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So Tired Of Pretending...


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I'm still enjoying the game- I even play quite a bit but still haven't played through a lot of content- including endgame pve and the republic's planets.


I love how engaging the game is from the start- levelling had always been the worst part of mmos- and in this case it was the best.


There needs to be more work done of course- pvp has great balance, but there are some problems with the current WZs (VS is a stalemate with two good teams, Alderaan's side speeders make the first team to cap two the winner unless they're exceptionally bad).


The only glaring problem I've found with TOR is world pvp- Ilum is not good, even if working as intended it's not good. I can be forgiving of that though since world pvp has never been very good in mmos.

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Couldn't agree more. When this game was originally announced as an MMO I was beyond disappointed. I really just wanted KoTOR3 and was at a point where I was really burnt out on MMOs in general.


Fast forward to December and launch and I had decided to give the game a shot expecting to play for a month and then shelve it like I do with pretty much every MMO that has come out in the last few years. But I have to admit this game got it's hooks into me (the first MMO that has managed to do so since DAoC.)



I love the game just resubbed for another 2 months and do not see myself stopping anytime soon. It's not even close to perfect but it is fun for me and that is all I really care about.

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