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Purple Crystals for Republic. Still no response from Devs!


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Will be fun...watch how fast nobody wants purple lightsaber crystals when the developers finally just say "fine, everyone gets it" and the game turns into a sea of purplelightsaber wielding clones with nothing unique about them at all.


I don't mind the LS/DS thing so much.


But the exclusion of so wanted a colour was always going to be controversial.






Personally I think it would be better to allow all colours to anyone (potentially), but make the path to getting them difficult (not necessarily only raiders/PvPer/whateverers can have them, but also stuff like collect all datacrons on Republic side and get purple crystal or something, or convoluted quests etc.)

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I don't mind the LS/DS thing so much.


But the exclusion of so wanted a colour was always going to be controversial.






Personally I think it would be better to allow all colours to anyone (potentially), but make the path to getting them difficult (not necessarily only raiders/PvPer/whateverers can have them, but also stuff like collect all datacrons on Republic side and get purple crystal or something, or convoluted quests etc.)


Yep, this I can agree with. I'm not an entitlist and I am happy for some quest to get this.


Still wouldn't answer the question of why the have gone down the route they have.

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What's the deal with purple, anyway? I mean, I sort of get people wanting different colors for their lightsabers, but why do so many people get bent out of shape over that particular color?


I've been roleplaying since before most people here were conceived, and I don't get the "it's important if you're a roleplayer!" argument. No, it's not. It's not harder to roleplay a guy who doesn't have a purple lightsaber. Frankly, if you absolutely have to have a particular color to roleplay properly, you really must kind of suck at roleplaying.


It really is just a color, and it doesn't matter what bizarre nonsensical arguments you might make to try to turn it into more than that. Unless, of course, you're trying to roleplay as Samuel L. Jackson, but if you are, you're doing it wrong.

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Where have I said that I want a response of "we are working on it"?


Have you not read my OP?


I am asking what the design philosophy in the first place was.


"Were working on it" is just as bad as saying "soon Tm" so that wouldn't be a response that would make me feel better.


Then you just have an unrealistic expectations of what the developers owe to you, in my humble and solely my own, opinion.

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My 2 creds:


1). Only comes on mid and higher level 50 gear, so it isn't every other level.


2). People only want it because they can't get it. If you gave the Empire a saber with a "baby poop yellow" crystal that made the sound of a kowakian monkey lizard laugh every time you swung, I believe most people in this thread would be whining that they couldn't get it.


3). This game will be updated with new raids and new lewtz. It might be in there.


3a). If a purple crystal does drop in the next raid, people will still be whining because they don't want to work to get their super special snowflake status. ie: "OMG this is so important for my character that I want it handed to me without any work!!"

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My 2 creds:


1). Only comes on mid and higher level 50 gear, so it isn't every other level.


2). People only want it because they can't get it. If you gave the Empire a saber with a "baby poop yellow" crystal that made the sound of a kowakian monkey lizard laugh every time you swung, I believe most people in this thread would be whining that they couldn't get it.


3). This game will be updated with new raids and new lewtz. It might be in there.


3a). If a purple crystal does drop in the next raid, people will still be whining because they don't want to work to get their super special snowflake status. ie: "OMG this is so important for my character that I want it handed to me without any work!!"


I kind of what this now :(

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I was a little disappointed, too. On one hand, purple is my favourite colour, and it would have been awesome to have the colour crystal from an early level.


On the other hand, the game was likely designed with the future in mind. IE: when the game level-caps at 100, getting to level 50 to get your purple saber isn't going to seem so end-gamey, and it gives people something to work for. The problem with any MMO is that there's no guarantee that it will ever get to a 'future,' but the devs still have to plan for it to happen.


It's pretty common in any video game for the weapons to get cooler as your level goes up. For reasons likely associated with Mace Windu and Samuel L. Jackson, the devs decided that purple was the epitome of cool, and made that the end-game color for the Sith. If I was picking a color to be 'cool,' though, to me, logic would dictate that it would be a color NOT in the movie, like yellow. The other two endgame colors (Cyan and magenta) aren't seen in the movies if I remember correctly. So why did they pick purple for the Sith, and not, say, orange?


It'd be cool if all the basic ROY G BIV colors were available from the start of the game, then at the end, magenta and cyan could be available to both Republic and Empire. Then future expansions could make use of some of the Expanded Universe color crystal effects, like the lava crystal that appears to drip lava, or the Krayt Dragon Pearl, which creates the rare white lightsaber (even in the Old Republic was it rare, IIRC). Unfortunately, I'm sure the Bioware devs haven't read much of the EU, and assumed that because Mace Windu had the only purple lightsaber in the movies, that purple must be rare.


