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Hybrid Sorcerer/Sage Utility is OP in PvP


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Yep, except 90% of it is from sorcerers who don't want to get nerfed.


Do the OP and you share a vent to discuss your bogus math and numbers?


By the way 80% of all statistics are made up.......

Edited by Telaan
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...and somehow I get one CC breaker w/ a 2 min cool down while I'm pulled, kicked, pushed, knocked on the ground, rooted, spun, chocked, slowed, blinded (and few more) and hit by meele class range attack for 4500+ dmg, while I hardly ever get 2.5k per hit as a range class...... and all that when I've got max resolve..


QQ some more. Your salty tears are to my taste.

Edited by Scav
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OP is right and he is trying to fix hing and not nerf you to the ground.

You just dont want to get nerfed.. from OP to normal state..


These hybrids are jsut joke... never saw so many Cc , roots etc abilties with still more then avarage dmg.


With no working resolve and one cc breaker in 1 minute.. sorc shoudlnt be able to loose...

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OP is right and he is trying to fix hing and not nerf you to the ground.

You just dont want to get nerfed.. from OP to normal state..


These hybrids are jsut joke... never saw so many Cc , roots etc abilties with still more then avarage dmg.


With no working resolve and one cc breaker in 1 minute.. sorc shoudlnt be able to loose...


Really, because I have a screen shot from the OP guild website.




In it, he say's and I quote "They're fine in PVE, in PVP they're f**** stupid and must die in the fires of massive nerfs


His screen name is same on on the site as it is on this fourm. Now try to SPIN THAT

Edited by DragonAgeOrgins
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Or you could wait what is it, 15 seconds or so until their resolve is gone?


Ah yes, they can run around for 15s and then you can proceed to continue chain ccing them. You just defused your argument. Surely you realize that 15s or more is an eternity in pvp. How long do you think the typical pvp encounter lasts anyways lol.

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Really, because I have a screen shot from the OP guild website.




In it, he say's and I quote "They're fine in PVE, in PVP they're f**** stupid and must die in the fires of massive nerfs


His screen name is same on on the site as it is on this fourm. Now try to SPIN THAT


Quoted to make people read the OP is just a cyclical frustrated grasping at straws. He want's nerf because HE SUCKS at PVP

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Really, because I have a screen shot from the OP guild website.




In it, he say's and I quote "They're fine in PVE, in PVP they're f**** stupid and must die in the fires of massive nerfs


His screen name is same on on the site as it is on this fourm. Now try to SPIN THAT


Awesome find. Although I'm not sure how people could've missed it throughout this thread anyway.

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Well i dotn care wich site he is posting, some poitns he pointed are right.


In short, there is no other class with arsenal of stuns cc and roots, aoe knocback wich roots adn then he can run out with sprint and smash your face.


I mainly focus on PvP only.. And as Guardian valor 62 i meet goodly hybrid speced and good player sorck... i can do **** if sorck know what to do.


my point and OP point is to nerf HYBRID spec ! wich allows you to use so many and not loose your dmg potential. Thats all...


No other class can build hybrid and so strong hybrid..

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Well i dotn care wich site he is posting, some poitns he pointed are right.


In short, there is no other class with arsenal of stuns cc and roots, aoe knocback wich roots adn then he can run out with sprint and smash your face.


I mainly focus on PvP only.. And as Guardian valor 62 i meet goodly hybrid speced and good player sorck... i can do **** if sorck know what to do.


my point and OP point is to nerf HYBRID spec ! wich allows you to use so many and not loose your dmg potential. Thats all...


No other class can build hybrid and so strong hybrid..


His point is listed right in that screen shot. He want's a NERF IN A MASSIVE FIRE DEATH, which part of that do you not understand? I do because he said it. Stop trying spin your BS. It's listed right there the PROOF. Now QQ moar about being bad and being beaten. I enjoy reading your posts about being beaten.

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You realise again those utility are there to make up for sorcerers lack of burst damage or burst healing, and ous being squishy and practically dead meat to most classes once our bubble dies.


As for CC, i can only really recall one CC which allow ous to actually damage while CCing, that is electrocute, which has a 1min CD about 50sec if you spec into it, which stuns for 4sec and actually give opponent full resolve bar. Rest break on damage.


So considering that madness death mark run on dots, this mean this sustained damage will break 90% our CC.


Which means majoprity of the CC you talking about will mostly only benifit people who speccing into proc bursts, in terms of being benificial, this also implies that this CC only really benifit hybrids who ONLY do force lightning spams and chain lightning everytime a wrath procs.


Those who again will do this would be limited seeing as to proc lightning barrage they would have to apply afflications, meaning while you might think they immobolizing from electric bindings or a electrocute on you are annoying, it does nothing in the degree of how dangerous it is to you, compared to what many the dps burst classes have.

