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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People doing the same quest is really annoying!


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This is probably pointless whining... and I understand there will always be other players on the same map doing the same quest, but I really... really hate when other people doing the same quest with me, especially when they come up the complete the quest objective while I'm fighting the mob. And I have to wait for the "objective" to reset, and sometimes the enemies respawn too. I have to fight a crowd twice just to click on some terminal, because someone click on it while I'm fighting!


Only once someone jumped in to help, and I stick around and help him/her as well.


This is my first MMO, so people doing the same quest is a bit new for me. What should I do under such situation?

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If other players use the mission objectives (terminals and so on, or, even more anoying, looting some chests) while you are in a fight, there is nothing you can do about it. You can ask them to stop this behavior in the future because it's not nice, but that's all.


If it comes to fighting special mobs (for example: kill 10 Gang leaders) you can team up with other nearby players. Just invite them to yur group. This way you all get the mission progress from fighting the mobs instead of having to wait for their respawn in case other players "steal" your kills.


Of course inviting others to your group also helps for the problem with the terminals, but you have to invite them before they click on it ^^

Edited by Tito_O
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the only thing you can do is exactly what you have been doing... wait. we have all had this done to us aswell. the best thing to do is if you find someone fighting around a quest objective wait for them to "tag" (attack) all the enemies they are fighting and help them out maybe they will return the favor. and remember courtesy (sp?) is best policy. first come first serve for quest objectives, chests etc. now something that may help if the quest objective is an enemy and someone is waiting for it to spawn aswell invite them to a group to kill it if it is say an elite so all of you can kill it and move on quickly. again courtesy is the best way to handle any mmo though most dont play like that
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It happens and I always try and think happy thoughts when it does. Like mentioned there isn't much you can do. I remember once I had to kill an elite mob but there were at least 6 others all wanting it too. We actually had a queue setup, and took turns, no one jumped line and it was amazing. I was second to last and behind me there was another couple people.


It's not always done, but when people do it to you, just take a deep breath.

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Without a doubt, this is an annoying aspect of the game. Most times when I have /whipser'ed to players afterwards to tell them how annoying it is, they seem genuinely surprised, as if it has not occured to them that they are being a douchebag, and they promise to be more considerate in future.

There are, of course, the ****wit idiots who just laugh, call me a sucker, a noob. Those ones go on a special ****list, and usually within a few minutes I find them surrounded by mobs, and just watching as they get beaten down. Karma is sweet :)

Quite a few of them whine at me in /whisper's or in General for not helping, and I just gently explain why they are ****listed and that I am not going to help them.

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its also very good to keep in mind since there is no cross server pvp or dungeon finder to keep a cool head cause u dont want bad rep. so eye for an eye doesnt work here. dont yell at anyone if u do say ANYTHING just do as stated above and calmly reply to the action with a whisper asking them to be nicer when it comes to that kind of stuff dont go screaming it on the general about how they are _____ and they ______ screwed you over cause bad behavior has an effect on ur server status just as much as good behavior does
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Usually with me it turns into a leapfrog kinda situation...were all going for the same objective, I nail one mob they run past, they nail the next mob and I run past...rinse and repeat.


What I grumble about is fighting all the way to the objective triangle and finding nothing there, then trying to look nonchalant while your waiting for the respawn :)

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This is my first MMO, so people doing the same quest is a bit new for me. What should I do under such situation?


All I can say, is be glad this is your first.


These days, most MMOG's are instanced to one degree or another. TOR certainly is. You can hop into some mission area or class-specific story area and have the place all to yourself. Back in the day, nothing was instanced. You were competing against other players for every single kill and quest item.


Honestly, I think I preferred it that way... Forced you to communicate with others. Forced you to negotiate, team up, form alliances, work together... Created a real sense of community. You actually got to know people from running into them questing around the world.


But... Yeah... It can get annoying. Especially when the other players aren't being considerate - like when they're killing indiscriminately and leaving nothing behind for you, or when they're tapping resource nodes and leaving them unharvested, or when they're rushing ahead of you to grab the items you were clearing towards.


