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Server population history graphs


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Thanks everybody for your words of encouragement and support, extra thanks for the donation, I really appreciate it!!! I'm glad you liked the pages. I will try to keep them as current as possible.


I guess I was little impatient to get any response. I should be careful

because, as Yoda says, impatience leads to the dark side :)

Edited by GorTh_CZ
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I guess I was little impatient to get any response. I should be careful

because, as Yoda says, impatience leads to the dark side :)


The site looks good, will be interesting to monitor itsd progress.



The dark side is the fun side fyi ;)

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Love the site. Useful for making a solid server choice for our new guild. When will the new servers be seen? Is this automated or do you have to add them?


And a filter (or multiple column sort) on the stats page : http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu/stats would be really nice. For example a filter on Language/Region and server type.


Thanks again for providing this site.

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Definitley zombies. I have 2x lvl 30+ toons and a lvl 18


Really? Thats crazy... I got my early access yesterday and got to level 5...


Whats the point of leveling so fast though, you'll just end up having to wait for everyone to catch up :rolleyes:


And to OP, yeah a nice site, shame there is no way to see the ratio or number of players on each side. Thats down to SWTOR not having this info available to the public though I guess.

Edited by Spankya
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Nice site


was not so happy to see my server this populated but hopefully the servers will still have less queue when the rush of the launch has worn off and pepole just start playing like they do have soem life outside SWTOR

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When will the new servers be seen? Is this automated or do you have to add them?


It should be fully automated (every 5 minutes) but you never know what may happen :cool:

If there is any server missing you know about, please let me know and I will check the import script.


And a filter (or multiple column sort) on the stats page : http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu/stats would be really nice. For example a filter on Language/Region and server type.


Great idea, thank you!


... working on it ... working on it ... DONE :)

Edited by GorTh_CZ
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