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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Speed buffs/charges should not be able to be used while holding the ball


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Use a snare, stun, root or pull him the hell back. You act like hitting fore speed suddenly teleports them half way across the map. They are still vulnerable, beating the crap out of someone is not always the best way to win at Huttball. Controlling the field of play will win you more games than beating the snot out of a ball carrier.


Have you tried that on assasin tank while his deflection and force shroud up?


Try and come here and tell me how you made it.

Edited by BambulaGTS
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Despite the whinig and trolling that leap to target skill has a ridiculously low cool down compared to other skills that pull/push or throw you towards target or target towards you. 15 secs cool down for storm on vanguard or force leap in jedis is just too short, it needs to be 30 or 45 secs. The force stun on other classes has 1 min cool down, 50 secs if talented, the force pull on shadow is 45 secs cool down. In that interval of time a jedi can jump 3 or 4 times. Either the length of the jump or the cool down must be reduced, at the moment is too long range with too low cool down, compared to other skills. i think 30 secs could make it more fair for the rest of the ppl. Currently if one team ends with two jedi or sith warrios and the other has none is like auto win for the jedi team......and its no fair, not at least with 15 sec cool down only and/or 30m range.



Sounds like the OP got owned by a Guardian who knew how to use his tools.


Considering how many stuns and knockbacks there are in this game, why are gap-closers suddenly an issue?


So being knocked back 5m from the goal-line is fine but somehow closing that gap instantly is unfair?

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And I am sure everyone could come up with two different skills.


People can come up with whatever skills they want, it would then be up to them to argue LOGICALLY why those skills are OP or not.


The arguments for keeping the skills in this thread however have been (for the most part) very poor.


For example... "Well if you take away skill A you have to take away skill BCDEFGH etc". That's not logic, it's hyperbole.

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Have you tied that on assasin tank while his deflection and force shroud up?


Try and come here and tell me how you made it.


Again, focusing upon the ball carrier is not always the correct way to counter. Blowing those three abilities will make them hard to stop for the 2 seconds force speed is up. He is not going to go from middle to goal line under those effects. If you play the field instead of focusing solely upon the ball carrier, you will be ready for either the eventual pass or to derail him once his force speed and shroud fade a few seconds later.


You guys act like those three cool downs suddenly mean he is going to score and there is nothing you can do about it.

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Huttball is a dynamic game. PUGs tend to play it very formulaically and thus have a low chance to win (even lower when facing a premade group that has voice chat).


Classes that have movement enhancement abilities while carrying the ball don't actually have that big of an advantage when both teams are correctly using tactics. It is when the defending team fails to properly organize and counter the score attempt that these classes have an extreme advantage because when facing a disorganized PUG, these classes are harder to counter. Of course, it's really no different than Football in that regard; if your QB drops a screen to the star HB when the defense commits 11, that HB is going to leave the D in the dust.


Pro-Tip: Never use CC on the ball carrier unless they are standing in the fire/acid or are about to score. I have a nearly 100% score rate on my sorcerer when my resolve bar is full before I get to the first fire pit.

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There's a difference between having a different role and just scoring more easily than other players.
Being a dedicated ball carrier and scoring a lot *is* the role, just like holding onto the flag and capping it is the role in other games.
Despite the whinig and trolling that leap to target skill has a ridiculously low cool down compared to other skills that pull/push or throw you towards target or target towards you. 15 secs cool down for storm on vanguard or force leap in jedis is just too short, it needs to be 30 or 45 secs. The force stun on other classes has 1 min cool down, 50 secs if talented, the force pull on shadow is 45 secs cool down. In that interval of time a jedi can jump 3 or 4 times. Either the length of the jump or the cool down must be reduced, at the moment is too long range with too low cool down, compared to other skills. i think 30 secs could make it more fair for the rest of the ppl. Currently if one team ends with two jedi or sith warrios and the other has none is like auto win for the jedi team......and its no fair, not at least with 15 sec cool down only and/or 30m range.
Putting Charge/Leap on a 45s cooldown would completely gimp JK's/SW's as it's pretty much their only gap closer.
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