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Some kinda Jedi logic?


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I just had to share this encounter.



Goonawaro: Well met, fellow Jedi. It reassures me to know there are others in our order who have taken an interest in this world.

Goonawaro: My name is Goonawaro. I wonder if i could be so bold as to ask of your favor.

Me: Jedi need to stick together.

Goonawaro: Your willingness is appreciated. I will get right to the point.

Goonawaro: As you are no doubt aware, both the Republic and Imperials are extracting Quesh venom beneath the planet's surface.

Goonawaro: However, unlike the Republic, the Imperials are employing dangerous methods that are poisoning the world.

Me: It's a shame - seems such a waste.

Goonawaro: Their callous disregard for the natural order is an affront to all i believe in.

Goonawaro: Instead of slowly siphoning Quesh venom from the ground, the Empire carves deep wounds in the earth and processes the reserves in great tanks.

Goonawaro: The tank release noxious clouds into the environment. Eventually, their operations will kill all natural life on Quesh.

Me: How exactly can i help with this?

Goonawaro: Use these explosives to destroy the tanks where the Imperials store their Quesh venom. This will cripple their production capabilities.

Goonawaro: Be careful. Detonating the explosives may cause clouds of concentrated toxins to be expunged from the tanks. Avoiding exposure would be wise.

You receive: Explosives.

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Okay I know this thread is a bit old, but I just encountered and did that quest. Depending on the options you do get a bit more dialog not much. But as a Jedi Sage, I was surprised that the reward excluded Zenith for my options. I had the ability to choose a only for Qyzen and Tharan and the option for Qyzen was equal to the weapon you can purchase for credits at the Rebel HQ area (where you arrive).
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No, not Jedi logic. Environmentalist "logic." the same sort that has a Greepeace bumpersticker on a smoking 20-year-old Suburban, or drive a "clean" electric car the building and electricity-production of/for which are some of the dirtiest enterprises on Earth (80% of electric power comes from coal- and oil-fired plants, and the batteries for electro-cars are highly toxic and 99.9% NON-recyclable) ...
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No, not Jedi logic. Environmentalist "logic." the same sort that has a Greepeace bumpersticker on a smoking 20-year-old Suburban, or drive a "clean" electric car the building and electricity-production of/for which are some of the dirtiest enterprises on Earth (80% of electric power comes from coal- and oil-fired plants, and the batteries for electro-cars are highly toxic and 99.9% NON-recyclable) ...


That is quite educational, i didn't know that about the "clean" cars.

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