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Medicine/Sawbones, there is still hope!


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I have been PvP-ing as Operative since the launch and tried every possible (viable) spec out there and the one I enjoy the most is (believe it or not) the healing spec.


Most of the issues (not all) with Operative healing are mainly PvE concerns, instead of putting your op/smug on ice while waiting for 1.2, go out there and do some pvp!


I had been happily oblivious to the healing situation until I started to read this forum so enjoy this PvP-movie I put together to show some of the potential that healing operatives have!



In a flash I also uploaded a few post-match scoreboards, I have to point out that I have not cherrypicked these out of hundreds of matches, these 3 screens were picked from 5 matches I played tonight, 0 deaths is not uncommon at all.




If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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I have been PvP-ing as Operative since the launch and tried every possible (viable) spec out there and the one I enjoy the most is (believe it or not) the healing spec.


Most of the issues (not all) with Operative healing are mainly PvE concerns, instead of putting your op/smug on ice while waiting for 1.2, go out there and do some pvp!


I had been happily oblivious to the healing situation until I started to read this forum so enjoy this PvP-movie I put together to show some of the potential that healing operatives have!



In a flash I also uploaded a few post-match scoreboards, I have to point out that I have not cherrypicked these out of hundreds of matches, these 3 screens were picked from 5 matches I played tonight, 0 deaths is not uncommon at all.




If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


There are certainly a lot of PvE concerns when it comes to the operative, but that doesn't mean there are no PvP concerns. There are quite a few, in fact. Enough that I'm still going to put my operative 'on ice'.


And I believe you really didn't cherry-pick these matches. Let's just get that out of the way now.


Perhaps it was my own fault, but in choosing a simple, easy-to-remember name, I've marked myself in ways you clearly haven't yet. When I go into a warzone, people see my name and remember that I'm a healer, and they remember that if I'm left alone, I can significantly effect the outcome of any fight. They also remember (or maybe 'know') that there is precious little I can do if I'm under [constant] pressure, either to save myself, or to save any team members.


In the first few minutes of the video, with you healing... you really didn't experience any pressure at all. You were harassed for brief periods by inept players that didn't interrupt, stun, or CC you. I don't think anyone is going to argue that operatives left to turret-heal are somehow ineffective at keeping people alive. The issues we have trouble with are a lack of survivability options, and general squishiness.


Personally, if I spend more than a minute without at least 1 person trying to kill me while SPAMMING their interrupt on any cast-heal I try, I know I'm against a rookie team. Seeing that in your video makes me think you were against rookie teams, and makes me wish you HAD cherrypicked harder fights to showcase.


I don't want to comment on the KP-Lacerate build... but I have to say it strikes me as terrible. Burning your TA on lacerate can't possibly be a good thing unless you're being ignored, and if you're that deep in the medic tree you're probably not going to contribute enough dps to make the losses in regen/healing worth it. I have to try it out though. Maybe it works.


Some good advice, and generally not bad... but I don't think PvP as it stands now is any cause for 'hope'.

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There are certainly a lot of PvE concerns when it comes to the operative, but that doesn't mean there are no PvP concerns. There are quite a few, in fact. Enough that I'm still going to put my operative 'on ice'.


And I believe you really didn't cherry-pick these matches. Let's just get that out of the way now.


Perhaps it was my own fault, but in choosing a simple, easy-to-remember name, I've marked myself in ways you clearly haven't yet. When I go into a warzone, people see my name and remember that I'm a healer, and they remember that if I'm left alone, I can significantly effect the outcome of any fight. They also remember (or maybe 'know') that there is precious little I can do if I'm under [constant] pressure, either to save myself, or to save any team members.


In the first few minutes of the video, with you healing... you really didn't experience any pressure at all. You were harassed for brief periods by inept players that didn't interrupt, stun, or CC you. I don't think anyone is going to argue that operatives left to turret-heal are somehow ineffective at keeping people alive. The issues we have trouble with are a lack of survivability options, and general squishiness.


Personally, if I spend more than a minute without at least 1 person trying to kill me while SPAMMING their interrupt on any cast-heal I try, I know I'm against a rookie team. Seeing that in your video makes me think you were against rookie teams, and makes me wish you HAD cherrypicked harder fights to showcase.


I don't want to comment on the KP-Lacerate build... but I have to say it strikes me as terrible. Burning your TA on lacerate can't possibly be a good thing unless you're being ignored, and if you're that deep in the medic tree you're probably not going to contribute enough dps to make the losses in regen/healing worth it. I have to try it out though. Maybe it works.


Some good advice, and generally not bad... but I don't think PvP as it stands now is any cause for 'hope'.


I would like to formally adopt these impressions as my own.


The worst is when you face a Huttball team filled with people you normally heal . . . they don't even have to think before focusing you.

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To adress your post Attaraxia


I am very well known on my server and have several "rivalries" brewing, there is hardly a single game where I am not the target of some personal vendetta. My name is incredibly stupid and easy to remember aswell, in hindsight I should have tried "Luek Skiiwalk" or something.


