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Healers unbeatable solo


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So your playing againts bad non premade healers with full premade group. So whats the point of this? I never said noob healer with bad gear is OP. I said good healer with good gear is OP. Try to kill a good healer with good gear with 3 people in Hutt Ball. Not going to happen. :D


I can most certainly kill a well geared healer in any of the warzones, as long as I have good teammates and we can interrupt without overlapping/screwing the resolve bar. People who can't manage that are just bad. Sorry if this hurts your feelings mate.



Noob healers are not an issue, i can easily chain stun and do loads of knocks and stuff...even 1v1 easy stuff :)


I love jugg in general, but when it comes against a healer its a pain.



(Sry for high jacking the threat b d way) :D


This is where having good teammates (and to that effect having at last one other person in vent/mumble with you) so you can cycle properly. My sent friend and I usually use something like 'Kick->Distract->Flash->Kick->Dirty Kick->Distract->Stasis->Kick-> aimed shot knock back->Force Leap->distract which helps us keep the resolve bar from filling.

Edited by Achraya
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I can most certainly kill a well geared healer in any of the warzones, as long as I have good teammates and we can interrupt without overlapping/screwing the resolve bar. People who can't manage that are just bad. Sorry if this hurts your feelings mate.


You can stop telling us how good player you are without any proof. Give us your servers name and your characters names. We can then maybe see you later on crossever proving your might againts our servers healers. You can also make a video of whole wz match with good healers and show how you kill them. And we can see if those healers even are good which you say you are killing so easily. ;)

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Man, I can't wait to get some Champ/BM gear.


Because as a level 42 r39 commando medic... I get bent over two ways to sunday whenever a melee even looks at me. It takes everything I have just to survive let alone actually do damage back at the guy.


From what you guys are saying once I get into some Champ gear maybe things will get better. All I know is I've become a pro at avoidance since I rolled a commando. No one can run their *** off in fear while flailing their arms in the air screaming like a woman like I can.


No one.


= )

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You can stop telling us how good player you are without any proof. Give us your servers name and your characters names. We can then maybe see you later on crossever proving your might againts our servers healers. You can also make a video of whole wz match with good healers and show how you kill them. And we can see if those healers even are good which you say you are killing so easily. ;)



I have the feeling that you're a deeply strange individual. Just a feeling. Can't imagine where it would come from, except maybe your amazing ability to draw conclusions based on things you've literally pulled from nowhere (except perhaps your butt.)


I'm not even sure where to begin so I'll start: I never said I was good, but since you seem interested I'll simply say I'm decent enough and am more than competent enough to set up a cc/interrupt chain on a healer. It's a basic skill that anyone who's done any competitive PvP (In my case arena in WoW) should have. Having said all that it's obvious you're just trying to pick a fight in order to refute anyone who disagrees with you, and picking a pisspoor fight at that. All you've done is make yourself look like an idiot who can't construct a sentence well enough to actually get a point across.


Beyond that I shall simply repeat: You shouldn't be able to beat a healer 1v1, or else that means healers are ineffective. If a healer is managing to survive being pounded on 3 pure dps characters who are rotating their interrupts properly, then yes that would be OP. (Which I've already said, but I guess you missed it...?) But from what I can tell about this game that just means people are bad. If a healer could really heal through that kind of damage it would have visible effects on the PvE aspect of the game. And, with that said, I believe I'm done with you, your strange one-sided argument, and failed attempts at word twisting.

Edited by Achraya
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I have the feeling that you're a deeply strange individual. Just a feeling. Can't imagine where it would come from, except maybe your amazing ability to draw conclusions based on things you've literally pulled from nowhere (except perhaps your butt.)


I'm not even sure where to begin so I'll start: I never said I was good, but since you seem interested I'll simply say I'm decent enough and am more than competent enough to set up a cc/interrupt chain on a healer. It's a basic skill that anyone who's done any competitive PvP (In my case arena in WoW) should have. Having said all that it's obvious you're just trying to pick a fight in order to refute anyone who disagrees with you, and picking a pisspoor fight at that. All you've done is make yourself look like an idiot who can't construct a sentence well enough to actually get a point across.


Beyond that I shall simply repeat: You shouldn't be able to beat a healer 1v1, or else that means healers are ineffective. If a healer is managing to survive being pounded on 3 pure dps characters who are rotating their interrupts properly, then yes that would be OP. (Which I've already said, but I guess you missed it...?) But from what I can tell about this game that just means people are bad. If a healer could really heal through that kind of damage it would have visible effects on the PvE aspect of the game. And, with that said, I believe I'm done with you, your strange one-sided argument, and failed attempts at word twisting.


So your saying your a decent player and you can outmatch a good healer? Man you just out talked your self. Theres no point of this discussion if you havent even fighted againts good healers with a battlemaster gear.


