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Why bother giving Bounty Hunter healers a life bar?


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Why not just have them invincible heal-bots that you need to interrupt every now and then?

That's basically what they are atm.


It takes a minimum of like 3 guys to make a decent attemtpt of taking one down.

At leat nerf that damn bubble of theirs

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I play a merc healer, here is my advice.


When we pop the bubble, we can be pretty much immortal for a short period of time. the 25% damage reduction, combined with talents to make us heal more, and not be inturupted, as well as decreasing healing knockbacks, makes us really hard to deal with when we bubble. However, there is no reason to attack a bubbled merc! Why would you try to kill someone that has incredible defensive capabilities for 10-13 seconds, when you can just pick on someone else that doesn't?


Bottom line. Dont attack a merc healer who has bubbled. You want to force them to bubble, and come back 15 seconds later when all their defensive abilities are refreshing. Then we go back to being our usual self, which is still difficult to deal with, but we can be locked down by one DPS

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Why not just have them invincible heal-bots that you need to interrupt every now and then?

That's basically what they are atm.


It takes a minimum of like 3 guys to make a decent attemtpt of taking one down.

At leat nerf that damn bubble of theirs


Seroiusly if you guys keep complaining about healers and they nerf healing you will not have any left in PvP.


It's bad enough that your medals are gimped if full heal spec, you are focused the whole match, you never get any MVP's even when doing like 500k healing, while capping objectives.


I am not sure what people want, just a big dps zerg where everyone dies in the first 10 seconds then you all stand at spawn waiting to get out, and then get out and everyone is dead in 10 seconds again. This would be stupid. Healers are fine, if you could 2 shot every healer ther would be no one left to heal, how boring.

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I'm level 50, and I have to say, it isn't that hard to kill any healer 1v1 unless a few conditions exist.


1. He's getting healed by someone else (not a 1v1 anymore now is it?)


2. You ran into him while all of his cd's are up and he's guarded, in vent, and has a team protecting him (still not a 1v1 situation)


3. You just aren't putting enough dps and interrupts into the mix to make a kill. (problem I had until respec into RailShot Pyro).


Even full battlemaster I've dropped healers, but here's the deal, you should never, repeat NEVER be solo attacking a healer in a warzone. Open world well, it's a different story then. Time your interrupts, look for the medpack (sign of desperation), and conserve a spike dps ability for that last 10% of his life. It quits being an fps and becomes chess then.

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Why not just have them invincible heal-bots that you need to interrupt every now and then?

That's basically what they are atm.


It takes a minimum of like 3 guys to make a decent attemtpt of taking one down.

At leat nerf that damn bubble of theirs


And how quickly was this invincible heal-bot able to take you down? Wait, you mean you didn't die? Sounds pretty balanced to me.

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This is an issue of playing your interrupts and stuns correctly. I'm not trying to be rude but it's just not that hard to solo a healer, especially a bounty hunter merc or trooper commando who is heal specced.


What class are you playing that has such a hard time killing a healer anyway?

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I suggest they instead nerf QQing on the forums about nerfing whatever class isn't yours......


If anything merc healers are underpowered when compared with sorc healers. that is my own opinion of course, but from my own experience, sorc healers cause far fewer wipes in hard modes and ops..... even modestly geared sorc healers.... and yet I don't EVER want them nerfed... nor should anyone with half a brain.

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Why not just have them invincible heal-bots that you need to interrupt every now and then?

That's basically what they are atm.


It takes a minimum of like 3 guys to make a decent attemtpt of taking one down.

At leat nerf that damn bubble of theirs


BW is cruel like that. They even allowed bounty hunters to be stunned or knocked down, which of course isnt really a threat, it just extends the agony you are suffering.

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As a Merc Healer, the attacks from other players almost ALWAYS follow the same approach.


First I will be stunned. If I purge that stun, then I will immediately be stunned again.


At that point, I will have immunity to most CC so I can pop my bubble and get immunity to interrupts.


Once that bubble pops, I will be back to full health in 6 secs or less and healing somebody else for the remaining 6 seconds.


Frankly I love when people us their interrupts on me when I am bubbled. I just goes to show how little people understand the class. And after a few failed attempts to interrupt my casting, they generally go target someone else and leave me a lone for a while even once the bubble timer reaches its end.


And then you jump on the forums and see yet another thread about how OP healer classes are and that they can't be interrupted.


So for me it is a win - win. Not only did I survive the attack, but I forced a player or two to shift targets even once I am vulnerable again. And I can go on a healing spree again completely unmolested.

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