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I just wanted to say <3 Mara (In lots of words)


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I'd like to share my love for this class after reading the hate and crying one has to work through sometimes on these forums, while looking for the best tips & tricks for the most challanging, coolest and unique class there is.


I levelled a tankasin, but it was too much hocus pocus and too little melee for me. So I went for that dynamic, übercool looking class.

I hit 14 in the blink of an eye (wow, I can actually do some damage now!) and had my first PVP games. Since no-one noticed me I could actually kick *** , even got some medals and loved the mobility and style. Played three rounds and did more damage and meant more for the team than I had ever did with my sin (i started pvp on 50 with that and ofcourse got wasted everytime i stepped in, being undergeared and heavily underskilled). Not that a marauder at lvl 14 does lots of damage, but the class made me work, think and choose what to do, where to go and who to attack.


I hear people say levelling is hell between 20-40 or even 50. I must have missed that. I probably had too much fun enjoying this angry little sith. Sure, I was often 2-3 levels above most content because I did most side quests and played PVP throughout levelling. That might have helped.

Times i died while solo-questing were always my own fault (got distracted by the phone, didnt see the silver mob behind the gold etc). If you prepare, size up the situation and make a battle plan, you don't have to die. Unless you get really cocky or, in a HC, the main tank or healer wipes (but even then, you often still have a chance).


Pvp: sure, KB and chainstuns are hell. Getting jumped while you're finishing someone else always sucks. But that goes for everyone.

Imho it's all about picking your targets, timing and setting up. When I charge -to whoever- on a catwalk in huttball I use the 1/2 second I have to position myself properly before I ravage, slash, choke his face(wichever applies at that particular situation), so if he KB's (wich 90% does) I dont fall down. So allign with the catwalk or have your back against a crate or smth. If I fall, 90% my fault: I got too greedy and rushed to the kill.


8 sorcs chainstunning your balls? Bad game, there will be another, you'll always have to deal with flavour of the month. Like everybody else.


I'm not as good as some of the pics posted here, mostly end up in mid on the table. Sometimes top 3, sometimes lower end and rarely 'am invulnerable'. But I stand there enjoying the memories of the people who blead to death while they were choked. And the ones that came to kill that squishy mara and ended up running, just to fall by that last saberthrow, only inches from the healing point.

And I stand there enjoying the fact that I was the only marauder in the field, stalking healers and those heavily armoured piewpiew Troopers. (I like to take down those in particular: I feel like I have to punish them because they have it so easy. Dark V does have it's effects on me, it seems).


I forget my deaths rather quickly. I'm a frikkin' sith warrior, I'm supposed to die with passion :D


A mara to me is like a Lancia Delta HF Integrale (glass cannon car ;))

It's too hard to drive for most

One small mistake will get you killed

It needs time to warm up before it starts to shine

It only works if you really do your upkeep well (and parts are often hard to come by)

You rarely see it because people rather make safe choices.

But if you know how to handle it, you're having the time of your life and look sexy as a bonus.


Mara is L2P and that is the ultimate thing this game has to offer for me.

Sure, we could do with some more PvP medals, if that's the system that'll stay up. It's a shame you often can't tell from the board who's been working for the team with those free medals for some classes. Maybe a medal for 10 heal interrupts or something but that's not really up to me.

We definately could do with some more gear and a little less -or merged- abilities.

But I'm hoping this class will stay the same as it is: a L2P-class. So we will stay unique.


Yep, it's a very long post, basicly about nothing more but my love for this class. I'm hoping for the majority of people that play marauder that they have -or will develop- this love as well.

And if you visit these forums, trolling as another class and feel like facerolling your flames, /cares or whatever, do go ahead.

I'm a mara, I get hit and killed all the time. But it never hurts because I will keep on enjoying this class, since yours is frankly too boring and easy to play.


XOXO -Annihalate

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I too played a tanksin and fell asleep. My Marauder is just way more fun, regardless of it's shortcomings in Warzones.



Even in PvE, the Tanksin is boring, if you ask me.... Marauder takes infinitely more skill to play, and that makes hardcore Marauder players that much more respectable in my eyes compared to most of the other DERPADERP classes this game has.

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Love the class, but as Annihilation <40 was crap. Slow fury gain (and fury really increases your damage, especially against hi armor classes - hello 1k++ Deadly Saber crits ignoring armor) and then there's Annihilate, shiz hits like a truck.


Sadly, I'm too old and got bored of charging warrior playstyle. Too much stress. :D


Made my Sniper main - relaxed gamestyle with big crits.

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I had a very difficult time with the Mara... i spent an excessive amount of time pvping to get it right. And once people do get it right, playing the mara is by far one of the funnest classes I have played yet. Level 50 now, 2 valor ranks from BM, full champ gear... and the things I can do with him now are head and shoulders above what I thought I could do with him before. I look at him now as a ninja.... group battles I wait to get into combat until everyone is occupied.. then i fly in to ninja their healer, and stealth away quickly if the battle turns.


Choosing the right moment is everything... once I got that down... the class made sense. Being able to go the distance with every class one on one in this game is a riot. What other class gives you a 8 second near-immunity? Force Camo to break target locks in group battles is a god send, Bleeds and big crits. But its all for nothing if you jump at the wrong time. Dont be first in, dont pick a squishy in a bad position, dont jump to anyone solo in range of snipers, and dont jump into someplace you cannot force camo out of. Jump the right way, and by the time they realize your there.. the healers gone and so are 2 of their buddies.

