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Warzone SHOULDN'T be able to leave.


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People that leave warzone are simply the cancer of this game. Point.


If every warzone you start losing and 2 on 8 leave in less than 60 seconds from the start... well they ruin the game for the whole team.


Is this meant to be a MMO? Than people that does not play as if they were part of a team, of a faction... should be kicked, or sanctioned. Like losing 50.000 Valor every time you LEAVE a warzone (not because of disconnection). And not be available to re-enter a warzone for at least 30 minutes.

And possibly also sent not on the fleet, but in the birthplace of the character.


This game really lacks amazing PvP... and people that simply ruin the few that there is... they should really delete and move to a single player game. It suits more them if they simply leave everytime they lose

Edited by karnikh
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Didn't know about it... I'd rather act more strongly on that... but anyway it's already somethin'.

It's like 3 hours that I'm trying to win 3 wz... and 19 of them finished with the shutdown countdown. And all started with 8 people.

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I do have to agree with the original poster on one point, if you are engaged in combat and leave, you should lose valor. There is nothing heroic about running away. If you gain valor by defeating you enemy, you should lose it for running from them. If you stay and get killed, then nothing happens to valor.


EDIT: If you cannot exit while in combat, kind of a mute point.

Edited by Dyraele
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Then change the random team.

I basically think that there was no reason for random instance PvP in this game... if they worked enough on mass PvP in open areas... they didn't... so in some way you have to fight empire.


Whether you do 4 people guild group and wait ages for window to pop... whether you try to be best of the noobs. Leaving is just too easy... and it means that you're no better than the "stupid team"

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Why not I leave all the time, sorry but some random teams are just too stupid to be a part of. I'll give it a couple minutes sure but if the team are clearly morons....cya.


You still get commendations and warzone points so whatever. Yeah, just ruin it not only for your team, but the next guy which spawns in your place. Its not a waste of time, regardless of crappy team or not. Because even if you lose you still win.


Simply you win some and you lose some you gotta take the good with the bad. You are the plague of PvP.


If you want to bring your leet team of winners, you are welcome. Until then, play the game instead of running.

Edited by sheisty
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Why not I leave all the time, sorry but some random teams are just too stupid to be a part of. I'll give it a couple minutes sure but if the team are clearly morons....cya.


So i guess you're Pro. Then.. if it was true, why not winning giving morons a winning strategy? Probably because you're as bad playing as they are... probably worse.

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Didn't know about it... I'd rather act more strongly on that...


Kill him..talks to me that way again...get him while he's sleeping...or poison his meat, see how he likes that... :D


I do hope you realize it is a losing battle. No matter what you do, no matter what you say, no matter how much you punish people, they will STILL leave some matches. I value my sanity more than some pixels. Piss me off enough, and it's Alt+F4 and that's that. Penalty or no penalty.

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Why not I leave all the time, sorry but some random teams are just too stupid to be a part of. I'll give it a couple minutes sure but if the team are clearly morons....cya.


this, ill leave regardless of lockout if im playing with a terrible team that cant listen or do objectives, tired of those medal farmers that dont know how to play on a team, id sooner leave and log, i dont care about any lockouts.

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So I guess if I don't like being in a warzone and can't leave I may as well go afk and grab myself a drink right?



SOrry but I leave because I'm looking for some fun in my pvp, sometimes that fun is a biased opinion between me and the pre-made I am forced to play aginst with my fellow "queue solo" puggers

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Why not I leave all the time, sorry but some random teams are just too stupid to be a part of. I'll give it a couple minutes sure but if the team are clearly morons....cya.


that is exactly the kind of people society does not need. it is not about just the mmo, it is about how you behave in the real world as well that is reflected in your actions here, when it affects other fellow players. we don't need petty, egotistic, reward-hunting-with-no-effort morons. just delete and try some tetris.


on the other hand, you better keep leaving. maybe with players not as bad as you on their team, your team mates might actually stand a chance.

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Here is a quote out of this weeks Q&A


Gladoss Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior?


Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes.

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Kill him..talks to me that way again...get him while he's sleeping...or poison his meat, see how he likes that... :D




Now.. THAT'S an idea!!


Anyway... WZs are simply a crappy PvP. Everybody has a guild. JOIN with your guild on WZs. Useless to play MMOs without one. And at least you can be a team part of the team.

It's not that I like people fighting on their own on huttball, o campering near shuttles in Voidstar. I come from DAoC. I expect strategy when doing group/mass PvP... but leaving is even worse, IMHO.

But there are also people trying to learn... and some PROs leave after 30 sec only because 6 people cannot stand against 4 geared and skilled... and that's awful.

