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Playing a sorc, hoping for a sorc nerf


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biggest issues with sorc is the more or less spamable bubble.


i mean sorcs/sages are actually fine in 1v1, but try playing alderaan against a group with 2 heal-sorcs...


last time i did that...250k damage ... 11 kills ... go figure. they are simply too strong when grouped up with other sorcs, and its even worse when guarded by tanks.


Lets go with less spammable bubble shall we since it has a 20 second lockout. Go read up and abilities before you QQ.

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Nerf sorcs too much and no one will be playing them. We are extremely squishy already despite the "spammable" bubble.


Play a sorc, even a well-geared one, and try to face off 1v1 against an equally geared operative, bounty hunter or warrior and let us know how overpowered sorcs are.


If you nerf the bubble much it MUST be balanced with increased single target DPS or we will be bottom of the dung pile when it comes to DPS in pvp.


If you take away some of our AOE damage, such as by making Chain Lightning hit only 2 targets instead of 4, that is totally acceptable with most Sorcerers and will still really help reduce our DPS in group PVP situations.


Bottom line is most people who are complaining are probably a little undergeared...


My sorc sits around 550expertise, 650damage, 34%crit, 75% surge and my spells still dont even barely touch other geared players...

Edited by Tallymon
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And those utilities make up for ous being as squishy as we are compared to most other classes, plus our utilities are not that immensely more than a good deal of other classes.


Damage is great if we pump it with a AOE, and for most parts damage from hybrid dps runs on wrath procs from challenging Force lighting, given how squishy we are its great damage when left alone fair enough, but when we being hit and depend on moving to avoid damage or using line of sight its, rarely epitome for a class designed around kiting, and using utilities to be able to some degree have a succesful chance of winning fights doing so.


Stop lying. Sorcs have the most utility in the game. And they are not squishy.

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Really love how many people mention Spammable bubble in this thread.


Level 50 geared 500 expertise players vs level 50 500expertise sage/sorc: Bubble is broken by one tracer missle/heat seeker crit, One death field crit, One Maul crit, one... are you getting the picture yet? One main ability, drops bubble. It only absorbs 3.5k in BM gear. That's it. (And if you can't do 3.5k damage to someone within 2 gcds, you probably shouldn't be pvping at all because you haven't learned what your main abilities are)


Bubble down? It goes up again? It gets dropped again, nearly instantly and isn't going back up for 15-17 seconds. Which leaves the light armored sorcerer either: Probably killed within a few seconds or (the smart sorc/sage) running away. If any melee are on the sorc when that bubble drops, they are dead. Any good "pvp"er knows that, especially the melee ones.


Also, if more people learned how to interrupt Force Lightning and played less huttball, these sorc threads wouldn't exist.

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If you can actually say with a straight face that sorcs arent squishy then you simply have never played one, or whatever class you do play is undergeared. Period.


If you honestly think that Sorcs are squishy and you play one, you are undergeared. Period.


Level 50 geared 500 expertise players vs level 50 500expertise sage/sorc: Bubble is broken by one tracer missle/heat seeker crit, One death field crit, One Maul crit, one... are you getting the picture yet?


No, I'm not, because this is a lie. We've seen proof that it absorbs 3.2k at around that gear level, and tracer missile crits don't deal >3k damage from an equally geared BH.


Very few abilities, even if they crit, will pop the bubble.

Edited by EternalFinality
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No, I'm not, because this is a lie. We've seen proof that it absorbs 3.2k at around that gear level, and tracer missile crits don't deal >3k damage from an equally geared BH.


Very few abilities, even if they crit, will pop the bubble.


lol. I'm a BM and drop BM geared bubbles of other sorcs. Yes. Yes you can drop bubble in one hit. Please get more informed about the subject before you babble in a thread and make yourself look terrible.


Bubble is nowhere near as OP as most of the people in this thread seem to think it is.

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lol. I'm a BM and drop BM geared bubbles of other sorcs. Yes. Yes you can drop bubble in one hit. Please get more informed about the subject before you babble in a thread and make yourself look terrible.


Bubble is nowhere near as OP as most of the people in this thread seem to think it is.


I'm still waiting for solid evidence that proves the "squishy" claim.

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lol. I'm a BM and drop BM geared bubbles of other sorcs. Yes. Yes you can drop bubble in one hit. Please get more informed about the subject before you babble in a thread and make yourself look terrible.


Bubble is nowhere near as OP as most of the people in this thread seem to think it is.


Because you said it, it must be true. Yeah.


"I pop it in one hit so it's balanced"


Get out. Also, you're not a BM.

Edited by EternalFinality
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I'm still waiting for solid evidence that proves the "squishy" claim.


I'm not getting it either m8. But maybe it's light armor and a bit less hp compared to other classes? Then again simply changing your mods to all endurance ones instead of your main stat will bump up your hp pool. Getting all the datacrons certainly doesnt hurt either.

Ow and hope there's a trooper around that gives a 5% endurance buff, so the more the better I guess. I have had games were I was the only trooper, but it sucks when you miss out on the other buffs when each game has an overbundance of 1 or 2 classes.

And usually there dps speced as well or just a pure dps adv.class.

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And then people effectively CC themselves by popping said bubble.
That's only if someone's investing a minimum seventeen points into lightning. Plenty of builds that don't, even popular and fotm builds. The bubble is not near as strong in practice at it appears in theory.


That said, I could see some need for changes to sorc, but it's not the bubble.

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That's only if someone's investing a minimum seventeen points into lightning. Plenty of builds that don't, even popular and fotm builds. The bubble is not near as strong in practice at it appears in theory.


That said, I could see some need for changes to sorc, but it's not the bubble.


There are 2 and a half popular Sorc builds, and one of them has it.


Don't give me this "plenty of builds don't."

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I'm not getting it either m8. But maybe it's light armor and a bit less hp compared to other classes? Then again simply changing your mods to all endurance ones instead of your main stat will bump up your hp pool. Getting all the datacrons certainly doesnt hurt either.

Ow and hope there's a trooper around that gives a 5% endurance buff, so the more the better I guess. I have had games were I was the only trooper, but it sucks when you miss out on the other buffs when each game has an overbundance of 1 or 2 classes.

And usually there dps speced as well or just a pure dps adv.class.


I'm curious how these sorc players claiming they are squishy would react to having to play a Scoundrel / Operative out of stealth.

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