The best way to deal with this is simple communication. Talk to them. Send them a message and ask that they play nicely with you. If they throw a fit and act like a spoiled princess, just stick them on ignore and make a note of them... This is still an MMOG - grouping becomes essential in the endgame. Someone with a reputation for being an ****** will either learn from their mistakes, or have a hell of a time getting a group later on.

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This is probably pointless whining... and I understand there will always be other players on the same map doing the same quest, but I really... really hate when other people doing the same quest with me, especially when they come up the complete the quest objective while I'm fighting the mob. And I have to wait for the "objective" to reset, and sometimes the enemies respawn too. I have to fight a crowd twice just to click on some terminal, because someone click on it while I'm fighting!


Only once someone jumped in to help, and I stick around and help him/her as well.


This is my first MMO, so people doing the same quest is a bit new for me. What should I do under such situation?


To be honest you have to remember that the majority of the people you encounter doing this are either:


1. Pre-teens, or

2. Oblivious to the game around them, so


you're pretty much screwed either way. I would suggest taking a break, make a coffee and give them a ten minute start before moving on yourself.

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As everyone has said a common problem in an MMO. Grouping is generally the best compromise if you can. My main beef is when two or more grouped together come powering their way through your area and just clean it out like a swarm of locusts leaving you with nothing but un-looted corpses and all your quest objectives gone. /sigh


Funny similar incident. While leveling a lowbie alt in that "other" game I ended up with another character who was following me. After a short while I realized he was trying to skin my kills before I did. :mad:


I msg'd him and got no response. He kept trying to do it so I finally let fly with some very non-TOS friendly comments. Just then his character changed and I got msg'd by his mom telling me this was her 8 year old and be nice to him, yada yada.:p


Yeah "T" for teen. :rolleyes:

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Yea... We have all had it happen. Etiquette should be followed.


But... it doesn't bother me that much really. Usually there are more than several of the box, tower etc. etc. you need around. So, if some one grabs the one I was heading toward I just look for another. I'm still getting experience for the kills and usually I have a bonus quota I'm working on anyway.


For really crowded areas when going to the next object or even finding the next object is problematic I have waited patiently for it to clear out. On the rare occasion that it doesn't I will choose 2 or 3 of the objects and just use them to complete the objective and not run around the entire area. And I will also team up on occasion.


I try to remember that while there are dbags out there that don't give a flip, there are also a great many more noobs who have no idea. They just need a little guidance. I don't offer any if they don't ask. But I will help when needed. The noobs are going through it too and soon, the start doing things the right way. Patience is the key.

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Killing a mob whilst someone takes the security chest you have been trying to reach is annoying I agree, especially if it is obvious where you are headed and when they have a higher level elite guarding them. Been there myself. I am not sure how people materialise beside the chest right as it respawns either...


If I have another mission close by and I see someone else heading the same way I usually leave and go do that one first. Most times they place is empty when I return. If not I log off for a while.

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Killing a mob whilst someone takes the security chest you have been trying to reach is annoying I agree, especially if it is obvious where you are headed and when they have a higher level elite guarding them. Been there myself. I am not sure how people materialise beside the chest right as it respawns either...


If I have another mission close by and I see someone else heading the same way I usually leave and go do that one first. Most times they place is empty when I return. If not I log off for a while.



This happens to me a lot lately. Especially on some mission where there are limited amount of stuff you can "interact" i.e. on Hoth stage 2 - disable 3 transport vehicle. Guess what? there are only TWO you can do and have to wait. :(

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Whenever I run up to someone doing the same quest as me I try to hold back and wait for them to finish or help them fight the enemies in the area to speed up the process. It's just a little common courtesy and one always has to remember what goes around comes around.
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I have found that most quest items, respawn fairly quickly,


The way I have dealt with these situations, is to just let it pass. If someone is fighting I will assist in the fight, andwill wait for a player to gather a crafting item or quest item, if they do walk away..then I will take the item, otherwise it is all theres.


Afterall it is a game, the players do add a unpredictablity to get flow of things, the good with the frustrating are part of the environment.

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