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this is why people leave:



note the little reward for say 10 min plus in a wz only to lose, with that much comms it'll take about 18 matches to get 1 bag so to me it seems like a waste of time because you no closer to daily getting done and definatly no closer to getting weekly, you just frustrated and stop having fun so why stay.


will the debuff keep people from leaving? did it wow no people left all the time hoped on an alt and continued playing. (sorry for mentioning wow) will it increase que time? yes more and more people with debuff less to pull into a wz

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this is why people leave:



note the little reward for say 10 min plus in a wz only to lose, with that much comms it'll take about 18 matches to get 1 bag so to me it seems like a waste of time because you no closer to daily getting done and definatly no closer to getting weekly, you just frustrated and stop having fun so why stay.


will the debuff keep people from leaving? did it wow no people left all the time hoped on an alt and continued playing. (sorry for mentioning wow) will it increase que time? yes more and more people with debuff less to pull into a wz


you are upset, I can see that. I can also understand why. You won't be able to free-leave now... :*(


btw, debuff definitely improved pvp in WoW. Dunno which server you were on, but I rarely saw leaves in my BGs.

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you are upset, I can see that. I can also understand why. You won't be able to free-leave now... :*(


btw, debuff definitely improved pvp in WoW. Dunno which server you were on, but I rarely saw leaves in my BGs.


actually i dont normally leave i've gotten atleast 2 valor ranks and only 4 wins since i hit 50

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Leaving a warzone because OMG U DOODS ARE DUMMMMM I AM SO GOOD WHY ARE YOU DO BAD MY TEAM SUCKS RAGEQUIT REJGFNJKERFJKERBGFSLEF is really, really stupid. In my experience, the rage-quitters start going nuts about a minute into the match if his/her team isn't immediately dominating the other team. They call everyone stupid, mention how awesome they are, and then quit before the match even really develops. It's idiotic.


Here are some alternatives to being a cry-baby:


1. Communicate your awesome strategies to your team. Do it politely. Don't call everyone who doesn't bend to your whim an idiot.


Many times, no one will listen. Oh well. It's not worth rage-quitting.


Sometimes, people will listen, learn, and get better. Good for you for helping someone out.


2. Keep playing. There are plenty of warzones I've played where I thought my team was dumb and we were getting crushed. And then we ended up winning. It happens way more often than you'd think it would. The rage-quitters wouldn't know anything about this because they quit at the first sign of adversity.


3. Try playing this game for fun. You're probably not the best MMO player ever. Move on. Have fun with the rest of us.


4. Stop being an idiot cry-baby. Obviously, everyone wants to win everything they do. Sometimes, you lose. Maybe your team sucks. Maybe they're good and the other team is just better. Maybe the other team is worse but simply has a better mix of classes and abilities. Maybe they all have better gear. Either way, stop being a baby.



tl;dr version: warzones are typically won by teams that work together. Rage-quitting is the opposite of teamwork. Don't be a dick.

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Leaving a warzone because OMG U DOODS ARE DUMMMMM I AM SO GOOD WHY ARE YOU DO BAD MY TEAM SUCKS RAGEQUIT REJGFNJKERFJKERBGFSLEF is really, really stupid. In my experience, the rage-quitters start going nuts about a minute into the match if his/her team isn't immediately dominating the other team. They call everyone stupid, mention how awesome they are, and then quit before the match even really develops. It's idiotic.


Here are some alternatives to being a cry-baby:


1. Communicate your awesome strategies to your team. Do it politely. Don't call everyone who doesn't bend to your whim an idiot.


Many times, no one will listen. Oh well. It's not worth rage-quitting.


Sometimes, people will listen, learn, and get better. Good for you for helping someone out.


2. Keep playing. There are plenty of warzones I've played where I thought my team was dumb and we were getting crushed. And then we ended up winning. It happens way more often than you'd think it would. The rage-quitters wouldn't know anything about this because they quit at the first sign of adversity.


3. Try playing this game for fun. You're probably not the best MMO player ever. Move on. Have fun with the rest of us.


4. Stop being an idiot cry-baby. Obviously, everyone wants to win everything they do. Sometimes, you lose. Maybe your team sucks. Maybe they're good and the other team is just better. Maybe the other team is worse but simply has a better mix of classes and abilities. Maybe they all have better gear. Either way, stop being a baby.



tl;dr version: warzones are typically won by teams that work together. Rage-quitting is the opposite of teamwork. Don't be a dick.


I try to put up an exceptionally strong front to break their morale. Hesitating or assuming you'll lose if it starts out bad is a bad idea. You bear the brunt of our cooldowns then back off when they're over.

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Thread: Warzone SHOULDN'T be able to leave



Oh are the warzones leaving too? Phew, for a second there I thought it was just me.


I guess the warzones themselves had enough of the bads too.


Hey Bioware, when you apply a penalty to quitters, make sure that if Huttball is leaving (as the OP suggests) that you give it a 1 hour ban from popping.

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Oh are the warzones leaving too? Phew, for a second there I thought it was just me.


I guess the warzones themselves had enough of the bads too.


Hey Bioware, when you apply a penalty to quitters, make sure that if Huttball is leaving (as the OP suggests) that you give it a 1 hour ban from popping.


LOL funny stuff, was my first thought when I read the title but didn't post about it.


Not sure why they think giving a choice is bad. If people chose one and cannot get a group, "unqueue" and go to another one.

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LOL funny stuff, was my first thought when I read the title but didn't post about it.


Not sure why they think giving a choice is bad. If people chose one and cannot get a group, "unqueue" and go to another one.


I pretty much just saw "Warzone" and "leave" and assumed it was a QQ that got owned and rageposted.


I was right.

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