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Nightmare Jarg and Sorno 8 man


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I am struggling with heat issues terribly on this encounter. Our tank is in full t3 which is what I'm healing. The rest of the group is as follows


2 maras

sorc heals


2 merc arsenal


Thing is the spike dmg in this encounter is killing me heat wise. We have the mechanics down yet I always seem to be overheated. I am wearing 4/t3 and the rest is t2. My casting speed is at 12%. My crit is at 35% unbuffed. Multi is at 72% yet i find myself only seeing 6k crits every once and awhile. Pretty sure my rotation is solid. Just curious if any other BG;s are struggling in this encounter?

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Only thing thats hard to keep up with on my end is cureing. But yes I do my best to get that off of the lower health ppl. Sometimes the sniper and mara miss an interrupt which may be leading to the overheating.


Edit: and no we havent gone the duel tank route. Perhaps trying this, this week

Edited by Silomatic
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Only thing thats hard to keep up with on my end is cureing. But yes I do my best to get that off of the lower health ppl. Sometimes the sniper and mara miss an interrupt which may be leading to the overheating.


Edit: and no we havent gone the duel tank route. Perhaps trying this, this week


this is a two tank fight, you need two people getting hit that can both absorb damage


having it all on one person, or having a non tank catching the second ones agro is simply too much damage to heal through without over heating


you really should do all of karaga with 2 tanks, youll need them again for the fabricator. the two tanks will need to pass agro back and forth or the armor debuff will get stacked too high and a single tank is going to start taking 10k+ hits


since you need two tanks for fabricator and two tanks makes the sorno fight easier as well, we just always bring two tanks


as long as you have decent dps, the two tanks will not be a hinderance on the other bosses anyway


even on karaga we used the second tank to grab the mouse droid spawns so they stay in one place to be AOEd down, while this may not be mandatory, it does make it easier

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