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Stupidly addictive collectable system please


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I'd like to suggest you ruthlessly knock off the collectables system incorporated in a certain other recent mmo that I shall call schmift.


The artifact system in schmift started at early levels, and involved Very Shiny Pretty Things* that would just be scattered around where you were anyway.

Collecting enough of them could be traded in for random items (cosmetic Very Silly Hats for example) and earn titles and other non-game-impacting things.


They were ridiculously addictive, and not particularly complicated. Transparent time sink in a way that wasn't chronically hate-inducing. Not obligatory, but definitely had a dedicated core of players absolutely hooked.


I'm just sayin'. You could do that.




*seriously check out what they look like in-game. They cry out "I am pretty pick me up" when you catch a glimpse in your periphery.

Edited by Ornery
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Okay, I'll admit it. I love the kind of shiny, fun, cosmetic stuff that you're referring to.




Since "Star Wars" is a licensed franchise, Bioware and all involved have a responsibility to preserve the general look and feel of the universe. I suspect (and this is just my opinion, with admittedly no proof to back it up!) that letting people run around in the Star Wars universe with immersion-breaking silly hats and other costumes might not be a popular idea.


That said, if they could create shiny, fun, cosmetic stuff that *did* still manage to fit into the Star Wars universe, I'd be all for it.


<raises an eyebrow at OP> Scmift indeed. ;)




For some reason, I latched on to your "silly hat" example and completely ignored the part where you said "titles and other non-game-impacting things." I apologize for that.


I do think something like what you suggest could be fun. But I also think that Bioware has significant work to do in optimizing other aspects of the game first. Not that you were in any way suggesting that collectibles should be a priority. Just wanted to put it out there before people rushed in with the tar and the feathers. :D

Edited by mrcaptainpants
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