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Queues already? Before launch?


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This actually upsets me and kind of turns me away from wanting to play :mad:. I am pretty excited for this game, but seriously have we not learned anything from the earlier mistakes WoW had. Noone should have to wait to play a game when they pay monthly to play it. If you look at the the server list there are some servers that are "Light". How in the heck is it possible when the creators had the oppertunity to spread guild through out all servers. In my opinion, they better get this resolved right away.
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Bioware tried to do this by opening as few servers as possible and letting in as few people as possible.


They pissed off 90% of the players by only letting a small group in, then they pissed off everyone else when they finally had to let everyone in and the queues started.


They handled this whole launch really, really poorly.

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Try taking a look at the servers again. When I looked while waiting in a queue, the only servers I saw with a wait time were PVE servers. PVP servers had no wait time.


At least, not the ones I saw. I didn't scroll down.


Still says something about who wants to play where.

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There's just not enough servers, and we have no idea what the server capacity is set to... but I suspect it will do well if this problem gets fixed before the real launch. Typerpace is right, something like massive queues will drive a lot of people away, even if the game is good. WoW got away with it for a while in its beginnings because there wasn't really any comnpetition.
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This actually upsets me and kind of turns me away from wanting to play :mad:. I am pretty excited for this game, but seriously have we not learned anything from the earlier mistakes WoW had. Noone should have to wait to play a game when they pay monthly to play it. If you look at the the server list there are some servers that are "Light". How in the heck is it possible when the creators had the oppertunity to spread guild through out all servers. In my opinion, they better get this resolved right away.



You do understand those guilds didn't have to go to there assigned servers? And short of locking a server, they can't stop new people from rolling on a high pop server.

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The other issue here is, they don't even identify problematic servers when they're off peak.


So tomorrow morning (depending where you are), people are liable to roll on the server, get in with little issue, start leveling, and not even realize they're on a ticking time bomb until peak when the thing is super full.

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You do understand those guilds didn't have to go to there assigned servers? And short of locking a server, they can't stop new people from rolling on a high pop server.


Actually I do understand that 100%. However the I would think that because they can control where the guilds are going they should be able to spread them out fairly evenly as to not over populate servers. One other mentioned the inability of locking down servers. That is absolutely what they should have done. As soon as it fills to the point that its "Full" as to not create que times, they should lock them down until the server is upgraded atleast. Hopefully they see this issue and start upgrading now.

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I think they done a smart work overall.


Queues are expected. Wth can u do about queues? Lock a server? Leave out a late-running guildie?


Be serious guys. They are handling the thing much better than Blizzard. Thats what the EGA was for anyway: You cant expect to have a smooth start up with just ONE launch date, and because you cant have TWO either, they "created" the EGA to smooth out original launch date, as much as possible.



When i logged on 4th wave on Dec15 i was like 250-300 queue and when my GF logged 2-3 hours later she was 900sh queue!!


PVP server , legions of lettow.

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