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10 Good
  1. I don't think Ashara is bugged - if so then Blizz would be bugged in the opposite direction. He likes pretty much everything you throw at him, with fits in with his personality as a curious Jawa.
  2. There are better saber effects out there, if you don't mind spending a little time rotoscoping. Check out http://www.videocopilot.com, Andrew Kramer has a great tutorial and preset for saber effects.
  3. I'm pretty sure that the Chiss are dead to the Force, or something like that. They have no Force connection. Don't quote me, I just remember hearing that in a conversation or something.
  4. I actually kindof agree that there's a lack of selection among the races - and that "human" and "cyborg" should really have been the same race, since the only cyborgs are humans with cybernetics on. Plus, out of all the interesting Star Wars races to pick, it seems that to save time, they simply picked the most human-looking races. Miralians, for example, are not race that I would have imagined as a "starting race" for launching a Star Wars game. Also, with the lack of any real racial abilities, the only real difference (at least on Empire side) is that if you're anything other than human, the dialogue gets peppered with a few xenophobic comments here and there. For me, If I had to stick to more human looking races, I would rather have seen Togruta in place of Miralians, and Nautolans in place of Cyborgs. Then again I don't run a game company nor do I work for LucasArts, so what do I know? And obviously, they're saving Wookies for a future expansion, just like Galaxies did.
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