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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

'If' the game goes F2P, What happens?


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Googled it but i cant really use the info placed there to make useful in aspect of this game.


I'm not saying nor implying the game will go f2p but..


What happens if it does, do we get free content etc? whats been the norm for other games which have gone f2p like dc universe for example.


Seem's a little unfair that players are getting the the same content without having to pay the initial start up of £30 or whatever it is now...


Any speculation?


Well in my opinion... EA would shut it down instead of letting the game go F2P.

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It won't happen for awhile. They have a pipeline of content they will release and try to string subs out. I expect more micro-transactions as well. If the assets handling isn't fixed soon... look for D3 and GW2 to put the proverbial "nail in the coffin."


Then a week after they come out and poor players get pWnt in pvp they will be threatening to leave for the next MMO due on the horizon. FACT

Edited by BoDiE
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The same way GW1 did it?


GW1 was heavily instanced, so it was almost just like battle.net but they swapped the chat lobbies with real in-game cities; GW2 is going to - according to the wiki - have a persistent and seamless world and more servers.


Anyway, here's another question: if GW can be F2P, what is it about SWTOR that requires subscriptions? Or rather, what does our SWTOR subscription pay for that enhances/differentiates SWTOR from a F2P game like GW?

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Believe EA said this game only needs 500k subs to be profitable so.. doubt its going to dip below that anytime soon.


I disagree, Bioware and EA knew their game was a disappointment and so they held off the Oceanic and Asia launch so they could get more subs in March after players started leaving in droves. Around July this game will have experienced at least 2 Mass Exodus' mark my words. TOR will fall below the 500k sub line around Jan if not sooner.

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GW1 was heavily instanced, so it was almost just like battle.net but they swapped the chat lobbies with real in-game cities; GW2 is going to - according to the wiki - have a persistent and seamless world and more servers.


Anyway, here's another question: if GW can be F2P, what is it about SWTOR that requires subscriptions? Or rather, what does our SWTOR subscription pay for that enhances/differentiates SWTOR from a F2P game like GW?


They are just different business models. GW kept a steady cash flow through expansions and microtransactions.


Guild Wars isn't truly "free to play", you still have to buy the actual game, there is just no subscription fee.


Guild Wars only sells cosmetic items in the store such as costumes "gear skins" and weapon skins.


There is no "pay to win".


GW2 will employ the same business model.


What do you get in a subscription based game that you don't get in a F2P game? Not much honestly.


Anyway, I'm not a huge Guild Wars expert, in fact I didn't even really like the first game though I do own it.

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F2P games usually have terrible communities , back in Guild Wars my Mesmer was often dropped from groups . Not only that , since they're not paying for anything the people can be as rude as they want , this is why I stay with P2P games with the exception of WoW .
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I disagree, Bioware and EA knew their game was a disappointment and so they held off the Oceanic and Asia launch so they could get more subs in March after players started leaving in droves. Around July this game will have experienced at least 2 Mass Exodus' mark my words. TOR will fall below the 500k sub line around Jan if not sooner.


Did your crystal ball tell you that? Do you honestly think a korean MMO and D3 (which is a huge disappointment atm unless you're a casual gamer who likes slow placed easy games) Will pull away that many users? Forget the fact that you're obviously bias and look at it from a different perspective. With all the content and QOL fixes they are implementing don't you think that will hold a lot more people for a long time? Especially if they keep pumping them out regularly.

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Buy into the propaganda more please.


Over hyped game has highest week one sales in a genre that's been dominated by one game that was released almost a decade ago? HUGE *********** SURPRISE! This must mean the game is good.


For proof of this, go look up how many completely terrible games have sold 2 million copies.


You have been whining the same thing for months now..yet you still pay.


No no don't tell me there is only two weeks left on your account!!! :rolleyes:


See you next month and the month after and the....

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They are just different business models. GW kept a steady cash flow through expansions and microtransactions.


Guild Wars isn't truly "free to play", you still have to buy the actual game, there is just no subscription fee.


Guild Wars only sells cosmetic items in the store such as costumes "gear skins" and weapon skins.


There is no "pay to win".


GW2 will employ the same business model.


What do you get in a subscription based game that you don't get in a F2P game? Not much honestly.


Anyway, I'm not a huge Guild Wars expert, in fact I didn't even really like the first game though I do own it.


Actually, the one thing I do like about fps model is that you only pay for what you want. If you like a particular gear skins you buy it or if you like a certain content you buy it. However, I never played a fps since the majority of fps are terrible.

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