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Noob question from a new player...


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I am soon lvl 50 Merc and i have read alot of threads here about how to do as much dps as possible in raids.

My conclusion is that the only stats i really have to worry about is Aim and crit. Aim is obvious and crit because higher dps AND mayby the most important you hold your heat down via the crits (that explains why you overheat alot with crap gear, you never crit...).

Is there any other stats that i need to focus on, that doesnt automaticly follow when you get better gear? (Maby crit also follows, so the only thing we have to look for is aim...)

Either way, is there any statcap in this game, like in wow, or is it just the higher the better?

And then you talk about never go over 40 heat. How do i see the heat in numbers, or are you talking % (always under 40% sounds tough...)? When i hold the mouse over the heatline i dont see any numbers, you have addons? I didnt think addons existed in the game so far?

Edited by Dreamerii
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if your asking about end game, as in The tier set gear and raid/HM gear


then that you gotta worry about first is getting all that stuff together, you'll notice a lot of that gear has no crit on it except for 1 peice. but it'll have tons and I mean TONS of accuracy


you only want enough accuracy to bring up your accuracy to 110%, that'll will override the enemy boss's defense stats so that you wont be dodged or parried, or resisted.

then you want to bring your crit percentage up to roughly 30-35% with the aim on the columni gear you wont have much problem with that. but getting crit rating will be difficult. what you can do is get some of the combat medic gear like the bracers, ears, implants which has crit on it (talking about rakata ears and implants from daily commendations which you should get)


or you can also purchase the leggings from any of the sets since they'll have an enhancement of crit/accuracy that you can rip off and put on to your other Q51 gear


or you can run kaon HM and try to farm up some xenotech medic gloves which has Q51 crit/surge but this is probably a lot more difficult to do. if you have a group thats willing to you could just go in do this event, when your done reset the instance and keep doing it over and over again until you got what you need. the instance doesnt lock up until you beat the final boss


once your onto columni gear (Q56) then you'll want to start farming the Columni gloves from the medics, they have the crit/surge enhancements that you can rip off to put onto yours


hope this helps out

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