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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Poll: ships they bring back the option to kill companions?


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Say you kill Companion X and Companion Y. What do you do for those cutscenes where your entire crew is together and talking with one another in preparation for a mission? Would the replacements just use similar lines? How would other party members refer to them? A lot of re-recorded lines may have to go into it to account for all the different combinations of dead and living companions in these scenarios.

I'm trying to remember how much of that kind of stuff there is for companions other than your first one.

it mostly seems to be your first companion, sorry agents ;)

For the inquisitor there a lot of group dialog, not really character specific, so replacement dialog would work.

You might be stuck with your first companion though ;)


How about this as an alternative, I always consider living in some form worse than any possible death.

I was going to get into my ultimate revenge plan . . . but it's way too dark :cool:

So dress the companion you dislike in the most horrid outfit, and send them on the most most horrid crew missions. You know the ones, route around the intestines of a dead sarlac for goodies, hunt in the sewers, etc

Imagine the living hell their life would be :)

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The way they removed the possibility to kill companions in beta seemed to me like a knee jerk reaction to QQ. It was a quick bandaid fix when they could have approached it differently with a little work on it. I like the idea I saw before of allowing them to be killed, and then players can replace them with a droid that fills the same combat role as the deceased companion. This droid would have no affection, no missions, and no conversations. It would simply serve to fill the role of the lost companion in combat, so that a tank wouldn't be without their healer companion, for example. It would also create a market for those droid parts that cybertech can make.


Not a bad idea actually, I am for this. Personally, too many people rely on healer companions anyway. You can do just as fine with a good dps.

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Hehe, I bet a lot of people would re-roll just to kill him.

I'd roll a third SW if Quinn could die an excruciating death, a third IA if Kaliyo could be viciously offed, a third SI if we had the option to fatally electrocute Ashara....the list goes on...:D

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