Which isn't necessarily a malicious design decision on the part of the devs, it just sucks for the people who are familiar with the extended universe. XD


Anyway, I'd sign this for reasons that I think it'd be cooler if endgame colors were yellow and orange instead of purple, pink, and cyan.

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What's the deal with purple, anyway? I mean, I sort of get people wanting different colors for their lightsabers, but why do so many people get bent out of shape over that particular color?


I've been roleplaying since before most people here were conceived, and I don't get the "it's important if you're a roleplayer!" argument. No, it's not. It's not harder to roleplay a guy who doesn't have a purple lightsaber. Frankly, if you absolutely have to have a particular color to roleplay properly, you really must kind of suck at roleplaying.


It really is just a color, and it doesn't matter what bizarre nonsensical arguments you might make to try to turn it into more than that. Unless, of course, you're trying to roleplay as Samuel L. Jackson, but if you are, you're doing it wrong.


Firstly, you don't know how old I am so what a stupid way to start your thread.


Secondly, what's with the elitist "I am better than you" kind of attitude? So what if I want a purple LS to roleplay with? I also want Jedi robes to rp with too, so in your opinion that means I suck at roleplaying? If your as old as your trying to portray, you post certainly doesn't come across that you are and instead makes you sound like a complete kid tbh.


So once again, why come into a thread that has 0 effect on you, but you deem to tell me and others that we suck?


Shesh man, have a look at yourself.

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Then you just have an unrealistic expectations of what the developers owe to you, in my humble and solely my own, opinion.


And what is an unrealistic expectation? Asking for a response to a question on a forum where Devs are known to answer questions?


I am asking for a response to a question that I would like an answer to as a "paying" customer.


I am sure that others would like answers to their questions on whatever issue or problem they would like an answer to and once again isn't this what the forums are for?

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Firstly, you don't know how old I am so what a stupid way to start your thread.


I did say "most" in my first sentence, did I not? If I were one to sling insults like you do, I might mention here that being called "stupid" by someone with an obvious reading comprehension disability is awfully ironic.


Secondly, what's with the elitist "I am better than you" kind of attitude? So what if I want a purple LS to roleplay with? I also want Jedi robes to rp with too, so in your opinion that means I suck at roleplaying? If your as old as your trying to portray, you post certainly doesn't come across that you are and instead makes you sound like a complete kid tbh.


You may also want to look up "elitist." You seem to have taken everything I said hyper-personally... I have no idea why, but it can't be healthy. You also obviously misunderstood everything I said, so you may want to wait for the Ritalin to kick in and then go back and read it again.


All I said was that purple crystals are, in no way, required (or even important) for roleplaying. It's a baseless argument.


So once again, why come into a thread that has 0 effect on you, but you deem to tell me and others that we suck?

Shesh man, have a look at yourself.


What I said was that, if you can't roleplay without a purple crystal, you suck at roleplaying. That's 100% pure truth. If you choose to be offended by that, well, people will get offended by all sorts of strange things, I suppose.


Incidentally, if you expect anyone who wanders into a thread you're in to always hold the same point of view you do, then I fully agree with what another poster here has said: Your expectations are obscenely out of whack.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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My 2 creds:


2). People only want it because they can't get it. If you gave the Empire a saber with a "baby poop yellow" crystal that made the sound of a kowakian monkey lizard laugh every time you swung, I believe most people in this thread would be whining that they couldn't get it.


3). This game will be updated with new raids and new lewtz. It might be in there.


3a). If a purple crystal does drop in the next raid, people will still be whining because they don't want to work to get their super special snowflake status. ie: "OMG this is so important for my character that I want it handed to me without any work!!"


And I will say again, if it doesn't have any effect on you, why post.


What is it with all these people thinking they know why I and others would like something?


Where does it say that I and others have said just hand it to us?


Why does everything have to only drop in a raid?


Have you seen my name? Solo "MACE" as in Mace Windu. I think my post says quite clearly why I would like it and or would like a response as to why it's not available at low levels and for both factions.


Once again, you and all the other trolls and yes I say trolls, are simply coming into this thread to sprout your bile and rubbish for something that once again has 0 effect on you.


In the end my money is just as good as yours and I am entitled to ask for something. Entitled doesn't mean I will get a response, but I am entitled to ask the question regardless of you or the other trolls who basically are saying I shouldn't.

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Once again, you and all the other trolls and yes I say trolls, are simply coming into this thread to sprout your bile and rubbish for something that once again has 0 effect on you.


In the end my money is just as good as yours and I am entitled to ask for something. Entitled doesn't mean I will get a response, but I am entitled to ask the question regardless of you or the other trolls who basically are saying I shouldn't.


You're funny. Your $15 a month entitles you to ask the questions you want, but those of us (who, I might add, pay the same as you do) who don't see it exactly like you do are not entitled to speak our minds as well; we're trolls?


