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Rock Chuckers Overpowered, please apply the nerf bat equally


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While I'll concede that Snipers are probably less effective than they should be, Sorcs consistently give me trouble in areas other classes simply can't.


- No other Class can stun me so frequently, throw me around so frequently, slow me down so frequently, or LoS me so frequently

- No other class can pop a shield which will completely mitigate some of my most central and powerful abilities (Ambush/Aimed Shot come to mind) on a frequent basis

- No other class can, when they realize they are outmatched in a 1v1, just magically run away, hide behind an object, and self heal without suffering energy issues, while dealing the same amount of damage (to be fair, Operatives can do this, but not without using a significant amount of energy)


Sure, Tracer Missile Spam can be annoying. But there is a solid counter to that, and it's not paired with being forced to put up with an incredibly potent shield, a plethora of CC's, and fairly potent self healing.


Not to be rude, but maybe you just aren't good ( I don't know you, maybe you aren't). I know several Gunslingers who can demolish any class. Besides, as a whole, Sorcs aren't OP. Maybe they can counter snipers, but as a whole the PvP is decently balanced. Besides, if you can't 1v1, who cares? WZs are meant for team play. The best Gunslingers I know go with at least 2 other people and set up in the back and pick people off while using their team as cannon fodder.

Edited by dschlan
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I someone blasts you with lightning, go roll a sage and chuck rocks at em from 30 metres away.


That shuts them right up.


Rock Chuckers FTW!


Pretty much. If you can't 1x1 at least you can piss em off :p and get the objectives....


Isn't that a support role ?

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Operative's rifle shot hardly qualifies it as a "ranged" class. I've been QQing and keep hoping that I can convince people that sage/sorc is OP and will get nerfed soon. However, to the OP: Rock/lightning snare is physical and you can purge that all day long. Don't forget frags and explosive probe. They can't outrun you for longer than 5-6 sec if you have 15% run speed and know where your toxin scan button is.


There .Fixed it for you.


Keep repeating it, but like the saying goes"you can fool some of the people, some of the time....". Please don't speak on behalf of "everyone" when no such nerf is necessarily warranted nor known.

Edited by Calista_ZK
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Useless post... you will get several replies along the lines of "L2P noob"...


You give zero in way of proof of OPness.


Sorcs are fine. In the hands of a good player, they dominate. That is all. Same with all classes except Sniper/Gunslinger.. They suck no matter what


Again Wrong. but you keep believing that.


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1. Shield

2. 30 yard snare with pebbles

3. High damage

4. Knockback

5. Multiple Crowd Control counters

6. CC

7. Force Run

8. Healing




1. Shield

2. 30 yard snare with pebbles

3. High damage

4. Knockback

5. Multiple Crowd Control counters

6. CC

7. freezing grenade to stop force run ;D/catch u in hazards.

8. Healing



Edited by warkat
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