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Chiss force users


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They have every reason to be, to start out with chiss are smarter than the average baseline human, they have very good vision in low light conditions due to living underground for so long, and they are the only species which should not have access to body type 4 since they generally can't become overweight if they tried =p
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Well, it may not count for much, but once 1.2 drops, your Chiss Agent or Bounty Hunter might be able to force choke a 'Pub. If you have a warrior in your family tree. Edited by HanzoV
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  • 2 weeks later...
Why are there no chiss force users?

I'd personally love playing a chiss warrior or inquisitor and there isn't anything in their backstory that would keep them from becoming one, I mean they are even one of the few alien species that the empire doesn't outright despise.


This is what I was wanting at launch.

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