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Darth Maul isn't dead!?!?!?!?!


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well, fett might be fat in german, but in Norwegian fett meens cool :cool:


But wouldn't he be hot - not cool? (You can use "fett" similar in german slang too.)


Apparently from what I understood the EU started that "Darth Maul" cannot die theory, Lucas liked the idea and went for it. Haven't seen season 4 yet though.


So here you go, if George doesn't go with ideas from the EU he's a greedy selfish $&^#* - if he does then he's a stupid greedy *&$(&(%. Can't win.

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But at least Boba's return was plausible. Maul was cut in bloody half.


lol, bollocks, for a real Star Wars fan both are dead. Simple as that, no ****** book can bring them back. They died in the movies. I wouldnt mind books before they died though


PPL in real life have lost thier lower half from the hips down and survived. Depends on where he as truly severed at.


And people survive falling down an endless hole too right? Not really.

Edited by Vordy
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lol, bollocks, for a real Star Wars fan both are dead. Simple as that, no ****** book can bring them back. They died in the movies. I wouldnt mind books before they died though




And people survive falling down an endless hole too right? Not really.


so I take it you're not happy that palpatine/sidious didn't really die in the movies either.

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And people survive falling down an endless hole too right? Not really.


Luke did it in a movie. So it's not really that far fetched. There's also been documented RL cases of people being wounded in sorta the same way Maul did, and surviving that.

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First of all Yoda had no lightsaber, he was the great master, the most accomplished force user in the galaxy, the most humble being at the same time, a humorous fellow, a Jedi who lived for 900 years and ruled the council for most of it as I understand, survied the most catastrophic conflict the galaxy has ever seem and is the embodiment of the Jedi's philosophy, and I'm not even counting the Prequels, wash your mouth before you compare Yoda to "At last we shall have our have revenge."


I don't believe there's any decent explanation for how he survived in all fairness... Palpatine seemed to not care at all and the guy fell into that reactor pit, There have been instances of Dark side force users being cut in half(and practically dying) and surviving in Star Wars, usually surviving by sheer hate and determination.






But I don't see who and HOW Darth Maul was retrieved from that reactor pit at all to be fair...


Umm I guess you'd have to not be counting the prequals... I'd have to say you haven't seen the end of Episode II at all from the highlighted portion. (or you left the theatre early)

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Thats news to me, but like I said. The ones that died in the movies died, simple.


He created clones of himself and began to occupy one after his physical body was destroyed. Then there was something about some fat Jedi Knight with a hoverboard sacrificing himself to get rid of him... ah, the essential is that he had to be 'killed' twice more after his apparent 'death' in the movies. Classic comic book crap tbh.*


*I don't hate comic books, for the record. Just dislike some conventions that come with it.

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Wasn't the only thing Yoda ever do... erm... speak backwards... and uh... he was green!... and had a cool green LS... aand.... yeah... so why is he actually that popular?


- He trained the most famous Jedi ever

- Delivered the message that one shouldn't judge a warrior by his size

- Was introduced as the most powerfull and wise Jedi Master ever


Yoda is an important CHARACTER in the Star Wars Saga - Maul simply is not. He HAS NO CHARACTER. That has nothing to do with opinion, but simply with the way he was designed. A ****** villain with a cool doublebladed sabre. Nothing wrong with that, but you have to agree that your point was kind of... fanboish. Nothing wrong with that one either. :D


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I really like Maul. He was fun to watch in EP1, and the fighting scenes were by far (veeeeerry far) the best part of it. But there is simply NO friggin way that he could have survived being cut in half, not to mention the fall.

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no it hasnt :)


It is in fact possible to survive losing your lower half there's plenty of documented cases of this. Bleeding out wouldn't be an issue for Maul because it was a light saber that did the damage.


Given the massively advanced medical tech in SW it would be even more likely provided someone found him.

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*** he died no way he survived. Anyone have any plausible explanation as to why Darth Maul is in The CLONE WARS.


Its probably because Star Wars Clone Wars 3-D series is crap and not cannon


star wars the clone wars might be what you want, but its T canon its actualy as closer to G canon it can be. and yeah hes alive and kicking with a cyborg body, that is well knowned for some time is on the EU. And EU is also canon if dont interfere with Lucas vision and works. and cleary he is trying to macth EU into his canon.


Thats news to me, but like I said. The ones that died in the movies died, simple.
No palpatine in fact didnt die in the movies. I know i dont like it too, i find it absurd that jedi sith are demi gods and not just extraordinary ppl. But hey ist EU for you. at least the post rotj.

no it hasnt
have you seen the movies at all? BESPIN he fell into the pit... reactor or whataver. without his hand.

here is the story of maul. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Maul


Maul simply is not. He HAS NO CHARACTER.
Yes that is true. allthough i belive lucas is taking the oportunity to apeased the fanboys, of maul, and to sell more of his product off course. In the star wars the clone wars 3d series. His introduction into the series, demands that he build one character, personality for maul. and from what i could gather maul is Nuts, crazy.. insane.. well not only for revenge of obi wan but i guess the whole experience was traumatizing. :eek: Edited by Spartanik
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It is in fact possible to survive losing your lower half there's plenty of documented cases of this. Bleeding out wouldn't be an issue for Maul because it was a light saber that did the damage.


