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Clicker vs not?


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I'm a clicker, I just can't get the keys down. Key binding is much better and efficient when it comes to PvP and PvE. But it is what it is.


I've tried to key bind and I played for a few hours. Maybe if I had taken typing in high school, it would be easier for me, but I still hunt and peck when typing, so you can imagine me trying to play with key binds.

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Best tip is get a Naga, It will help you greatly once you get use to it. From there add more binds to your bored and get use to remembering the feel for them.


I will say though the naga can handicap you if your a poor on the bored (I cant use a bored and normal mouse to save my life anymore).

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I would like to use hotkeys, but how can I do that and still move? I have a standard keyboard and in order to use hotkeys with my left hand, I have to use my mouse with my right. That would leave me stationary, unless i'm missing something. I hope i'm missing something :D.
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Another alternative for hotkeys is a peripheral like the Rzar Nostromo pad for your left hand and a mouse with 5 buttons or even more with the Razr Naga. With that many buttons little in both of your hands you have a lot of abilities available. I still use a normal keyboard and 5 button mouse. Thinking about getting better peropherals myself though.
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I would like to use hotkeys, but how can I do that and still move? I have a standard keyboard and in order to use hotkeys with my left hand, I have to use my mouse with my right. That would leave me stationary, unless i'm missing something. I hope i'm missing something :D.


Inc: my standard post on this topic... ;)



My suggestion is to start out with a couple of mouse binds. Most people nowadays have a mouse with more than just left/right/middle; at the very least browse forward/back buttons. Bind a couple of your go-to abilities to the mouse thumb buttons -- a digit that's otherwise going unused.


[ That's why the poster above recommended the Naga: the right thumb (or left, if you're a LH mouse user) is pretty much the most underused digit in mouse/keyboard work, so multi-thumb-button mice really put it to work with no detriment to your current setup. I like the Logitech G700, but the mouse itself is user preference. ]



That'll get you used to using more fingers than just your clicky finger. From there, just branch out through trial and error until you find what's comfortable for you. It really is a matter of personal preference and comfort, the way your muscle memory is wired, potentially even the game and character you're playing.



Some general tips:





Many people default to using 1/2/3/4/5 (and frequently Q/E) because they're right above WASD. Like you, I find these less convenient because they do inhibit keyboard movement. I prefer to have most go-to binds on my mouse instead, only going to keys for less frequently-used or slower-casting abilities (particularly ones that require you to stand still anyway, since then it doesn't matter that you can't use the movement keys).




This is a big one: Don't remove your turn or strafe keys. Keep both.


Reasoning... (Bear with me, it's only logic but I have to fend off the ROFLKEYBOARDTURNERLOL crowd):


If you haven't already, you want to get used to moving both with the mouse alone (LMB+RMB to move forward) and with the keyboard alone. You also need to be able to switch the two seamlessly, on the fly. Preferably to the point where they just merge into one highly-flexible movement setup in your muscle memory, and you don't even realize you're mixing and matching the two all the time. Why?


- Mouse movement is great because of the speed and degree of control in turning. It also frees up the keyboard hand to mash keybinds. But you can't run backwards and you can't strafe.


- Keyboard movement is great because you can both turn and strafe and you can run backwards if needed. It also frees up the mouse pointer to select targets (or do other stuff). But you can't turn quickly and you can't use keyboard binds efficiently whilst moving with keys.


So both have benefits and drawbacks. You need both fully available in order to have full flexibility in movement. Don't let anyone tell you that 100% mouse movement is inherently superior, because they're moronic. (Just challenge them to a backward- or strafe-running race to prove it.) If you plan to PvE raid heal or PvP group/raid heal, you cannot function with mouse movement alone, period. Similarly, you don't want to be stuck running in straight lines whenever you're frantically selecting friendly targets in the raid window just because you succumbed to the "pro" tip of unbinding your turn keys and only have fwd/back/strafe on the keyboard. There are plenty of keys on the keyboard for other abilities. Don't unbind your turn or strafe keys. There is no advantage to it; you're only pointlessly hampering your movement.




My other major tip: try to switch from WASD to ESDF.


Reasoning: Your pinky is the other digit that goes largely unused except to hit Shift or occasionally Ctrl. Moving to ESDF frees up QAZ specifically for your unused pinky without reducing the number of keys other fingers can reach. (If you're a touch typist you'll also recognize that this places your left hand on the home keys by default, which is a bonus.)


And don't, under any circumstances, use the arrow keys or numpad for movement -- agh! People will claim they "do just fine" with those kinds of setups, but the fact is there are far fewer keys within easy reach of either. More pointless hampering of your own setup.



Edited by overfloater
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Currently I'm usin a logitech G500 mouse....which I have 5 buttons set on. Then use it to move and pan. Only thing I use a keyboard for is to hit right control button to talk on vent or to type a message in chat. Instead of using the keyboard for keybinds...I use a Belkin N52te keypad. Which Razer now makes, (new name for it...but forget what its called) and is updated now by Razer. I have 15 keys set on it, plus space bar for jump and I have the directional pad set to move forward and back, but all other angles plus left and right set to straffe, which is what I mainly use the directional pad for.


