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Early game access, questions.


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Firstly, I wanna point out that stuff has been very vague about this early game access. And I find it worrying. From what I heard there are four day waves of when they invite people but that doesn't really add up to the amount of early access days there are in total. So;


Will everyone who paid for this service get it?


If we do, are there set "bulk" invite dates? And when are they? So we don't keep checking our emails three times a day or whatever.


If we don't, do those who paid for it but still for some obscene reason miss out on it get a refund?


If you used two different emails for your EA account and your SWTOR account, but entered the pre-order code in the SWTOR account, which email would receive the notice with the code for early game access?


I'd be mythed if these are questions people haven't asked before, and am surprised some of these are not answered in the FAQ. Which is why I ask them now, so if I get answers atleast all can see.


Peace out.

Edited by Mangaboy
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Every announcement has said "up to 5 days of early access", since the beginning. They added 2 days, that was a bonus. They do say on the order page: "order now and play before 12/20", which indicates all preorders will have game acces before the release date on 12/20. Even if that only translates to 1 day early access, 1 = up to 5. I have seen no indication that BW backtracked on what they said they would do.


I wouldn't expect a refund for the EGA, as no dollar value has been associated to it.


My only input on the email question is that when the email comes, you'll know. I've been kicking off the launcher every hour since Tuesday just in case it works and there was an email failure. Stay close to both.

Edited by Dhyme
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