QFT....this is how Darth Maul is able to survive being cut in half.

So it would depend on how & where he landed, which can be explained quite plausible by any lore writer that has permission from George Lucas or Leland Chee.


As to why Darth Maul is so popular, it's because he looks and acts ******. The fight scenes in Ep I were cool to watch. Also there was so much more potential for that character than dieing in Ep I. Darth Maul should of been killed half way through or at the end of Ep II.

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star wars the clone wars might be what you want, but its T canon its actualy as closer to G canon it can be. and yeah hes alive and kicking with a cyborg body, that is well knowned for some time is on the EU. And EU is also canon if dont interfere with Lucas vision and works. and cleary he is trying to macth EU into his canon.


No palpatine in fact didnt die in the movies. I know i dont like it too, i find it absurd that jedi sith are demi gods and not just extraordinary ppl. But hey ist EU for you. at least the post rotj.

have you seen the movies at all? BESPIN he fell into the pit... reactor or whataver. without his hand.

here is the story of maul. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Maul




Like I said, I dont give a damn what the book writers write to make more money, everyone that died in the movie died. You are a minority that reads thoose book, I can guarantee that everyone I know doesnt give a damn about the books or never heard of thoose "they survived" **** :)

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Like I said, I dont give a damn what the book writers write to make more money, everyone that died in the movie died.


Well quite frankly you are wrong about that.


Maul is back in the Clone Wars TV Show, and that show has Georges blessing, in fact the TV show ranks higher then the books do in terms of cannon. So Maul is in fact alive, this is simply not a point that can be argued because GL himself has allowed it to happen.


You are a minority that reads thoose book


Minority of what?


If we are talking about the worlds total population then yes people who read SW books would be a minority.


If we are talking about Star Wars fans, then maybe. Those books do quite well in terms of sales so if we're talking about people who consider themselves SW fans maybe. But it would be a rather large minority.


If we're talking about people who post on Star Wars discussion forms, then no clearly people who don't read those books are the ones in the minority and a fairly small one at that I'd bet.

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Like I said, I dont give a damn what the book writers write to make more money, everyone that died in the movie died. You are a minority that reads thoose book, I can guarantee that everyone I know doesnt give a damn about the books or never heard of thoose "they survived" **** :)


if i read or not the books its besides the point.... canon is canon. as idont give a dam what you or the people you know consider canon.. you cant deny what george consider canon whatever you like it or not.

The point is dont be so suprised about it.

If you dont like it dont wacth it, dont read it. Its what i do. So dont complain about the obvious


I dont read EU books btw. as i find it crap overall. I like The old republic setting though.


BTW Luke faling on bespin is in the movies..... :rolleyes:

Edited by Spartanik
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Well quite frankly you are wrong about that.


Maul is back in the Clone Wars TV Show, and that show has Georges blessing, in fact the TV show ranks higher then the books do in terms of cannon. So Maul is in fact alive, this is simply not a point that can be argued because GL himself has allowed it to happen.




Minority of what?


If we are talking about the worlds total population then yes people who read SW books would be a minority.


If we are talking about Star Wars fans, then maybe. Those books do quite well in terms of sales so if we're talking about people who consider themselves SW fans maybe. But it would be a rather large minority.


If we're talking about people who post on Star Wars discussion forms, then no clearly people who don't read those books are the ones in the minority and a fairly small one at that I'd bet.


minority of the ones that have seen the Star Wars movies.

I havnt seen the tv-show so cant argue about that.

Edited by Vordy
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if i read or not the books its besides the point.... canon is canon.


You are right and according to George, the Clone Wars TV show is canon. It's not the same level of canon that the movies are, but it is still canon. So not sure what your point is exactly because what we're talking about here is what happens in the Clone Wars TV Show...


which again just to make the point clear, is canon according to both George Lucas and Lucasfilms Lmt.

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My point was to responding to the op over there (read the whole thing man) that didnt care about the books or TV show, its about Palpatine and Maul ressurections. Im saying its ok if he didnt care at all, as i dont care much about Palpatine being able to transfer his soul to other cloned bodies. Its ridicolous, its also ok to dont care about stuff you dont like. But regardless you cant deny canon. So yeah in a way maul didnt die in the movie. Because lucas is bringing him back. You might not like it or find it stupid or ridicolous, but you cant deny Canon.

The clone wars is T canon is as closer as G canon you get. Its higher then the books.

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OP here and i thank everybody for their comments and such.


I just hope that that don't screw up his character -_-


EDIT: And why did GL think it was necessary to bring him back, He probably just likes to f*** with us and our money

Edited by MrZerex
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