It works for me....tho I do plan on replacin the G500 for a naga in the future.;)

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Force yourself to use only keybinds and mouse movement from level 1. At first you only have a handful of abilities, so they are easy to remember. Then you can get used to keybinds for new abilities one or two at a time as you level up.


Once your muscle memory is properly trained, when you want to do something you just press the right key without having to think about it anymore. It's a pain when you decide later on to move some keybinds around though, you have to be extra careful until you become used to it again.


Some people tell themselves "I don't need keybinds to play at low level so I'll take care of it later", but it's a bad way to go about it as it makes the transition to keybinds much harder when you decide to do it. Better to get the habit at level 1 when it's easy to do.



As far as setups go, myself I like having a mouse with a couple of side buttons on which I bind strafe left / right. I then bind jump on the middle mouse button (ie clicking the scroll wheel), and then I can do all character movements with the mouse.


This way I can arrange my keybinds more easily on the keyboard because regardless of which keys I use pressing them never interferes with my character movements, as they are done entirely and only with the mouse.

Edited by Zlodo
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Force yourself to use only keybinds and mouse movement from level 1. At first you only have a handful of abilities, so they are easy to remember. Then you can get used to keybinds for new abilities one or two at a time as you level up.


Once your muscle memory is properly trained, when you want to do something you just press the right key without having to think about it anymore. It's a pain when you decide later on to move some keybinds around though, you have to be extra careful until you become used to it again.


Some people tell themselves "I don't need keybinds to play at low level so I'll take care of it later", but it's a bad way to go about it as it makes the transition to keybinds much harder when you decide to do it. Better to get the habit at level 1 when it's easy to do.



As far as setups go, myself I like having a mouse with a couple of side buttons on which I bind strafe left / right. I then bind jump on the middle mouse button (ie clicking the scroll wheel), and then I can do all character movements with the mouse.


This way I can arrange my keybinds more easily on the keyboard because regardless of which keys I use pressing them never interferes with my character movements, as they are done entirely and only with the mouse.




my question is how would you/i go about targeting a player in pvp via tabbing or the mouse ? i think ill start a trooper from 1 and try what you say. been playing a few mmos in the past few years. i don't suck bad but i have never really learned how to play more efficiently . could lead to good things

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Getting a snazzy mouse in and of itself is not a bad idea, but trying to bind everything to its million and 1 buttons, is a really bad idea. The naga is flat out a bad mouse (I could write a whole thread about why), the Mamba is much better. In any case, binding loads of stuff to the mouse is a bad idea. Show me any pro player using more than 2 keybinds on mouse buttons, they just don't. It's counter intuitive to use the same hand to move, attack, rotate camera, and leave the other hand just doing what, picking your nose?


If you really want to make a big difference to how many commands you can perform at one time (and are right handed), you need a logitech G13.


With that you can move while rotating the camera and casting all at the same time, using both your hands. You will get used to the G13 very quickly, and will soon wonder how you ever played MMOs without it.

Edited by foxter
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I used to be a vid clicker myself but with this mmo I swore to myself I will only keybind and you know what it didnt take more then 10 mins to get used to it. Think of it like using a new controller.


all i do is have "A" strafe right and "D" strafe left then bind keys around 'WASD" so i just bind my abilities to just "QERFZ" then use "Shift+QERZ" and then use "Ctrl+QERFZ" also i only keybind combat abilities things out of combat like revive or healing your self i just click

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I thought I played the same way most people did, but it seems I'm actually a small minority.

Nonetheless, I seem to perform exceptionally well, according to others, so I will share how I use key bindings:


Many of you have pointed out that it's difficult to use WASD and number key bindings at the same time. This is true, because you guys are trying to use the same hand for both.


By default, the arrow keys can be used for movement too.

So I just immediately started moving with my right hand; and using the mainboard number keys and TAB targeting with my left hand.


THE biggest barrier to this style is the mouse.

Many of you clickers will have trouble letting go of the thing.

Even I still use it sometimes, but in combat I use it as minimally as possible.


My left hand usually covers TAB, 1,2,3, and the space bar at all times.

My right hand uses arrow keys for most movement, and also a few high cooldown bindings on the right numpad.



*When I need to use the mouse, but keep moving, I slide one of my left hand fingers down, usually from 2 or 3, to hold the W key. I can continue to press 1 and 2 for base attacks AND continue targeting.*


*I do this usually to loot enemies or use abilities not covered by a key binding.



FINALLY there is some advanced bindings I use.

I set a second bar and map 1-5 again with the addition of the ctrl key

my right hand, already covering the arrow keys, has but to move 1 key left to use ctrl.

This works with Alt or Shift if you prefer.



So that is how I do it. I play on a 17.3 in notebook computer, so maybe the touchpad is an advantage at times. I do however also have an ordinary Microsoft mouse set up as well. I don't use one more than the other, but its there should I want it.