What makes your $15 better than ours?


It's becoming awfully apparent that you've got some major entitlement issues going on.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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I did say "most" in my first sentence, did I not? If I were one to sling insults like you do, I might mention here that being called "stupid" by someone with an obvious reading comprehension disability is awfully ironic.




You may also want to look up "elitist." You seem to have taken everything I said hyper-personally... I have no idea why, but it can't be healthy. You also obviously misunderstood everything I said, so you may want to wait for the Ritalin to wear off and then go back and read it again.


All I said was that purple crystals are, in no way, required (or even important) for roleplaying. It's a baseless argument.




What I said was that, if you can't roleplay without a purple crystal, you suck at roleplaying. That's 100% pure truth. If you choose to be offended by that, well, people will get offended by all sorts of strange things, I suppose.


Incidentally, if you expect anyone who wanders into a thread you're in to always hold the same point of view you do, then I fully agree with what another poster here has said: Your expectations are obscenely out of whack.


Hah, nice try. So once again, how do you know it's most? You don't. And guess what, I haven't misunderstood anything you have said and I think we both know what your trying to get across especially with your insults, which is the only thing your good at.


It may not be important to you or it may not be required for you, but tell me, where is the bible that says what is and what is not needed for roleplaying? You know what, there isn't.


Let me ask, what exactly are you doing when you play TOR? Are you not role playing anyway? When you picked your class, did you just pick the stock race and look? Surely you don't need to change anything if your so good at RP and you just clicked random, random name and off you went? Nah, I bet you didn't.


I'm all for people having different opinion and I would love to debate them with people, however so far in this thread, different opinions just mean insults not learned discourse. It's either why do I care, who cares about colours, or you "suck" from people(yep that's you). So far no one has come up with a reasonable response of why the situation of colours of LS is the way it is. Want to know why? Because there isn't a reasonable explanation. Hence why I am asking for one from those who have made the game.


So, once again, why have you posted in this thread when colours of a LS means nothing to you? Why, because you just want to have an elitist attitude or you just want to troll. With you I think it's a bit of both.

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You're funny. Your $15 a month entitles you to ask the questions you want, but those of us (who, I might add, pay the same as you do) who don't see it exactly like you do are not entitled to speak our minds as well; we're trolls?


What makes your $15 better than ours?


It's becoming awfully apparent that you've got some major entitlement issues going on.


Who said anything about you not been able to post? I said your post was trolling as it was simply saying that I suck because I ask for something?


Speaking your mind is one thing, trolling is another.


It's also becoming apparent to me that you have some big issues too m8. You have come into a thread that wasn't asking anything but a simple question that has 0 effect on you, but you have decided to insult me and others in your post and bringing 0 to the discussion besides this sidebar flame off we are having.


As it's obvious to me that we are miles apart in our views, I will just ignore you from now on, which is what I should have done from the beginning. My bad.


Take a look in the mirror m8.

Edited by Solomace
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Not sure what your talking about, I have a guildmate who has a bind on pickup schematic for the purple crystal on the rep side


Okay, can you ask your friend if he wouldn't mind sharing this info as to where he got it from please, as I'm not saying I don't believe you, it's just that I don't believe you.;)


Okay only JK. Would be interested to know what level this can be used at if what you say is true.

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I would really like to know if they're planning to add Purple color to the Republic too so I can keep going or stop with my Sage. Yes, that's right, I care a lot about the looks of my character.


Or at least know why they won't add them :/


Omg! people care about their character looks in a game! That's too stupid! I'm gonna troll this thread with stupid responses such as:


"Lol at people who care about colors"

"I don't understand how people care about these, it's just a color"


Well, news flash! Not everyone thinks like you people who only care about stats.

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I would really like to know if they're planning to add Purple color to the Republic too so I can keep going or stop with my Sage. Yes, that's right, I care a lot about the looks of my character.


Or at least know why they won't add them :/


Omg! people care about their character looks in a game! That's too stupid! I'm gonna troll this thread with stupid responses such as:


"Lol at people who care about colors"

"I don't understand how people care about these, it's just a color"


Well, news flash! Not everyone thinks like you people who only care about stats.


Thank you friend.


You and others on here at least understand.


Now I know why my friend said to me to buy a tinfoil hat if I make a post on these forums.


You'd think that a veteran of U/O, EQ, EQ2, "WOW", STO amd countless other forums, I would know better about the "trolls" out there. Seems I don't.


And before the trolls come back and say that I don't like other people's opinions so I call them trolls, nope I call them trolls because they are either insulting (which I admit I have been due to provocation) and don't actually have an opinion just a stock statement of basically shut up.

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