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I say do what d2 did. Repeat the story in Nightmare and Hell modes


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As I stated a few weeks ago I find this game to be similar in a lot of ways to the Diablo series.



I think Tor could benefit much from being able to repeat the story 3 times, each time more difficult.


I realize the flashpoints have hard mode but the Worlds should have hard mode too in my humble opinion.


Ok, so tons of people rushed to 50 for endgame and say they're bored and you're suggestion isn't to have them roll alts it's to play the same story again? Not to mention that you didn't point out what you think the benefits would be. And if the phrase "increase the level cap" comes next just don't bother responding.


Worst idea ever.


Diablo has that appeal because of it's core design... MMOs don't do that because... well because it's a dumb idea for MMOs.

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It used to be if you played the Diablo series you were a serious gamer. Nowadays if you played Diablo series you're a scarce gamer.


What does that even mean.


Playing Diablo wasn't really considered serious gaming, and you say scarce gamer, does that mean not a lot of people play Diablo anymore? Or not enough serious gamers exist? Because both those statements are false.


Also, you still haven't provided a reason you believe Swtor and Diablo are similar.

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