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Well i dotn care wich site he is posting, some poitns he pointed are right.


In short, there is no other class with arsenal of stuns cc and roots, aoe knocback wich roots adn then he can run out with sprint and smash your face.


I mainly focus on PvP only.. And as Guardian valor 62 i meet goodly hybrid speced and good player sorck... i can do **** if sorck know what to do.


my point and OP point is to nerf HYBRID spec ! wich allows you to use so many and not loose your dmg potential. Thats all...


No other class can build hybrid and so strong hybrid..


I'm not sure what spec you're playing your JG in, but since I've gotten my PvP gear, I've never had my face smashed by a sorc/sage.....regardless of their gear. They're incredibly easy to shut down with our cc and we have better burst than they do. You're never gonna win everytime, but I never find myself frustrated at some god mode status that people claim they have.

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You realise again those utility are there to make up for sorcerers lack of burst damage or burst healing, and ous being squishy and practically dead meat to most classes once our bubble dies.


As for CC, i can only really recall one CC which allow ous to actually damage while CCing, that is electrocute, which has a 1min CD about 50sec if you spec into it, which stuns for 4sec and actually give opponent full resolve bar. Rest break on damage.


So considering that madness death mark run on dots, this mean this sustained damage will break 90% our CC.


Which means majoprity of the CC you talking about will mostly only benifit people who speccing into proc bursts, in terms of being benificial, this also implies that this CC only really benifit hybrids who ONLY do force lightning spams and chain lightning everytime a wrath procs.


Those who again will do this would be limited seeing as to proc lightning barrage they would have to apply afflications, meaning while you might think they immobolizing from electric bindings or a electrocute on you are annoying, it does nothing in the degree of how dangerous it is to you, compared to what many the dps burst classes have.


This ^

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Do you want more stuns? Do you want more defensive skills to prevent from getting CCd? Just try to look at it this way!!


If 2 gap closers, stealth and perma 50% slow, 5s complete damage immunity, 20% less damage for 30s, considerable buff to run speed....aint enough for melee (just one class that has it all) then its pointless.


They have the tools, i even tried to explain them how to use them, but they refuse and demand to remain bad :D


In fact OP and some other guy (that writes a lot) are playing class that mops the floor with sorc of any spec, and they cry "nerf" which makes this thread even more funny (and shows the agenda).


In fact fix to sorcs/sages is to BUFF end tree talents damage by some 50% to be viable for taking.


Vast majority of sorc/sages dont even play crappy build he says is OP, and theres a reason for it. Sorc damage is pretty low in its BEST dps build, OPs build is just pittyful.


BUT - He really thinks of that that pesky 31/31/31 sorc build that - has it all :eek:

Edited by GrandMike
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OP is just crying because he's bad. He say's 'fix" then in the screen shot on his guild website. He say's and I quote "DIE IN A MASSIVE NERF OF FIRE" What more proof do you need his entire argument is just a baseless QQ Moar.


No nerf's been said, no nerf's are incoming keep this thread going for a YEAR all I care. You get NOTHING.

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Grow up kid.. YOu just had to make another post ! stop crying about sorc/sages...

Dude if this is discusion thread then you shut up with your mature posts and start discus as man, not 5 years old kid " he said that ! but he said thath he wants nerf us and world burn mom !!"


I dont care again what he wrotes on that site... i said i actually agree with some of his points and these points making sorc hybrid annoying..


But i see the problem... You are Sorc... and you are afraid you would sux hard, when they take your OP hybrid spec...


Becouse right now, skilled Sorc cant loose with so many abilities..

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Grow up kid.. YOu just had to make another post ! stop crying about sorc/sages...

Dude if this is discusion thread then you shut up with your mature posts and start discus as man, not 5 years old kid " he said that ! but he said thath he wants nerf us and world burn mom !!"


I dont care again what he wrotes on that site... i said i actually agree with some of his points and these points making sorc hybrid annoying..


But i see the problem... You are Sorc... and you are afraid you would sux hard, when they take your OP hybrid spec...


Becouse right now, skilled Sorc cant loose with so many abilities..


All I hear is "I'm bad and I'm going complain and ignore the truth because I suck and I am going make more posts saying how to nerf because I suck"

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Grow up kid.. YOu just had to make another post ! stop crying about sorc/sages...

Dude if this is discusion thread then you shut up with your mature posts and start discus as man, not 5 years old kid " he said that ! but he said thath he wants nerf us and world burn mom !!"


I dont care again what he wrotes on that site... i said i actually agree with some of his points and these points making sorc hybrid annoying..


But i see the problem... You are Sorc... and you are afraid you would sux hard, when they take your OP hybrid spec...


Becouse right now, skilled Sorc cant loose with so many abilities..


