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Just out of interest, what ARE the best counters for an inquisitors (classes / abilities), Haven't tried PVP yet but want to be prepared.


stealth ambushers. sorc dies fast when meelee 3 shots it when your stuns on cd.


best heal crit is under 3k and takes 3 seconds to cast, meelee can chain crit for 4k a second easily.


meelee is op but they want sorc nerfed :p

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Meh i rolled a IA Sniper, the cover helps a lot on sorc's but they are everywhere. I find troopers are giving me personally the most problems currently, well at least good ones. But you know what they say when a class gives to hard time doing anything then they MUST be nerfed!
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Just out of interest, what ARE the best counters for an inquisitors (classes / abilities), Haven't tried PVP yet but want to be prepared.


IA operative with sneak, stun, interrupt (and healing)

Sniper IF he can set up cover and opens with ambush.

BH merc/trooper commando with stun, front loaded damage.

Pretty much any melee if the sorc is bad and you can run around him.


The other useful counter is your own teammate JC/SI with the lvl 1 buff giving 10% resist against his damage.

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Maybe Bioware will nerf Inquisitors to help balance out this ******** ratio we have going. Just got done with a warzone where the enemy team had 8 Inquisitors and 1 IA (He was the mascot I think).


I really hope not. Once one class gets nerfed it'll start to affect them all. besides, obviously at launch some classes will be more popular, but it'll probably even out after a while. :)

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My Powertech 1 vs 1 against a sorc/sentinel = BRING IT ON!


Retractable Blades > Railshot > Rocket Punch > Flame Burst, rinse and repeat.


It's going to be absolutely filthy once I get Grapple and then later, Immolate.


I like my chances against any class 1 on 1 right now. :D


If I die, I know immediately that it's my fault 90% of the time and that's great.


Sorcs, IAs, and Merc BHs put up gaudy numbers. I terrorize everyone in single combat and ravage the objectives.


I'm content. ;)

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I would play an assassin in a second if they had even limited self healing. There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you're on a countdown to death merely because you cannot recover health (even slowly).


So that's why I play sorc instead of assassin. Biowares needs to learn to give non-healing classes some limited self healing ability.


have u played a jedi knight or sw? same thing

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all the kids play the magicians.


i play JG because at endgame they are possibly the best pvp class in game, they can be unstoppable.


also casting/ranged classes are noobo easy mode compared to melee so yeh of course there are more of those classes

Edited by vrgadin
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Why is it just SI's if you got hit with 6 ambushes from IA's would you feel better about dying? No... you would be complaining about them being OP. Fact is if you get targeted by three or four people your going to die fast no matter what class they are so don't start the nerf this and that just because you got targeted by the whole team.
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all the kids play the magicians.


i play JG because at endgame they are possibly the best pvp class in game, they can be unstoppable.


also casting/ranged classes are noobo easy mode compared to melee so yeh of course there are more of those classes


throw rock, throw pebbles, rinse repeat. thats 2 buttons. i dont have enough fingers for all the things i have to do as a JG


That's pretty much the same as it is playing a Advanced Prototype spec Bounty Hunter.


All melee, all the time... you wouldn't expect it from a BH class, but it's friggin' epic!

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Riiight... First off, on the server I'm on I see quite a mix actually, not more of one or the other.


Also Assassins got "self-healing" in combat... It's called Dark Charge and heals for crap sure... Than there's the tanking talent Harnessed Darkness which heals as well...


Marauders got a nice little healing on bleed crit talent aswell. So they both got very very very very minor self healing but what did you expect?


Anyway, as I said on the server I'm on I can't say there's such a huge amount of sorcs, heck I've seen entire teams of smugglers and troopers. But, oh well bother...

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I would play an assassin in a second if they had even limited self healing. There is nothing more frustrating than feeling like you're on a countdown to death merely because you cannot recover health (even slowly).


So that's why I play sorc instead of assassin. Biowares needs to learn to give non-healing classes some limited self healing ability.


Dark Charge isnt enough limited healing for you? honestly im not even sure why it has a heal effect associated with it

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Why is it just SI's if you got hit with 6 ambushes from IA's would you feel better about dying? No... you would be complaining about them being OP. Fact is if you get targeted by three or four people your going to die fast no matter what class they are so don't start the nerf this and that just because you got targeted by the whole team.
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I know, and I love it. As a Shadow I destroy Sorcs without even trying. Rock/Paper/Scissors combat is in existence here.


Of course, it is not that hard to destroy a Sorc once you learn their weak-points.


I would say the same thing about the Assassins I fight with my Sage :p Once I get distance and start kiting, I seem to have little problem dealing with them.


But as was said in another post, a surplus of one particular class doesn't therefore mean said class is OP. The Inquisitor does rank high on the rule of cool, and also boasts one of the best story lines, so it only makes sense that it's going to be in a state of oversupply for a while. For those rolling other classes, it just lends them a little more uniqueness.

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Meh, play what you want to play, don't base it off of what's OP or what needs to be nerfed blah blah blah.


I rolled Juggernaut, and I'm gonna pimp smack them all!



Yeah screw it im playing an assassin and anything that attacks me i get rofl pwned from lack of survivability so im just waiting on my higher level abilities which people cant seem to realize YOU DONT HAVE YOUR ABILITIES! SO ****!

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high popularity =/= being OP




OP == high_populatiry;


So that's why I play sorc instead of assassin. Biowares needs to learn to give non-healing classes some limited self healing ability.


You mean like the out of combat self heal that every single class already has or the countless in combat stimpack heals, something like that?

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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