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L40 PvP armour suggestion


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Hi All.

Bit of a noobie here so please try and keep it simple for me. I run a deception based assassin and LOVE it. I have been doing a bit of PvP recently and have amassed about 900 comms. If I'm not mistaken they max out at 1K.


So my question is should I go for some L40 pvp gear or save my comms for L50.


If I go for the L40 gear what set would you suggest to a deception assassin.


Thanks for the reply's in advance




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Depends how much you pvp you do really if not a lot I would save them for 50 and you should think about switching over the WZ marks to mercenary marks and try to atleast max those out before you hit 50. But if you were to get lvl 40 gear get the stuff with accuracy on it and power I believe.
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I'm leveling through PvP mostly and doing my class quests for the planets when I get there. Since I PvP so much I get tons of comms. I bought my level 40 assault set since I am also a deception sin. I am currently level 29 sitting at valor rank 26 atm. Since I have the 40 set and a champ bag bought I have started working on my merc comms which is currently at around 460. Once I get that up to 1k I will probably still have time to grind out a 40 set for a companion (getting Talos or Ashara a set, haven't decided) before even worrying about getting the 1k WZ comms before 50.


Basically prior to 50 my goal is 1 champ bag, 1k merc comms and 1k wz comms so that when I hit 50 I can open 6 champ bags total.. which hopefully will net me at least 1 champ piece I can use.

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I personally have all of my Valor gear waiting for 40 (currently L37 / V35) with a full set for my companions (Talos & Khem). Imo this gear is very good and will do you well into the 40s, at least make you cruise through the first few levels. It also gives you a good chance to get your companions in moddable gear. It's not overly expensive but I can happily PvP for hours on end often only stopping the chain to figure out what I'm going to spend my comms on, I know others can't stand it.


If you are anything like me this helps. Once I hit 45 I'll have the drive to hit 50. I focus on smaller goals (I.e. 1-10 (Advance class), 10-20 (PvP 20 set), 20-25 (Speeder), 25-30 (L30 Talent), 30-40 (L40 PvP Gear / L40 Talent), 40-50 Last set of levels!

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I leveled to 41 without doing any warzones. Then I started doing them and at that point just decided to just work on merc comms and do as many warzones as I can stand and try to do my class quests when the level is right; hoping to not be totally under equipped at 50
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