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I too played a tanksin and fell asleep. My Marauder is just way more fun, regardless of it's shortcomings in Warzones.


Even in PvE, the Tanksin is boring, if you ask me.... Marauder takes infinitely more skill to play, and that makes hardcore Marauder players that much more respectable in my eyes compared to most of the other DERPADERP classes this game has.

Yeah there's one thing I tend to forget with this toon after playing tankasin for a month: I'm not the tank anymore. That's a mistake I still sometimes tend to make. Thank maker for Force Camo


Love the class, but as Annihilation <40 was crap. Slow fury gain (and fury really increases your damage, especially against hi armor classes - hello 1k++ Deadly Saber crits ignoring armor) and then there's Annihilate, shiz hits like a truck.


Sadly, I'm too old and got bored of charging warrior playstyle. Too much stress. :D


Made my Sniper main - relaxed gamestyle with big crits.


Hehe, dude, I'm old too. But playing mara forces me to stay awake and I'm often buzzing with adrenaline after a good pvp match or a difficult FP. It's what gaming should be about imo. (says the FPS fan, was never into WoW, but a SW fan, that's why I'm here).



I had a very difficult time with the Mara... i spent an excessive amount of time pvping to get it right. And once people do get it right, playing the mara is by far one of the funnest classes I have played yet. Level 50 now, 2 valor ranks from BM, full champ gear... and the things I can do with him now are head and shoulders above what I thought I could do with him before. I look at him now as a ninja.... group battles I wait to get into combat until everyone is occupied.. then i fly in to ninja their healer, and stealth away quickly if the battle turns.


Choosing the right moment is everything... once I got that down... the class made sense. Being able to go the distance with every class one on one in this game is a riot. What other class gives you a 8 second near-immunity? Force Camo to break target locks in group battles is a god send, Bleeds and big crits. But its all for nothing if you jump at the wrong time. Dont be first in, dont pick a squishy in a bad position, dont jump to anyone solo in range of snipers, and dont jump into someplace you cannot force camo out of. Jump the right way, and by the time they realize your there.. the healers gone and so are 2 of their buddies.


Excactly what I meant and what's so great about this class. Still have much to learn in here, keeps me interested! Hit 50 this weekend. Ended last several times in the 50 bracket. Now I'm Cent equipped and end in the middle and it will probably go up from here. Not just because of gear, still have much to learn and finetune those binds. Can't wait to see what's coming up.

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Hehe, dude, I'm old too. But playing mara forces me to stay awake and I'm often buzzing with adrenaline after a good pvp match or a difficult FP. It's what gaming should be about imo. (says the FPS fan, was never into WoW, but a SW fan, that's why I'm here).

Damn straight. I was balls deep in Battlefield 3 when I saw a commercial for SWTOR. I signed up 12/19 and forgot all about that other game. For added difficulty my kids sit on my lap while I'm playing asking me what this button does and why that man is trying to kill me now. :p

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I just wanna say, to the OP, that, although people seem to read my posts otherwise, I DO actually enjoy playing Marauder. Just because I enjoy it though doesnt mean that there aren't issues with it that could use some attention.


I do get irritated though when people assume that because someone says that a class needs a fix or a tweak to improve it that they are either QQing or Hating, rather than its just them saying 'Here is what I think is an issue, Is it an issue & could this make it better?' - the biggest problem is stopping people who have just ALT-F4'd, came to the forums in a rage and posted an issue in an inappropriate way.


I agree there are lots of threads that lead with negative connotations but that doesnt mean they are all whiners & moaners--maybe they actually have a point & if you can get past the instinct to call them haters & QQ'ers to actually be objective--you might actually see the posts for what they really are.


Anonimity gives people a sense of superiority to say and act in ways they wouldn't ordinarily and its easier to jump into a conversation, be a dick with no consequence (a gain infamy if your funny) that it is to sit back a think objectively about an issue.


Im glad you've enjoyed your Marauder though--and yes btw, outleveling content does make it easier, which may be why you feel a little perplexed at others claims to it being difficult--though for some of those posts you claimed to have had to wade through to find a positive, you even Identify with when you say:


We definately could do with some more gear and a little less -or merged- abilities.


I respect that in your opinion playing your Marauder was awesome but you & others should respect the fact that is not always the case.


Also Lancia's were notorious for rusting & having body parts fall off. Even the well kept ones. Thats why they nearly went out of business.

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I respect that in your opinion playing your Marauder was awesome but you & others should respect the fact that is not always the case.


Also Lancia's were notorious for rusting & having body parts fall off. Even the well kept ones. Thats why they nearly went out of business.


I do respect that, and I do agree that there's definately enough stuff for marauder, and the game as a whole, that needs a lot of attention.


My opinon in this, is that the game is not even two months out and no matter how many betaweekends there are, stuff always needs balancing out after release and probably for the whole lifespan of this game, or any multiplayer game for that matter.


The introduction of my post wasn't directed to anyone who seriously wants to contribute towards making this class (and thus, the game) more balanced out. Au contraire, I really appreciate the people who take the time and effort to mean something for all of our playing experiance.


I was just surprised about all the negativity, the insults towards BW, the poorly argumentated 'i want a win button' -posts I encountered while reading about marauder class.


Regarding my Lancia -metaphore: you are absolutely right. And a person 'in love' never sees the downsides of a a person, a car and in this case, the class.


But it was never my intention to write an objective post. I just wanted to share the good times I have in this game, with this class. Secundary I hoped, for some people who want to believe the hype that mara 'really suckorzz' that it's - imho- for a huge part the attitude with what one wants to play this game.

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