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i'll just keep to myself.


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I think a ton of people are just disappointed.


It would be worse, much worse if people just installed, said "this game sucks" and left. The people complaining are trying to get it fixed.


Look i have ZERO problems with people giving constructive criticism, i just wish people would keep it that way. Never going to happen i know, but one can only wish

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Sadly, this is a typical result from self-indulgent egotistical people who got meaningless "participation awards" to assuage their obsessive desire for instant gratification.


As a result you have an inordinate amount of angst-ridden whining and teeth-gnashing when every little thing doesn't go their way.

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Look i have ZERO problems with people giving constructive criticism, i just wish people would keep it that way. Never going to happen i know, but one can only wish


Funny, because this thread you created is NOT constructive.


Before you wish that other people would give constructive criticism, take your own advice.

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Be very careful showing your support for the game or your dislike for people complaining! My very first post was regarding people always complaining in the forums and I got banned! I made a complaint to customer service and apparently (since I am able to post this) the ban was lifted. Of course there was never a reply or notification telling me the ban was lifted. I just read this post and decided to try to post again. But I'll probably get banned for posting this as well. Lmao!
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This is to the poster. Regarding your first post. I really think you need to learn to spell and learn comprehension first before you let loose out of your pie hole. Maybe then you'll gain a little more respect. And as far as us being "trolls" goes......look at your topic for this post. Id say you sit right at the top of being the 'Elite troll". Just saying....... Edited by Boracis
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The OP wins for me on so many levels. The feelinsg expressed pretty much match my own. It amazes me the number of people that will slate the game, but instead of leaving to play something else, they demand changes, or deride anyone who does like the game.


Personally I love the game; I came to SWTOR because of the SW IP, having hated KOTOR and KOTOR2 in the past, but I stayed because I loved the gameplay and the questing system.


My one gripe is about something that BW can do little about; tyhe community, or lack of it. Far too many "1337 gamers" who suffer from major entitlement issues.


I hope SWTOR has a long run, which I intend to be here for, but I hope the trolls go soon.

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This is to the poster. Regarding your first post. I really think you need to learn to spell and learn comprehension first before you let loose out of your pie hole. Maybe then you'll gain a little more respect. And as far as us being "trolls" goes......look at your topic for this post. Id say you sit right at the top of being the 'Elite troll". Just saying.......



i can spell, just didn't format is correctly. I didn't set out to gain respect on forums, like i said this was me venting. Now my op is gone, and no i'm not top of the "Elite troll" pile, but again that is your opinion. And yeah, opinions are like *****holes, everyone has one.

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Im suprised that most peoples blames BW instead EA, its EA that has screwed this game due forcing relase before most gameplay issues were adressed. This game has alot potential but imo it was relased 1 year too early thanks to money hungry EA.


Just that you know the real BW has died long time ago, its EA that calls the shots nowdays under BW:s name.

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