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Carnage trouble


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Im levle 41 Marauder, been using Annihilation spec for now becaouse of nice cds, dots and self heals. Didnt had much trouble while soling Elites, but wasnt happy with burst damage.


So i switched to Carnage. But it seems difficult to master.



Can anyone give me some nice skill rotation to kill mobs fast as possible.?? pls Due to no self heals i die a lot faster then before. Carnage is all about dmg, i need to find best and most effective way to deal it...


It forces me to call up Quinn all the time ...

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I loathe Quinn, especially after our class storyline, but as carnage, unless you are really good, he is very useful. If you plan on using a different companion and you are not Biochem, (a reusable heal every 90sec is Godlike) then you are going to have to master not just carnage, but playing a marauder in general. Every fight will be a dps race. In pve never underestamate the power of force jump, savage kick on a weak - strong mob, and force scream, pommel stirke.


Rotation depends on what you are juming into, if its two normals and a strong, it would be force jump, savage kick, battering assualt if not already dead. Force scream, pommel strike, massarce if not already dead. Then turn to elite and ravage, then pick up a battering assualt, massacre, force scream, massacre.


Here is how to not get destroyed though, force jump in and lead off with obfuscate, 1 min CD, no damage from a single target for 6 sec, activate cloak of pain when that wears off, use your interupts as often as possible against skill high damage skills. Saber ward if needed, back to obfuscate, if you drop below 30% use force camo and let your companion start taking aggro cause your dps should probably mean that all mobs will be on you. If you companion gets low, you can use passive skill to make companions dps slack off and the mob will turn back to you if it hasnt already, and then there is undying rage if needed. Dont underestimate Obfuscate and your defensive CDs, on a long fight you should be able to use them all mutliple times.


Dps, I basically spam Battering assualt and massarce, with force scream and gore whenever they are up, although I'd save gore and ravage and use them together whenever possible.

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Kiba has an excellent guide to Carnage stickied at the top of this forum. But your typical starting rotation would be something like:


Force Charge > Assault > Massacre > Gore > Ravage > Force Scream


If you're able to pop this off consecutively, Ravage will be applied with 100% armor penetration and Force Scream will get in on the tail end of Blood Frenzy and be an auto-crit.

Edited by AmedusTOR
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after i picked jaesa i dumped quin completeley and i was a carnage from lv 10 to 50 and i switched to anni because i wanted to raid(ataru form bug).

all i did is to be at least +2lv from the minimum required .

i believe the carnage rotation goes without saying and the rage managent is supereasy , you might have just to get used to it


just try to put as mauch much dps as possible in the 6secs of armor penetration that gore provides

Edited by darth_billy
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