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PVP And Battlemaster Gear Bags


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Notes To Bioware I Have Been A Beta Tester From Day 1 I Am A Senior Player Of SWTOR My Age Is 49 Years Of Age Something Must Be Done About The PVP Warzones More And More Republic Players Are Not Playing All Day Long Its The Same Thing Players Are Tired And Giveing Up The Drop Rate Of The Battlemaster Gear Bags Is Very Unfair You Fixed The Champion Gear Bags But What About The Players That Have Been Champion A Long Time Is That Fair To Them The 15 Champion Points You Get From The Battlemaster Gear Bags Are No Good To Them What Do They Do With Them Give Them To There Companion For Gear For What They Cant PVP So What Good Are They You Guys Just Forgot About The Players Trying To Work On There Battlemaster Gear I Have Open Alot Of Battlemaster Gear Bags All Filled With Just Champion Points So What Do I Do With Them Now Thats Just Unfair To Players It Should Be Fun And Fair For Every One Not One Sided The Way It Is Now Warzone Que In PVP Is Very Unfair Most Of The Time The Republic Players Are Short Handed So They Leave The Warzone Que Players Do Not Want To Be In The Warzone Short Handed Is That Fair To Other Players No And Battlemasters And Champions Need There Own PVP Warzone Makeing It Fair For All The New Up Comeing Lv50 Players In PVP Warzones And Yes I Am A Battlemaster And To Me Its No Fun Killing A Player In PVP Warzone That Do Not Have The Battlemaster Or Champion Gear Now Can They Compete Now Bioware Is That Fair To That Player Bioware Plese Look In To This A Very Concerned Senior SWTOR Player Thank You Bioware For A Great Game
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I would look into this if it wasn't a HUGE wall of text.


Why should "we" put effort into reading if u deffinatly didn't put any effort into typing this?:confused:


But he DID - He Capitalised The First Letter Of Every Word - that takes some effort.


I read the first line, and I couldn't help thinking of this:


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The daily and weekly warzone PVP quests should be about participating in warzones, not winning them, especially on servers where one side is vastly outnumbering and thus outgearing the other, as it's incredibly hard for the outnumbered and outgeared side to even catch up with gear and valor.


Also, Ilum and world PVP needs to be redone so the outnumbered and outgeared side can stand a better chance.


Personally, I would take out Expertise from PVP gear and normalize all stats and abilities (basically a separate PVP skill set that's perfectly balanced for PVP) for PVP to make PVP not about gear but pure player skill. But that's just wishful thinking.

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Notes to Bioware: I have been a beta tester from day 1. I am a senior player of SWTOR, my age is 49 years of age. Something must be done about the PVP Warzones.


More and more Republic players are not playing. All day long it's the same thing, players are tired and giving up. The drop rate of the Battlemaster gear bags is very unfair. You fixed the Champion gear bags but what about the players that have been Chapion a long time? Is that fair to them? The 15 Champion points you get from the Battlemaster gear bags are no good to them. What do they do with them? Give them to their companion for gear? For what? They can't PVP so what good are they?


You guys just forgot about the players trying to work on their Battlemaster gear. I have opened a lot of Battlemaster gear bags, all filled with just Champion points. So what do I do with them now? That's just unfair to players.


It should be fun and fair for everyone, not one-sided the way it is now. Warzone queue in PVP is very unfair. Most of the time the Republic players are short-handed so they leave the Warzone queue, players do not want to be in the Warzone short-handed. Is that fair to other players? No. And Battlemasters and Champions need their own PVP Warzone making it fair for all the new up-coming level 50 players in PVP Warzones.


And yes I am a Battlemaster and to me it's no fun killing a player in PVP Warzone that do not have the Battlemaster or Champion gear. Now, can they compete? Now Bioware, is that fair to that player?


Bioware, please look into this.


- A very concerned senior SWTOR player.


Thank you Bioware for a great game.

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The only things Battlemaster Bags helped me with was getting the last of my Champion gear. I have yet to get a single token in about 10 bags, and the only Battlemaster gear I have is the purchasable implants and earpiece.


There are so many ways to fix this.


1) Make ALL battlemaster gear cost merc/warzone comms

2) Make the drop rate 100% for BM tokens in BM bags, but make the gear cost a bit more.... or not

3) Make the BM gear cost BM comms like the Champ/Centurion gear does and give us BM comms is each BM bag


The rng is a piece of ****. I want to work toward something... not play roulette.

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