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(PvE Dps)High energy Pyro


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This is a PvE Build, It can work if changed for pvp but i still recommend at ST hybrid build.


4/12/25 - High energy pyro




- Much better heat management compared to pyro.

- Better flame burst/incendiary dmg from high energy cyclinder

- Way more railshots than full pyro due to more flame burst spam with better heat management.



- Changing target requires using incendiary missile again.

- Really kitable in PvP though you can make a pvp variation.

- Does still rely on luck to get railshot back but you can spam alot.


PvP Variation


You gain mobility but lose dmg


Edit: forgot to actually link the pve build ><

Edit: You can switch 2/2 intimidation for 2/3 Burnout

It will look like this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3010MZMsMM0MZbIbbdGhMM.1

If you try this let me know what you think :)

Edited by Shredzz
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Since you lose the extra dot from CGC, why not take RB over the 4% damage increase?


I know RB's damage is meh, but the dot is a nice addition and relative low heat cost..


Overall I like the build, has potential for people that haven't mastered Pyro heat management, but still want to contribute decent DPS over AP.


Or, even, something like this to allow better heat management while keeping decent DPS. You lose the 9% but having a free RP opens up potentially a bit more. (which lets face it, for people struggling with heat having to rapid shot to get the heat down so much is a larger DPS loss)



Edited by exphryl
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Since you lose the extra dot from CGC, why not take RB over the 4% damage increase?


I know RB's damage is meh, but the dot is a nice addition and relative low heat cost..


Overall I like the build, has potential for people that haven't mastered Pyro heat management, but still want to contribute decent DPS over AP.


Or, even, something like this to allow better heat management while keeping decent DPS. You lose the 9% but having a free RP opens up potentially a bit more. (which lets face it, for people struggling with heat having to rapid shot to get the heat down so much is a larger DPS loss)




It has overall better better mobility/versatility with having 2dots to execute railshot but you lose 9% on rocket punch/railshot and 4% on flame burst/incendiary missile, which i think is too much for just a chance of better heat management on rocket punch(in a spec which is already plenty good with it) and an addition dot which isn't necessary.


Priority is: Incendiary dot > Railshot > Rocket punch > flameburst for dmg abilities you practically dont use anything else unless for aoe.

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Have you had a chance to try this build out in any Operations to get an idea how it actually performs?


(Or an easy world boss)?


I need something to do when I get home today so might give it a shot just to see. (I run full pyro normally when I dps. But I'm up for testing more unique builds. hell, lately when I full Tank I run an energy bounder/st hybrid. It's pretty silly and amazing in HM/NM Ops.)

Edited by exphryl
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Yes i have, my main spec is usually tank and i usually lead my guild ops, but since we have two tanks i usually go as offtank/dps, but i find leading and managing pyro heat is just so annoying so i made this spec to just get rid of that annoyance. Only boss that was annoyign was soa nm with sacrificing all the mobility of advanced and sacrificing some of your ranged as pyro but it wasnt much of a big deal, and lets face it soa is a ***** for anyone.


Since there is no real dmg meters, all i can go from is council where i did dps on hardmode 8man where i killed my marauder way faster than others, and 16man normal where we were 1short so i took two juggs(50k hp each) and i still came in top 4 for killing my ones.


Ill admit its still luck based, sometimes it can be really really fluid and those railshots just keep coming and keep criting but you can be very unlucky even when you think its impossible, but for those moments i always have vent heat and i use thermal sensor override for incendiary missile 100% so i can keep it up with minimal rapid shots.


+ the thing i like about this spec is the fact most of your dmg goes right through heavily armored targets,I really hate the fact Thermal denator is kinetic, it just makes railshot seem so so much better as an alternative. The only negative i can think of is PvP as when ever you see a tank(who actually has picked up def/absorb/shield rating) those numbers you get when you hit them and they proc their shield is just depressing but they are hard to come by.

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Just wanted to point out the build made famous by the vanguard Oozo.




Similar to pvp spec, but staying CGC stance.


Basically most of your damage comes from stacking the dots (CGC dot, and RB dot). Then just spamming out as many RS procs as you can. When heat gets close to 40, shoot a free rapid shot, then start over again with the flamebursts.


The only time I have ever had heat issues is when fighting 2 on 1, or 3 on 1. By the time the second full health player is almost dead, you start having too much heat. So hit vent hit, and your good to go.


The main difference in this build is instead of taking the endurance buff and knockback venting from Pyro, you take the 2% flat mitigation from AP, as well as the Quell reduction.


People really underestimate the Quell reduction sometimes. Against healers, you pretty much deny there big cast time heals. Leaving them just sitting there, soaking up the dmg. Also against ranged castors like mercs (quell tracer missile) and snipers (quell there big cast damage dealers). You basically neuter them.



My typical fight goes something like this.


From Range: explosive dart, rapid shots---> In Range: Retractable Blade, flameburst, Railshot. Then just Flameburst and Rocketpunch whenever you can. Railshot any time it procs.


Pretty simple. Your basically fighting just like a Pyro without TD, or a Carolina Parakeet build, except you have a bit more mobility (Hydrolic Overide), more CC (lowered stun and grapple), Can shut big abilities down (quell), And occasionally you get a nice instant crit on Railshot.

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- Better flame burst/incendiary dmg from high energy cyclinder


I want to point this bit out and draw out your major mistake.

I'll throw my average numbers out for an example. My flame burst crits for ~1400 with no relics/adrenals up. 8% more damage on that is 112 more damage or so.

As pyro my flame burst procs/refreshes CGC. CGC does an instant tick of damage when it procs/refreshes. This adds anywhere from 450-1000 more damage to my flameburst (1000 being crit while target is sub 30%).

You can throw in the extra 6% from hot iron and still be behind pyro.


This is a very often overlooked perk of pyro because everyone only sees the bigger number. Rail shots do the same thing when hitting a burning target getting that extra initial tick of damage

Edited by theangryllama
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