPS). Assault Vanguard IMHO > Assault Commando, but that's like comparing two five-star chefs- either one is delicious, but one has to be better than the other. Ditto Gunnery Commando vs. Assault Commando.


(Edit note: I'd happily take tips on Assault Commando, though. I can easily see me Doing It Wrong )

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Ok guys i just started the game and i was wonding wht would be the best class to be in the game like what one is the easiest to lvl and play as?


Heh. You picked an interesting thread to ask that on.


Troopers in general are actually pretty straightforward- we can focus on fewer skills than Jedi do, though I won't diss a Jedi for effectiveness.


The key though is: What you enjoy doing. SWOTR isn't hideously difficult to play with most classes, and the learning curve in the end is similar for all of them if you want to play well.


Rule of Cool applies. Play what feels awesome.

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The previus answer is very VERY wrong.


The two classes have only one tree that they share and thats not the tree ppl spec in.


If you want to DPS go comando because Vanguards DPS is not even close to the comando one end game and since you mention PVP if you want to be able to kill anything in pvp go Commando


This answer is also wrong.


No one has any accurate reliable information on comparative end-game dps because BW has not released the combat logs. Accordingly, anyone who tries to tell you that they know this information is guessing.


The only problem with Vanguard DPS is that players believe you are only viable as a tank because that's the way it is with some tanks in other MMOs.

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I'm currently in the process of leveling my 2nd trooper, Vanguard this time around.


Unfortunately, without DPS meters it's incredibly difficult to judge damage properly, but I'm pretty sure nothing comes close to my Gunnery during OPs or HM FP's. I'll have better feedback once I get done powerleveling the vanguard to 50, but as it stands... nobody in my guild can come close to my trooper lol, it's kind of sad.


Currently running full Columi with a few odd Rakata


40% dmg reduction (through Charged Barrier)


I actually "tanked" a couple HM FP's 'cause we got bored and had no tanks around.

1 healer, 3 dps


As for someone with the "burst damage" argument... I've yet to see any other class be able to pull the ridiculous burst my Gunnery can pull with a streak of 3 crits which happens frequently. I see these numbers multiple times per encounters:

GR crit for 4600(36% crit + 15% set bonus)

HIB crit for 3100ish (this can reach 4k+ with 5 stacks of sunder)

DR crit for 3500ish


This happens in approximately 1.7ish seconds (not factoring the initial 1.4s cast on GR, the actual damage happens through GR hitting, HIB hitting(GCD), DR hits.


Also, I don't normally do the following as it is not ammo efficient, but in Khaon for example where we need 1 of the mobs bursted down even faster, I'll throw Sticky Grenade first and then do the chain mentioned above; SG>GR>HIB>DR... there isn't many Strongs that survive through this.


And if for some reason, that mob is still standing and headed for you, I'll often do the following:


Tech Override + GR



I'll usually get 1 to 2 crits out of 3 again, and similar burst in limited time, 1.4s + 2 instants

It's ridiculous with my crit & surge relic going...



And since we don't have damage meters, the best way I found to judge damage output is by judging threat output; I consistently pull aggro off the tanks even tho I'm spamming Diversion every CD. Perhaps it's just buggy threat on certain skills, but if threat follows the same curve than damage output, then other DPSers would be pulling threat too if they had similar burst & dmg to my Gunnery...


That being said, I'm truly interested to see how much fun Vanguard is going to be later on, I can't wait.

Edited by Xzenorath
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Based on what? My observations (Full Rakata Assault Spec Vanguard) are just as valid as yours. Assault just can't keep up with Gunnery in the long run.

Edited by Rogmar
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Based on what? My observations (Full Rakata Assault Spec Vanguard) are just as valid as yours. Assault just can't keep up with Gunnery in the long run.


Until we have combat logs any discussion is pointless. We can all provide anecdotal evidence to support our opinion but that's all it would be; opinion.

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