I am also aware that the movie does not show the most intense fights or when I am under the most heavy pressure, the point with the movie itself is (as you pointed out) to show the basic philosophy of how to play the operative healer. When it boils down to hard fights it's more a matter of personal skill and fast reflexes, I tried here to just show the broader picture. By showing really hard fights things happen so fast and it tends to be gritty.


As for the Lacerate build, it is a really fun build that works if you just play it the way it is supposed to be played. Your main role is still healing and the only thing you forfeit is Recuperative Nanotech which in itself is not that great. Healing is not affected by alot, the Lacerate is not supposed to be used whenever but (precisely as you said) instead to be used when you don't need to heal or when caught in 1v1 situations. That being said this particular spec works the best in Huttball, for Voidstar Lacerate is just plain bad since all you do is heal anyway.


Overall I totally agree with you on everything, the opposition in the movie is far from top-notch and I will most certainly make a third movie with some real balls-to-the-wall situations.

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How are you pulling 400k plus???

I try to make sure my group has KP up and use Kinj and SP has direct heals.

But I only pull anywhere from 200k-300k a match if my team is decent.


I can't really say exactly how I do it, I just heal people that are hurt. It might be a gear issue but also remember that you can't heal more then people take damage.


I have broken 600k on a few occasions but all on really extreme Voidstar matches where bizzare stuff like a Sage almost breaking 700k dmg done also happened.

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Perhaps it was my own fault, but in choosing a simple, easy-to-remember name, I've marked myself in ways you clearly haven't yet. When I go into a warzone, people see my name and remember that I'm a healer, and they remember that if I'm left alone, I can significantly effect the outcome of any fight. They also remember (or maybe 'know') that there is precious little I can do if I'm under [constant] pressure, either to save myself, or to save any team members.


This. My character name is Violet. Simple, easy to spot, easy to remember. Also doesn't help that I'm one of the very few Scoundrels that I ever see and even fewer Scoundrel healers. It's rare that I'm out of stealth and turret healing for more than a few seconds before someone is on me.


The worst is when you face a Huttball team filled with people you normally heal . . . they don't even have to think before focusing you.


This also. I run into my guild quite often in Huttball (we're a pretty good sized guild) and the second they notice I'm on the other team, all I see in guild chat is, "Sorry Violet" before I proceed to get brutally massacred every single time I'm visible.


That said, I'm impressed. The most healing I've ever gotten in a WZ was a little over 200k. Honestly, though, and I'm not saying this to snub you or other people that turret heal, but I think it's 'cause I've realized that there are better things I could be doing with my time than just standing still and healing.


If I'm defending a door/turret, I spot heal, take potshots at cappers, and make sure every enemy has some sort of DoT rolling on them, as well as blasting my Orbital Strike AoE whenever it's available. If I'm attacking, I usually keep in stealth and look for an opportunity to cap until someone knocks me out of it, then I heal and CC to keep people off the person trying to cap the door.


If I'm in Huttball, you'll actually hardly see me healing. Hell, you'll hardly see me at all. If I'm on offense, I'll be stealthing all over the opponent's ramps, setting myself up for an easy pass that doesn't involve walking through incinerators. I'll pop out of stealth to heal if it looks like the ball carrier is going down before they can make a pass, but other than that, I make myself available. If I'm on defense, I'm stealthed all over my ramps, waiting to dirty kick the hell out of anyone trying to walk across the incinerators, or moving behind that character waiting for a pass and stunning them right as the pass is heading towards them so I can intercept it.


Honestly, there're very few instances where I find myself purely standing around and healing, mostly 'cause I get jumped a lot and can't afford to stay still to do it. Really, the only time that I find myself just straight healing is in Alderaan when we're taking a turret, or in Illum.

Edited by Prophetic
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I've actually taken a very similar stance to the OP on my Smuggler, however I am spec'd for PvE healing, so I don't have the fun PvP tools or the hybrid specs to go along. I've found that I consistently am nailing the 300k+ mark and am more than keeping up with equally geared counterparts. Yeah, I get mobbed by the best groups, but the best groups I've been in take care of me as the healer and cover my back pretty readily.


I've broken 400k a couple of times, and my gear is by *no* means optimal. One of the things that I've noticed is that people talk about SRMP only ticking for 600 and less as the most common mentions, but my personal SRMP on other people is ticking for 653ish and as I said, my gear is nothing outstanding.


Having said that, I do firmly believe that there's some improvements that can be made on our behalf and while the energy statistic is kind of an awesome twist on classic mana pools but the UH/TA mechanic needs a little work, as does the base toolset. I have a ton to say on the matter of healing and healing design but this isn't really the thread for that. Fundamentally I think there is a little misrepresentation of the smuggler's effectiveness (or lack thereof) BUT having said that there are some definite improvements to the design when taking into consideration PvP and PvE.

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How are you pulling 400k plus???

I try to make sure my group has KP up and use Kinj and SP has direct heals.

But I only pull anywhere from 200k-300k a match if my team is decent.


I play a Leth/Med hybrid and it's difficult for me not to pull 400k healing in a match, in addition to the 250-400k damage.


Not sure how you're having trouble, are you level 50?

Edited by Xenthum
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