So you can actually spam stuns? I have just one stun and its cooldown is 1 min of course i have the backhand too but somereason it doesnt work on pvp. I dont know if its a bug or is this how it should be. So how can i chain stuns if i have just one stun? Maybe your class is even more OP if you can actually chain stun people? Now i really want to see some videos where you are playing. Havent never seen chain stunners. This should be good. And ye we have been rotating with the interrupts but it doesnt really help much because he can just sprint and heal him self when the first guy charges he stuns him and continues healing when we use interrupts he only changes to different healing ability. And then that static barrier. Wow. I want it also for my tank.


And a healer should beat anyone so it can be effective? Man your funny. We need a private chat with a beer. Im laughting so hard my stomach hurts. And dont take these forums too personally. Peace chain stunner. :D

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I play as a BH healer, currently valor rank 63 and I can say that at times I´m invincible then on the other hand when a BM maurauder or scoundrel attacks me the fight is somewhere between 30-1 min until I die, but that is mainly due to who is behind the class and if they interrupt the right heal.


I have seen good players in no gear whatsoever charging me and interrupting my heals, if 1 person is attacking a healer and interrupting them then they are doing there job for the entire team, this game is about "team effort" wich team will win the match, not I´m a dps/tank and it´s written in the stars when I attack a player he must die.


Republic constantly put the same vanguard to attack me and interrupt me as much as they can, sure the match for him will probably be boring as hell, usually he can never kill me but by interrupting me he is increasing the chance his teammates can either kill me or my teammates, thus winning the objective that was being fought.

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To this, I must agree. It takes two of us to take down a healer but you know what? I think it is ok because what is a lone healer going to do anyway?



If you are beating on him, he is useless to the group and only defending himself. Sure, he may never die solo except to an assassin perhaps but otherwise, would you play a healer with no incentive?

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lol, I see you never fought a healer 1 v 1, especially sages who will just use one of their other heals if interrupted- I'd like to see anyone try to 1 v 1 a healer on our server, once they get BM gear/Rakata they are pretty much unstoppable unless you got 3 guys on them.


I beat Sorcerer healers 1 vs 1 all the time. and we dont get an interrupt. I just put to much dps on them. Healers drop quick to Full Auto, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Full Auto, Demolition Round, Grav Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto

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Currently healers are simply unbeatable as a solo melee class.... MIANLY sages/sorcers that have that channeled heal that gives ridiculous amounts of health back, can knockback, bubble and 10 other defensive ways


The damage we do on healers is outhealed easily for specced healers and you can barely put them under 40% before losing your own powerpool if you are not a force user with 500 force or focus mechanic...


Their damage might be weak but they are immortal since sages cant die from your damage and have a lot of force to use compared to the limited powerpool classes like (assassin,op,bounty,sniper etc)... If you manage your powerpool well then you cannot do enough damage since they can outheal it in a second and have more time to do damage on you since oyu cant heal HAHA....


They can also even use consumables and be even more immortal than usual...


interrupt doesnt help since you may stop the good channeled heal but they are just going to spam their other 2-3 heals for slightly weaker effect and still survive AND USE THE CHANELED HEAL IN 4 SECONDS while you cant interrupt them....


Stuns or cc make them even more godlike since they can pull of a high heal if you have already used your cc breaker in the first attempt to cc>heal...



In short, healing needs to be reduced in this game to balance things out...


I challenge you to try playing a healer.. In WoW healers are the pvp gods.. In Swtor not so much.. We can't just stand there and get beat on and heal through it most of the time (unless it's a complete noob)


Healers have to los and stun/ knockback to survive in pvp..

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i play a sage healer, and i pvp a lot..


I can understand your frustration but i must add that the kiting and running away aspect your saying here is not the same as "getting beaten in a 1v1 situation"



In a fight to death you would probably win. but in WZ environment we simply try go get away from melee so we can heal. wich in itself is a win for you.. the less time we spend healing others because we have to run and heal ourself the more you gain the upperhand.



PVP is a bit more complex than YOU vs ME.


1000 times this.

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i play a sage healer, and i pvp a lot..


I can understand your frustration but i must add that the kiting and running away aspect your saying here is not the same as "getting beaten in a 1v1 situation"



In a fight to death you would probably win. but in WZ environment we simply try go get away from melee so we can heal. wich in itself is a win for you.. the less time we spend healing others because we have to run and heal ourself the more you gain the upperhand.



PVP is a bit more complex than YOU vs ME.


exactly. OP is just a baddie. All's i hear is me, me ,me ,me ,me,me, me. OP obviously has no concept of team play. No wonder he/she is losing. DPSing a healer means that healer can not just sit and spam heals. they have to heal your damange. they have to try to move and get away from their attacker most likely LOSing their team mates. All that means is there are few if any heals going to their team mates. Know know what that means? Probably not since alls the OP cares about is me, me , me, me ,me ,me.

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I solo healers np


Ungeared players vs geared healers = impossible even using an Interrupt. I'm sure that's what he is encountering.


On my Scoundrel I have run across this many times, the only hope I have is to put enough pressure on them that they aren't healing others.

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