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Not an MMO?


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Actually I see many subjective whiners on these forums. I can see one now.


I love the stance of some of these glass house dwellers.


If you think like me and hate the game, you are cool, objective, and reasonable.


If you disagree and like the game, you are a fanboi (or new term biodrone), subjective, and immature with no logical thinking capacity.


I gotcha now. :rolleyes:


Nah. People like different things. I've seen many, many players, with no stake in the entire Biodrone VS Hater thing, make highly intelligent, constructive posts about problems with the game, and get super-flamed starting with the first post. For no other reason the pointing out it's flaws.


This game has problems, Biodrones don't see it like that.


Yes, you do have people who post hate filled drivel, smacked full of rancor-level intelligence, but most people can pick them out. Biodrones treat EVERYONE who doesn't praise this game like them.


As far as the whole WoWknight or Arenanet things, I've never played WoW, but I did play GW1 (No expansions) but I will say I'm as excited for GW2 as I was for SWTOR. Let's hope GW2 fares better.

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Nah. People like different things. I've seen many, many players, with no stake in the entire Biodrone VS Hater thing, make highly intelligent, constructive posts about problems with the game, and get super-flamed starting with the first post. For no other reason the pointing out it's flaws.


This game has problems, Biodrones don't see it like that.


Yes, you do have people who post hate filled drivel, smacked full of rancor-level intelligence, but most people can pick them out. Biodrones treat EVERYONE who doesn't praise this game like them.


As far as the whole WoWknight or Arenanet things, I've never played WoW, but I did play GW1 (No expansions) but I will say I'm as excited for GW2 as I was for SWTOR. Let's hope GW2 fares better.



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Hmmmm that quest is easily done solo after you get your companion, so my guess would be most people just ignore grouping up to do it. I had hard times on all my jedi alts trying to get groups for that particular quest (and all other initial zones heroics). But after that I could always find people to group up for the other heroics, even in low populated planets.


And since this topic became a discussion about the game itself and what's right or wrong, I will give my opinion on that as well. A lot of people is just not used to have to actually ask to group anymore. Personally I didn't had a problem with that since I played another mmo's that aren't WoW, and in many the LFG or LFD feature was just recently added or wasn't added at all. But most of my friends didn't liked when they discovered this game didn't had that feature. And to them "so many missing features" exactly because they were all coming from WoW. In the end almost everyone gave up and either went back to WoW or just stopped playing mmo's for a while. In the end the ditto "you can't please greeks and trojans" work as a charm. WoW does it pretty well but maybe Bioware never wanted this to be tne "next WoW" at all.


SWTOR is a mmo, a real good one as well. But it's obviously not a game made to please everyone like WoW. I wish I knew if this is working as intended or if BW really thought they could make people walk backward and enjoy a game that looks a lot like WoW classic did. If it's working as intended, great, because they knew they were doing a game meant for a smaller community but that in the end would please those who like the game the way it is. If they wanted to actually take people out of WoW (like EA CEO said sometimes) they failed incredibly and now they are learning with their mistakes. Most people will not walk backwards, if you have a lot of features and things that make your life a lot easier on a game you already play... most people will just stick to that instead of having to actually ask for a group, or work your way through some HMs (instead of the easy mode heroics you have on WoW). This is just human nature.


My opinion is that they actually knew most of the people who started playing would just leave after realizing THIS IS NOT WOW, and is not meant to be. And they are working for those of us who stayed to make this game even better.

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In order for this to change, BioWare must be prepared to ignore, not listen to, the current crop of "I try every new MMO, and WoW was my first" players and instead focus on doing what is going to build a good future.


The community will eventually shed the WoW playing-alone-in-a-crowd mentality but only if they don't give in to the complaints of those very players. There's a massive crop of people who hate these socially disconnected MMOs with a passion and if EA/BioWare is smart, they'll let those people just unsubscribe for the future good of the game. The World of Warcraft model is not the way to do things. The game was a fluke, it just happened to come along at the right time as EQ was getting old and more and more people were leaving dial-up behind.


Hmmm I am sorry but I have to disagree with you when you say WoW was a fluke. They had 12 million subs and now have around 10 million, SW dropped from 2 million to 1 million right after the free month. So if you see it economically WoW is the biggest success in history. Not saying WoW is a better game because of that, personally I do enjoy SW a lot and will stick around for a long time. What I think is that SW is a game that will have a much smaller player base (which is not a bad thing) but, for those who actually enjoy the game, will be the best game ever. I just wish they merge servers or open transfers soon, so we have well populated servers.

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Hmmm I am sorry but I have to disagree with you when you say WoW was a fluke. They had 12 million subs and now have around 10 million, SW dropped from 2 million to 1 million right after the free month. So if you see it economically WoW is the biggest success in history. Not saying WoW is a better game because of that, personally I do enjoy SW a lot and will stick around for a long time. What I think is that SW is a game that will have a much smaller player base (which is not a bad thing) but, for those who actually enjoy the game, will be the best game ever. I just wish they merge servers or open transfers soon, so we have well populated servers.


WoW was a fluke. It came out at the right time and did the right things. Before WoW, no MMO even came to close to just a million subscribers. EQ peaked at around 500,000 if I remember correctly. No MMO will come close to WoW's numbers in the foreseeable future either. Which makes it a fluke, an anomaly.

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In order for this to change, BioWare must be prepared to ignore, not listen to, the current crop of "I try every new MMO, and WoW was my first" players and instead focus on doing what is going to build a good future.


The community will eventually shed the WoW playing-alone-in-a-crowd mentality but only if they don't give in to the complaints of those very players. There's a massive crop of people who hate these socially disconnected MMOs with a passion and if EA/BioWare is smart, they'll let those people just unsubscribe for the future good of the game. The World of Warcraft model is not the way to do things. The game was a fluke, it just happened to come along at the right time as EQ was getting old and more and more people were leaving dial-up behind.



Why should it change? MMO doesn't mean forced grouping. I'm glad as hell that practically every story area is instanced.


The absolute worst thing about MMOs is the people. If I want to group, I'll do it with my guild - people I know aren't a bunch of random ninja-looting ADHD morons.


I'm glad as hell that I can level up solo. If I was forced to group to do so, I'd have never bought the game in the first place, much less set up a subscription.

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Why should it change? MMO doesn't mean forced grouping. I'm glad as hell that practically every story area is instanced.


The absolute worst thing about MMOs is the people. If I want to group, I'll do it with my guild - people I know aren't a bunch of random ninja-looting ADHD morons.


I'm glad as hell that I can level up solo. If I was forced to group to do so, I'd have never bought the game in the first place, much less set up a subscription.


This is so funny I had to quote.


You do understand what MMO stands for, right? Massively Multiplayer Online


It does not mean solo to 50, group up with 8 friends when I feel the urge.

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