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When are we getting Target of Target?


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Just wondering, sometimes, with the bigger bosses(size wise i mean) it would be nice to have target of target so i can actually make out who they are targeting if I lose agro for some reason. Just kinda nice to look down and see that he is still agro'd to me.


Also, is it just me or do some bosses dump agro and reset no matter what you do, causing you to lose agro?

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Yep, many bosses wipe aggro (Bulwark, Directive 7), or have completely random aggro (Replicator, Directive 7), but fortunately most that wipe aggro can be taunted right back. The way taunt works in this game makes it so you match aggro with the person at the top of the aggro list, so you'll be less likely to lose aggro again, especially if they're ranged DPS. Edited by Vid-szhite
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With taunt "matching aggro", is it then wise to work taunts into the rotation? kind of keep yours near the top at all times while sundering/DPS'ing?


I would say no. Why? Well, think about it logically. Say you as the tank are top of the aggro list with 1,000 threat. You use your taunt as part of a rotation. If taunt simply matches the threat of whoever is top of the list, and that individual at the top is you the tank with 1,000 threat, then you just wasted a taunt because you simply matched your own threat of 1,000. Now what happens when your taunt is on cooldown (because you use it as part of a rotation) and you actually need it (maybe because a DPS surpassed you on the list, or because the boss wipes threat intermittently, etc.)? Sure you could argue just use your AE taunt, but there may be times the MT doesn't shouldn't use an AE taunt (e.g. boss and adds and you just want boss and OT wants adds).

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The way taunt works in this game makes it so you match aggro with the person at the top of the aggro list, so you'll be less likely to lose aggro again, especially if they're ranged DPS.


My understanding of taunt, which could be wrong, is that after it expires, you lose all the extra aggro the taunt gave you. So you have to make sure to build that aggro up while you have the taunt on, otherwise when it runs out the mob just goes back to whomever had the highest aggro before. Once again correct me if I'm wrong.

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My understanding of taunt, which could be wrong, is that after it expires, you lose all the extra aggro the taunt gave you. So you have to make sure to build that aggro up while you have the taunt on, otherwise when it runs out the mob just goes back to whomever had the highest aggro before. Once again correct me if I'm wrong.


This is a common misconception. Taunt matches the highest aggro on the list, and forces the target to target you for several seconds. At the end of that time, it is no longer forced to target you, and is free to target whomever is at the top of the aggro list. If you added no aggro during those seconds, and the person you took aggro from did, then naturally the mob will head to that person. If you followed that taunt up with a few taunt building abilities, you will remain at the top of the aggro table, and therefore retain aggro. I have yet to lose aggro after a taunt on any boss that I continued to expend rage on just because the taunt's forced targeting function had expired.

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This is a common misconception. Taunt matches the highest aggro on the list, and forces the target to target you for several seconds. At the end of that time, it is no longer forced to target you, and is free to target whomever is at the top of the aggro list. If you added no aggro during those seconds, and the person you took aggro from did, then naturally the mob will head to that person. If you followed that taunt up with a few taunt building abilities, you will remain at the top of the aggro table, and therefore retain aggro. I have yet to lose aggro after a taunt on any boss that I continued to expend rage on just because the taunt's forced targeting function had expired.


This is what I noticed as well. If I taunt a mob, sometimes I don't even have to attack it and it'll stick to me as long as nobody else does anything to add hate to it. If it didn't work this way, aggro wipes would screw us up completely, but as it is, I can taunt things back during an aggro wipe, and then it'll stick to me as long as I've been building hate against it.

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This is a common misconception. Taunt matches the highest aggro on the list, and forces the target to target you for several seconds. At the end of that time, it is no longer forced to target you, and is free to target whomever is at the top of the aggro list. If you added no aggro during those seconds, and the person you took aggro from did, then naturally the mob will head to that person. If you followed that taunt up with a few taunt building abilities, you will remain at the top of the aggro table, and therefore retain aggro. I have yet to lose aggro after a taunt on any boss that I continued to expend rage on just because the taunt's forced targeting function had expired.


Another common misconception. Taunt in this game take the player with the highest hate value, and adds 10%, then sets that as your hate value. In addition, for the duration of fixed threat, only the taunter may generate threat. Therefore, there are two schools of thought regarding taunt:


A.) Use taunt within your rotation to generate 10% more aggro, and give yourself the duration to open the gap (which may seem like the best option, but threat DOES have diminishing returns when you widen the gap too far)




B.) Use taunt as the oh **** button.


It's up to you to decide which is best, but be sure to understand the encounter pretty well before implementing it as part of your rotation, since many bosses like to reset target's aggro (Which is why taunt instantly puts you back on top of the table...if that added threat was lost at the end of the ability, a mob who reset aggro would be simply untankable)

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Another common misconception. Taunt in this game take the player with the highest hate value, and adds 10%, then sets that as your hate value. In addition, for the duration of fixed threat, only the taunter may generate threat. Therefore, there are two schools of thought regarding taunt:


A.) Use taunt within your rotation to generate 10% more aggro, and give yourself the duration to open the gap (which may seem like the best option, but threat DOES have diminishing returns when you widen the gap too far)




B.) Use taunt as the oh **** button.


It's up to you to decide which is best, but be sure to understand the encounter pretty well before implementing it as part of your rotation, since many bosses like to reset target's aggro (Which is why taunt instantly puts you back on top of the table...if that added threat was lost at the end of the ability, a mob who reset aggro would be simply untankable)


I personally use a bit of both schools. I AoE taunt to open so all the trash will stick to me while the DPS burns them down, and I save my ST taunt for anything dangerous that runs after the healer, and for bosses.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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I personally use a bit of both schools. I AoE taunt to open so all the trash will stick to me while the DPS burns them down, and I save my ST taunt for anything dangerous that runs after the healer, and for bosses.


It's purely situational for me. Sometimes I lead a threat wipe ability with targeted taunt, while other time's (in ops) i'll have my off tank time things out so we can add that 20% extra threat between us when the wipe happens (He'll take it from me as soon as the wipe happens, and when I get back up from the knockback, i'll take it from him and get his 10% bonus, plus any threat he generated while I was down with an additional 10% on top AND a period to generate even more threat...mmmmm, aggro!)

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