Irony is the one word that describes every facet of this post.

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I'm not sure what spec you're playing your JG in, but since I've gotten my PvP gear, I've never had my face smashed by a sorc/sage.....regardless of their gear. They're incredibly easy to shut down with our cc and we have better burst than they do. You're never gonna win everytime, but I never find myself frustrated at some god mode status that people claim they have.




I said i have problem if some skilled hybrid sorc jump on me.

Usually i am fine and i can take fight with them.


I tell you.. untill yday i thought i can beat any sorc... except geared healer... thats looong booring run.


But yday hybrid specced BM sorck took me 1v1.


He started with lightings .. when some of his tick crit ? how much dps he can pull out in 2 secs ?


Ok jump on him ... interupt, stsckign singularity.. free blade storm.. and then

He right now lost is buble.. ..i want to use force sweep but cos his animation is faster.. am knocked away... my sweep missed and he smahing me again with force lightning..

But with his aoe knocback i got roots.. wich does not count to resolve !

So atm my only chance was pop up enure , try cc breaker for heal if its crit and jump on him . becouse 4-5 sec roots while he dpsing and he did not have weak dmg ! was sure dead.


Thing is am off any cc breaker now and he still has 1 instant 4 sec stun, whirlwind in any case something goes wrong.


Yea i maybe made mistake but my point is they have acces to mayn abilities wich are in combo = Op ... As rooted i cant jump on him.. but as rooted i dont have resolve filled up.


thats it... As guardian i have 15800 hp .... he had 16,700 + buble...

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I said i have problem if some skilled hybrid sorc jump on me.

Usually i am fine and i can take fight with them.


I tell you.. untill yday i thought i can beat any sorc... except geared healer... thats looong booring run.


But yday hybrid specced BM sorck took me 1v1.


He started with lightings .. when some of his tick crit ? how much dps he can pull out in 2 secs ?


Ok jump on him ... interupt, stsckign singularity.. free blade storm.. and then

He right now lost is buble.. ..i want to use force sweep but cos his animation is faster.. am knocked away... my sweep missed and he smahing me again with force lightning..

But with his aoe knocback i got roots.. wich does not count to resolve !

So atm my only chance was pop up enure , try cc breaker for heal if its crit and jump on him . becouse 4-5 sec roots while he dpsing and he did not have weak dmg ! was sure dead.


Thing is am off any cc breaker now and he still has 1 instant 4 sec stun, whirlwind in any case something goes wrong.


Yea i maybe made mistake but my point is they have acces to mayn abilities wich are in combo = Op ... As rooted i cant jump on him.. but as rooted i dont have resolve filled up.


thats it... As guardian i have 15800 hp .... he had 16,700 + buble...


You got beat. So what? You admitted yourself you have no problems most of the time. I win and I lose, its part of PvP. Some people (notably the most vehement nerf callers) can't handle that.

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Ouki .. i make one more clear state..


I dont want to nerf their dmg... and i dont blame u for speccing hybrids.

Thats BW fault in design that hybrid is better then pure dps spec


So my point is dont want nerf sorc dmg.. but nerf abilities wich annoy your game play.

I dont want be cced all the time.. in hutball you flying like ping pong ball.


But combination of avarage dmg and alot of roots, stuns, mezz.. etc.. its giving big advantage againts certain classes..



For example soem fix..


Aoe knocback as it now - but if u ut talent here, make it like roots only... not knocback and root for 5 sec every 20 sec... this is realy annoying.


and am not talking when you meet 4 + sorck specced liek this in any Wz ...

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You got beat. So what? You admitted yourself you have no problems most of the time. I win and I lose, its part of PvP. Some people (notably the most vehement nerf callers) can't handle that.




Telaan :


I got beat.. am not crying for nerf... but for fix.

With my gear and his i died and he stayd with 90 % of his hp ..


like that.. no fair game should end like this..

Its totally diferent then loose to him with 20 % left...

then i can say yes he is better.. but this diference was huge.

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Ouki .. i make one more clear state..


I dont want to nerf their dmg... and i dont blame u for speccing hybrids.

Thats BW fault in design that hybrid is better then pure dps spec


So my point is dont want nerf sorc dmg.. but nerf abilities wich annoy your game play.

I dont want be cced all the time.. in hutball you flying like ping pong ball.


But combination of avarage dmg and alot of roots, stuns, mezz.. etc.. its giving big advantage againts certain classes..



For example soem fix..


Aoe knocback as it now - but if u ut talent here, make it like roots only... not knocback and root for 5 sec every 20 sec... this is realy annoying.


and am not talking when you meet 4 + sorck specced liek this in any Wz ...


The root breaks on damage after 2 seconds. Their cc is fine given their burst potential....which is nonexistent. I have far better burst in focus than they do period.

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