As far as I can tell the only sore spot is strafing, but with practice you can learn to adapt.

I'm not sure about this advanced mice. As many buttons as they have, they still keep a hand away from the keyboard; and I'd have to relearn to play MMOs.


***As I may have implied, i ONLY play MMOs this way. Fallout 3, Skyrim, Mass Effect, etc I use WASD and a mouse. To each their own, and I sincerely hope however you do it, that the keyboard is a boon, not a barrier, for your game play =D

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my question is how would you/i go about targeting a player in pvp via tabbing or the mouse ? i think ill start a trooper from 1 and try what you say. been playing a few mmos in the past few years. i don't suck bad but i have never really learned how to play more efficiently . could lead to good things

Tabbing, yes, although I don't use the tab key as I'm left handed and have my right hand on the keyboard. I use the space bar since it's always easy to reach and I'm not using it to jump.

Occasionally I stop and click on a specific enemy but generally tabbing is enough.

Edited by Zlodo
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Ultimately, key binding and using the mouse for movement and target switching is ideal. Clicking can still get you through the game and even raiding on high levels. However, a clicker will just never be able to do certain things because of their limited WASD movement.


A lot of people assume keybinding means no more keyboard movement. Untrue. I still use WASD for forward, left strafe, right strafe, and backpeddle (try to avoid at all costs). You really want to avoid turning with your keyboard as it's slow, inaccurate, and doesn't allow you to hit your keybinds while you're turning.


I started off in MMOs being a clicker and slowly transitioned into clicking almost nothing at all. It was a very gradual process and was uncomfortable at first, but I'm very glad I made the switch. Clicking now feels really clunky and restricting.


My suggestion would be to start out slow. Switch your strafe binds to A and D and completely unbind your "Turn Left" and "Turn Right" buttons. Put your favorite ability on an easy bind like Q, E, 1, 2, or 3. Soon I think you'll find you want to keybind more abilities.


While in the grand scheme of things Clicker vs. Keybinds is a personal choice, if you're looking to get the most out of your game and become the best player you can be, I would highly suggest starting to keybind. Nothing beats muscle memory (clicking is always relative to where your mouse is at any given moment, so there isn't much reflex involved) and the ability to freely move about the game space while using all of your abilities at the same time.


The ultimate test is that if you ever feel like you have to stop moving, turning, or doing anything to use an ability or if you're letting global cooldowns slip by because you're looking for that tiny little button you need to click, you should keybind.


Good luck!

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Ultimately, key binding and using the mouse for movement and target switching is ideal. Clicking can still get you through the game and even raiding on high levels. However, a clicker will just never be able to do certain things because of their limited WASD movement.


A lot of people assume keybinding means no more keyboard movement. Untrue. I still use WASD for forward, left strafe, right strafe, and backpeddle (try to avoid at all costs). You really want to avoid turning with your keyboard as it's slow, inaccurate, and doesn't allow you to hit your keybinds while you're turning.


I started off in MMOs being a clicker and slowly transitioned into clicking almost nothing at all. It was a very gradual process and was uncomfortable at first, but I'm very glad I made the switch. Clicking now feels really clunky and restricting.


My suggestion would be to start out slow. Switch your strafe binds to A and D and completely unbind your "Turn Left" and "Turn Right" buttons. Put your favorite ability on an easy bind like Q, E, 1, 2, or 3. Soon I think you'll find you want to keybind more abilities.


While in the grand scheme of things Clicker vs. Keybinds is a personal choice, if you're looking to get the most out of your game and become the best player you can be, I would highly suggest starting to keybind. Nothing beats muscle memory (clicking is always relative to where your mouse is at any given moment, so there isn't much reflex involved) and the ability to freely move about the game space while using all of your abilities at the same time.


The ultimate test is that if you ever feel like you have to stop moving, turning, or doing anything to use an ability or if you're letting global cooldowns slip by because you're looking for that tiny little button you need to click, you should keybind.


Good luck!


I was a clicker for the longest time as well. I've been playing MMOs since EQ launch, but never took the time to keybind until i had to when i played my first healer in Rift.


Fast forward to now. I picked up a Razer Naga a few months ago and it quite literally changed the way i play MMOs. I have every single ability mapped to a 1 to = key (or modifier + key.) My hand only leaves my mouse to type.


I still use wasd to move around as well, but my keyboard hand almost never leaves those 4 keys. Moving my pinky for a Shift or Ctrl modifier is about as much as my left hand moves when in combat. I can do everything else with my right hand. Talk in vent, select a convo dialog option, heal, switch hotbars to DPS, emergency target switch, start a fraps recording, etc.



I could never go back to being a clicker. I've seen the light.

Edited by RedhookAle
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Better start learning. No serious PvE or PvP guild will accept clickers. Just a word of warning.


There are plenty of of people who bind but are still garbage. The healer on my 3s team in WoW was a clicker, and we still got to 2300+. To this day, he's one of the bet healers I know, better than a lot of "Gladiators" that I've played with.

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